Page 100 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 100
De 1871 à 1931 inclusivement, chaque l'ecen- From 1871 to 1931 inclusively, a considerable
sement décennal montrait une diminution decrease in the percentage of the ruro.l popu-
considérable du poul'centage de 10. population lation ·was shown ut eaeh decennial census.
ruro.le. Les chiffres de 1941, au contraire, On the contrary, the figures for 1941 indicate
indiquent l'arrêt de ce dépeuplement des cam- that this depopulation of the country to the
pagnes au profit des centres urbains. Au benetit of urban centres has come to an end.
cours des dix dernières Mnées, lA population During the pa.~t ten years, the l'ural popula-
rurale s'est accrue de 161,142 comparativement tion increa.sed by 161,142 88 compared with
à 141,391 de 187n 1931. 141,391 from 1871 to 1931.
9-Répartition de la population urbaine de la province de Québec.
~Di.tributionof Urban Population of thé Province of Quebec.
LOCALIT:lî:S URBAINES Population POUl"cent.age-Percen laI! e
URBAN LOCALITŒS 1941 1931 1921 IIMI 1931 1921
Cit~........... Cili............ 1.615,568 J ,329,652 965,822 45.49 46.26 40.48
Villes .......•. TOWllll ........ 326,75~ 237,116 181,896 9.81 8.26 7.70
Village. (1) .. , .Villal!e. (1) ..•. 267,363 246,839 184,852 8.02 8.59 7.83
TOTAL ............ 2,109,684 1,W,IOG 1,322,&69 63..;l2 113.10
(1) La statistique provinoiale les villages dallll (1) Provi".iaL 8latistiœ cla.ssiIy villages in the ...lIal
la pallie rura,le avec les paroisses, les cantona et les autres section with parisbes, township. and other rUl"a' mu"ici-
municipali lés rural....
IO-Population rurale et urbaine du Canada, par provinces, 1871-1941.
IO-Rural and Urban Population of Canada, by Province., 1871-1941.
PROVINCES l' 1871 188t 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 t941
----'~__.!___~__...1....____!. ~_____...!.___._L____
1 le-du-P.-J!: ...... 80,149' !l5,6(J~ 9'1.S~ ~8,304 6'1. 522 1 67.6.;31 70,707
NO1I\'clle-~co""e. :1".;.718 377,030 37:l,40J 330,101 306.210 3!)fj, 7~ltt 2~1. W2 310,422
N.-Brun.",iclc. ... 23", ~iH 262.141 272, :;02 253,8:;" 2[):! ,3.f2 203.4:12 27U ,270 313.978
Qulloec ..... .... OH) ,66." %O,jl." 9So.S2ll 9111 ..,33 l.o:1s.n·j 1.0:J7 ,0,11 1,0Ol,O"fj 1,222,108
Ont,lll"io ... ..... l, 26! ,S;'·) 1,3"1.074 t ,2H;), :323 J .2,16. 9fi!l l, WIol,80,1 l, :l::!7 .0:10 1, ,1:1.;. O!ll I,HO,022
~[anitoh~....... 2·1,170 ,,2, Ole; IIJ .{OS 1:Yl.775 201,029 :~(jx, ;")O:l :JH·l.170 407,S71
Ssalmtche"·lill.... (1) (I) ~) ) n.O);; 361.0:17 6:\0.880 OOO,S'16
Alh0.rt,~ ......... (1) (1) 1) ,~4. "R~l 2:1(j.643 ~~:~~ 4;,:I.On7 489,5;;3
Colombie-Bri t.... :~2,gn 40,3K9 llO.945 1l8.'171l IS. ,7% 277.0\ll() ~JO.n2·1 374,467
Yukoo ........ (1) (1) (1) 1B.077 .j .647 2.870 3.~~
Terr.-du.N.-O.. .. 48,000 56.,146, !lS,967 20. I~g 6.,"U7, ~:~~i 9,3111 12,0_
CA~"'AnA.. 2,966,914 J, 215,30][3:296,141 3,351,D93 3,933,696 (2) 4,435,821 4,804,7:28 5,254,239
, 1
P.E.!.. . 7,872 I~.~g~ 14,2';5 14,970 1!),O'&J 20.3:!l.:o 2·1. ~·10
N. Scot.ia . 32,082 6,~.,)cl2 76.nU>i 18() 1 1~8 "27 0lIS 2:.ll,~1 W,540
N. Brun!~wick.. ;)0,213 m.on '18,1101 HfI ,ri-I? ï~4: 4·1 l' " ,(HO H~,423
Queuee . 27.1.8.'01 378,512 ·I!l .715 9H6,H42 1 ,32~,1,(.)11 1, in:1 ,O()(; 2, l()!),(j~'l
Ontario . 35;1,9\)7 .">75. 8 bV,nnS 1.;.H~$.4tiU l, 100 .~a~ 2,0\16.09.1 2.;1<:15.0:13
Mnnitobl\ . l, o.'j~ 10, 4~ 41,OOIi 200.:1fo5 2UI,rall 31.;.060 3:!1' ,~Ha
Saskatchewan, .•. . . . . . . .' 1····.· 131. aU5 ZIS.O.>!; 2!)0.\l(Jj ~~),~, _!'l~
A1bert.a , . • •• '" f 1 ••••••••• !:17,6l12 ~22.9(H 2ï8,50S ,)Of.,;')So
Brit. Columbia... 3,270 9,0701 37,228 20~ ,6tH 2-17,50.2 3tH,73Q 443,3!l4
Yuko" . 3.!i05 1.300 1,360 1.797
N.-West 'l'en 'I~: . .. ... ......... ,................. ..__._._._._.·_·_·_·I j +~__~
CA"AOA ... 122,343 1,109,501 1,5U,DiU 2,014,2221 3,272,947 4,,352,122 5,'512,D58 6,252,416
(1) Com[lri.e dAns 1 Tmrilol du Nord-O_t. (i) IncTuded in Nikt.l1wcst Tcrritorios.
(2) Marine Royale '''I1Il<1icnnc eOm t'ISO) dll 1 tut 1\1 (2) ltoya.1 C;'"Oa<1illn Navy in.eludcrl in J"1lm1
de la POpuJ~tion rurale.