Page 197 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 197

180               SANTÉ PUBLIQUE- PUBLIC HEAL'l'H'
                                      4-Revenus du fonds de l'Assistance publique, 1944-46.
                                        4-Revenues of the Public Charities' Fund. 1944-46.

                                                                            11143-44  1944-45  !94;>-46

                            Amuseroenl.o: taxes et surtaxes  .  Amusements: taxes Bond s:urt8'X68. _.  $1,455.824  $1.429,170  gl,594,464.
                            Tue d'hôpital (sur 'epas)  .  Hospital, tax (~n.meala)  ,  .  1,697.476  1.481,544  1,676,163
                            CommiEjsion des LiQueurs.  .  Liquor Gomml~.:non.  .  1,000.000  1,000,000  1,000,000
                            COU,''": licences, d'Pite d'entli!e,  Races: r...ic~ruH!fj, entra.T1ce fees. "pani
                             pari mutuel et machine•........  mutnel" and ......•..•.  68,121  178.474  198,90ll
                            Divers.              .  Sundri••........................  215  245  1,440
                                   TO""1............•....................................  4,221,636  4,D92,433  4,47D,973
                              En 194M6, les dépenses du Fonds de l'A&-  In 1945--46, the expenditures of the Public
                            sistance publique se sont élevées à $11,440.643  Charities' Fund amounted to $11,440,643.
                            comprenant principaJ.ement $7,739,494 payés  Principal items are $7,739,494 paid to hospitals
                            aux hôpitaux et au !.res institutions pour l'en-  and oilier institutions for the maintenance of
                            tretien des indigents, $1,261,315 de subven-  indigents, $1,261,315 as  grant~ to meet
                            tions pour intérêts et fonds d'a.mortissement  interest a.nd sinking funds on loans and
                            sur emprunts et $1,426,104 de subventions  $1,426,104 long term grants.
                            à. long terme.
                              Ces dépenoos ont été acquittées à. l'aide des  These expenditures have been paid through
                            revenus décrits au tableau ci-dessus et s'éle-  ilie revenues described in the above table and
                            vant à. $4,470,973 et des contributions des  amountiog to $4,470,973, and through contri-
                            munieipaJités au montant de $2,795,570. Le  butions by municipalities amounting to $2,-
                            déficit net de $4,139,864 a été porté aux dépen-  795,570.  The net deficit of $4,139,864 has
                            ses ordinaires de la Province.       been carried ta ordinary expenditures of the
                              Le tableau auivant sur les résultats annuels  The following table on the annllal operutiog
                            des opérations de ce Fonds ne tient pas compte  resu1ts of this Fund does not include oontri-
                            des contributions des municipalités.  butions by muoicipalities.

                                   5--0pérations du fonds de l'Aesistance publique, depuis 1933-34.
                                       5--0perations of Publie Charities' Fund, sinee 1933-34.
                                ANNÈES       R.evenua                                       Défioi~
                                  -            -        Subventions  Annuitka et             -
                                                         et dive..   iDUr@t.s
                                YEARS        Revenue       -          -          TolAl      Deficit
                                                        Granta aDd  AonuH,icB and
                                                         Sundriea   Intc,,,,,te

                            1945-46..............  II 4,4ïO,972.84  S 7,3-19/,22.01  $ l ,261,:Jl4 .KI  S 8,610,836.82  S 4, 13(!,863. 98
                            1944---46.......•.....  4,002,133.20  6.715,80;;. n  l ,:j7:3,030. 68  8,08B,83G .41  3,996,403.21
                            1943-44.... , .........  g.221,(J3ll.a1  6,674,848.57  l ,3ï4.644 .74  7,04ü,493.31  2,827,857.00
                            11'142--43...............  3,1\67,694 .G:J  4.984,793.07  1,372.508.30  6,357,301.37  2,699.606.84
                            19'U-42 .............  3,318.484.39  4,838.394.19  1,387,932.3(;  0,226,326.64  2,907,842.15
                            1\140-4.1 (1) ..........  2,425,797.80  3.628,332.16 .  l, 100,(J97 .90  4,729,030.06  2.303,232.26
                            193~.•......... ,.  2,941,481.57  4,2S9,756.34  1,377,(J80.54  5,GG7,436.88  2,725,952.31
                            193&-39 .............  2,782.82';.49  3,687,890.55  1,356.473.35  6,044,363 .90  2,261,538.4]
                            1937--'l8 ....•..• , ....  2,G99,495.73  3,513,370.96  1,332,877 .46  4.846,2-17 .42  2,146,760.69
                            19311-37 .............  2,660.886.01  3,072,388.08  1,293,5B2.33  4,3(J5,\l70.41  1,706.084 .40
                            1931Hl6 ....•........  2,259,353.88  2,9(J2,613.11  1,296,450.58  4 ,Z5U.053. 69  1.999.709.81
                           111a4--'l5 ...... , ... , ..  2,395,775.0S  2,758,505.66  1,326,1l7.34  4,083,622.89  1,687.847.81
                           193H4 .......• _•...  2,453,196.34  2,920,252.07  l,3Ill.726.47  4,236,987.64  1,783,791. 20
                             (1) 9 moie eeuJement.                (I) Il montha only.
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