Page 92 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 92
4-Superficie et densité de la population de la province de Québec, par comtés, (1)
4-Area and Denslty of the Population of th Province of Quebec, by Countie., (1)
SUP<lrfioie Augm. Ou diminution
en mill ... PopulaLion, 1941 Populntion
CÛMTÊ8 carrés Increase or DecreWJll
l\1UNWlPAUX 'I~~~----I-~~~---'I---~~---
P..r mille
MUNrcn'AL Totale {lB.rr~ 1
CûUNl'ŒS Aren in 1931 1921 1931-41 1921-31
Square 1 Total Per Square
Milee Mile
Abitibi ,.,.... 76,725 67,68i1 0.88 23,092 14,807 43,997 8,885
~rgenleuil............. 783 22,670 28.95 18,m6 17,165 3,694 1,811
Arth.nb...k... . .. . . . . .. . . 666 :10,039 45.10 27,150 24,848 2,880 2,311
BagoL..... 346 17,6.tZ 50. ml 16,914 18,035 728 -1,121
Beauce.... .. . .. . . .. . .. 1,128 48,073 42.02 44,793 40,~08 3,280 4,48;;
Belluharnoio ,.. 147 30,269 205.01 25,163 19,883 15,106 5,27~
Bellechasse. .. 6~3 23,0711 30.2(1 22,006 21,813 1,670 193
Berthier..... 1,81G 21,n~ Il.fia 19,500 20,509 1,727 -1,003
BOMvoIlLure , 3,41>4 :1ü.LUH 11.:32 32,432 29,092 6,764 3,340
Brome........... .. 488 12,485 25 .,58 ~;;',483031 13,381 5,05532 -948
Chambly..... 138 32,454 235.17 _u 21,924 4,8,~7
Champlain ' . 8,51W 68,057 7.93 59.&;2 601,034 8,10."0 5,1',,8
Cb"r1evoix-E.... 719 13,077 18.19 11,751 10,n:\ 1,32G 1,518
Charlevoix·-O.-W. l,JOU 12,585 8.41 11,189 10,473 1,2% 716
Chüle"uguay........... 265 14!,44~ 54.60 13,123 13,5f,7 1,318 -432
Cbi,.ou1irni............. 17,800 78,881 4.43 5~,724 37,578 23,157 J8.146
Comptoll.... .......... 933 22,1)57 24.61 21,917 23,271 ),040 -1,304
Deux-Montagn••-Two- 279 lij',H6 130.02 14,284 14,309 2,4(;2 -20
Dorcb~ler IMls 842 29.gU!J 30.47 27,994 20,788 J,il75 1,206
Drummond............ 532 3(1,6x:1 68.96 21;,179 19,975 10,.504 6,204
Frontenao.............. 1,370 28,5~U 20.87 25,681 24,O~0 2,915 1,591
Ga.'j1~-E. ' 2,3·'8 33,871 14 ·13 28,433 25,8!11 5,438 2,542
Gaspé-ü. -W. 2,lfI.'{ t2,397 5.64 0,2·12 7,;J,j7 9,156 1,86:1
Gatinenu.. .. .... 2,'132 29,754 12.2:1 2G,02:, 2:,,6!)9 2,82!1 1,226
Rull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13ll 41.43\ 2(\8. (l!J 3G,1H5 28,!J83 4,'189 7,962
Huntingdon 361 12,;194 3~ .33 12,340 13,174 49 -8211
Iberville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 W,273 51.88 9,402 9,2U9 87 J 103
Uc.-de-Ia-MadelcilleJsl's. \02 8,9~0 87 .65 7,U~2 7,127 998 810
Joliette.... 2,~U6 31,713 12.65 27,58~ 2~,913 4,128 1,672
K..rnoure.ak... .. .. .. 1,038 2,1,5:l5 2~. GO 23,964 22,014 1,581 1,940
LabeUe................ 2,3\)2 22,974 9.60 20,140 19,7:34 2,834 '06
Lae·1';t-,lean-E , 9U5 25,245 27.90 20,217 13,358 6,028 6,859
Lao-Kt-Je..n-O.-W. . .. . 22,818 39,U61 1. 7t 30,036 22,181 9,025 7,80~ 170 13,no 80.76 13,491 12,071 239 1,420
L'A••omplion . . . . . . . . . . 247 17,543 71 .02 1~,323 14,331 2,220 992
L>lval................... 93 21,031 232.59 16,150 H,DIJ5 fi,4.~1 2,H.1
Lévis. . ... ........ 272 38,119 140.14 35,656 33,323 2,403 2,333
L'l,let::............... 773 21J,58~ 26.64 19,404 17,8~9 1,185 l,MO
'Lotblmere ,. . . 726 26,664 36.73 23,034 21,837 3,630 1,197
M ....kirlOn~............ 2,378 18,2U6 7.66 16,039 16,253 2,167 -214
Mataoe. .. .. .. ... . 1.631 25,4~8 13.63} 45,272 36,303 10,142 8,069
MntapM' ,... 1,7.')1 29,926 17.09
Mégantie. . ...•..... 780 40,357 51.74 35,492 33,633 ',865 1,809
Miesis4uoi. ,... 375 21,412 67.18 19,O:J(; 17,709 l,BOU 1,927
Montcalm 3,894 15,2U8 3.91 13,~ti5 13,987 1,3~3 -122
Montm..gny............ 630 22,049 35.UO 20239 21,997 1,810 -1,758
Monl.morenoy, No 1.... 2,12(j 14,309 6.73 13:150 10,~OO 1,159 2,690
"lonLtnorency, No 2 ... ' 72 4,293 1 W.63 3,805 3,M8 488 257
:'>lo"trl:al. rIe-Island... . . 201 J,1I6,800 5':,55 22 1,003,RGS 72~,20.j 112,932 279,6133
Nap;erviUe ,...... 149 8,329 55.90 7,600 7,904 729 -3~
Nieolet.... 626 30,085 48.00 28,673 29.09~ 1,412 -1,022
PQpiueau. .. .. .. 1,681 27,,551 17.43 20,246 26,0~8 -1,695 2,688
Pontiao................ 9,1>60 19,852 2.08 21,241 20,271 -1,389 970
Portnew..... . . ..•.. 1,440 38.006 27.08 35,963 32,960 3,O~3 3,OU3
Québec.. .. . 2,745 21J2,882 73 .91 170,910 124,627 31,967 46,288
Richelieu,. 221 23,GUI 107.20 21,483 19,548 2,208 1,930
Richmond............. ~44 27,~93 60.54 24,960 24,007 2.537 889
Himouski.............. 2,08~ 4'1,2.13 21.17 33,161 27,520 Il,O~2 0,631
Hou.,ille 2~3 15,8~2 65.19 13,776 13,650 2,0l>() 120
Sagllenay , . . . . . . . 315,ri').6 3239,,~.lgJ79 0.09 2ê'.,\6 1 (2) Hl,GO:l 7,208 ~,'~~8"
Rhetl'ord ,... ." 7 ~8.88 2 g 62 20,73~ 6,125 u
Sherbrooke............. 238 46,574 195.69 87,386 30,78" 9,188 6,600
Soulanges..... . 131J 9,328 68.59 9,099 10,06~ 229 -966
8(..n,l""ù.............. 432 27,972 04.n 2~,118 23,380 2,85·1 1,738
Sc-Hyacinthe.... ,... ... 278 31.6'15 113.83 20,854 23,098 5,791 2,756
St-Jean-RI. John's...... 205 2lJ,584 100.H 17,649 14,219 2,935 3,430
8t.-l\h,urice..... ... . .... 1,820 80,3.52 44.15 69,U90 00,840 11,2.57 18,200
1'6miscnl1ti''t,ue.... .. .. . 8'~g 1~',m 4.51 2,~,~~~ 11,764 19,862 8,840
lli\~i,l'e-dll- .foUp ,. 47.71 "'7','I~l"3 } ",310 7,381 5,984
T~miscoult:f.a.....• ~.... l, Li] 23118~ :20.14 _ "1':l
Terrebonne............ 782 '1(;,8U4 ,~9.93 38,611 33,908 8,253 4,703
VaudreuiL .......... ,.. 201 J:J,170 6~.52 12,OI~ !l,5M 1,155' '60
Verchères.............. 199 14,21~ 71.·1'1 12,603 12,719 I,GI1 -116
Wolfe...... 680 17,492 26.72 16,911 18,181 581 -1,270
Y~m85k................ 360 16,5111 45.25 1 16,820 18,050 -304 -1,236
TOTAL..... .... 123.B60 3,331,882 6.36 2,874,662 (1)2.160,510 45T,220 514,152
(1) (1üfire!J re\·isé~. (r) Hùvisec1 figUl'e:l.
(2) La. popul:üinn do River Arro Clt Ri,qoi~l B1Lr Hnmil- (2) River Ann and Ri~oleL on Hamilton Inlet pnpu·
ton Inlet n '~t6 d(~dUile pal'c"" que ces teLTit.uirl?'~ ()nt ~té llltiutH:l lnwc hueD dcducted, as thœe parla wero awardad
oéd('.9 à Terreneuve. t.o Ncwfü:.lJIdl:jJ~d.