Page 149 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 149
57-Nombre de maisons, au Canada, par provinces.
57-Number of BuildingA, in Canada, by ProvinceA.
PROVINCES 1891 1901 HJll 1921 1931 1911 (2)
Ih>-du-Pr.ool1:douard ...Prince Edw. Island ... 18,389 18,530 18,237 18,628 18,521 In,71n
Nou..elle-l1:c0880...... No",," Scol.ia ......... 79,102 85,313 93,7!H 102,807 101,630 114,451
Nouveau-BrUWlwiok .. New IlruIl8wiok ...•.. 64,718 58,226 60,930 70,428 72,197 k~.12\l
Quôbeo.............. Quebeo....... , ...... 240,644 291,427 3~O,196 398,384 (1) 387,052 436.012 ................................. ~05,948 4-45,310 529.190 , 637,552 7415,889 779,7fi1
Mauiloba..... oo .....................•.... 30,790 49,784 85,720 117,541 134,603 149,206
SIIllImI.cbewan..•......................... .......... 17,465 118,283 163,B11i 192,752 206,291
Alberta ...... ' ... _...................... .......... 14,842 87,672 136,125 W5,36fi lH!)J~85
Colombie-Brit......•. Brit. Columbia....... 20,016 36,938 74,677 1lll,003 166,216 207,120
CA1<AOA oo , 1S8,6117 l,OIB,015 1,408,&19 1,164,12\1 1,984,286 2,181,564
(1) L'inelus.ion dœ ploin-picd comme cl . ifiratioo (1) Tbe inolu.ion 01 "lIals" aa a dislinctive ellllloifioa-
distinctivc l en 193J, expliqup. la diJI61"enCe entre les tian in IIl31, c~l'Iains lb. differenee beiwoon lhe 6gurea
ohiffTf';6 d~R deux derniers recensl'wenfa. (OT the IMt two cenf:iusee.
(2) Chiffre. revia6a. (2) Revised liguroo.
58~MaiAon8, logements, ménageA, familles et personnes dans lu famille8, par
provinces, en 1941.
58-Buildings, Dwellinga, Hou8eholda, Familiea and Person8 in Familie8, by
Provinces, in 1941.
Logem.nto-Dweltings Famille. Enfanta
Mai.ona Ménage•. - dl1n. la
PROVINCES (1) VaO!Lüta 1O~"~"';" - Families famille
Buildings - Bouse... (~
Vacant Po"'::dé. 1 ~éa holda 1Par~nes Cbil ren
Total ihFamily
Owned Reuled PeTl;ODS
ne-du-P.-E. ........ :1 15,512 555 J,1,771 Il 1,376 15.310 1·1, 541 61,929 3C535 .......... 70,378 3,315 n:m, 11,068 70,104 55,61a 271,6:,:1 J:l1,781
61,697 2,5~.j Il,268 62,278 62,101 282,n7 l!i2.(j55
N.-Brunewiak, .. " .. 1
Quéhee.............. 217 ,308 8,367 177,242 1 35,330 218.653 212,722 1.117.715 6['7.1:,8
Ontnrio............' 35!. 770 12.813 251, n30 102,32:~ 303,2:,8 335.2.10 1.260,123 567,971
Manitoba .......... 111,570 1.405 66 ,8S9 24,4[.3 Wl,!'l78 86.6:38 30(1,034 184,807
Saskatcbe...all....... HO,266 4,76·1 99,9;17 3.1,45ï 137,347 122,24!l 537 ,06~ 28:J,650
Alberla ............ 118,872 2,853 89,31H 27.058 118,209 101,463 428,041 220,679
Colombie-Dril....... ' 106,503 3,358 69,400 34,fi03 106,639 87,327 308,393 UJ3,I94
CA.NA'O.6. .•••••. 1,173,906 40,052 875,659 282,926 1,134,67& 1.081,884 4,&33,663 2,36&,410
P.-E. Island•...•.... 4,177 98 498 2,434 5,1.22 5.049 20,121 /, 9.625
Nova IScotlB.......... 4:4.073 5:l.:3 , 1 27,S99 1. 26,730 58,237 57,9·18 228.049 , 108,170
N.BruIlJlwiok........ 21,732 3\17 1 11,785 , l!l,216 32, SU 31.378 121,413 1 06,349
Quebee............. 218,704 5,954 1 JlO,I'16 321,811 4~4.773 435,2"24 1,820,113 888,733
Ontario ............ 427,981 8,651 1 2l\1.~73 2!l:!,168 006.009 573,074 1.975,670 1 !W2,327
Manitoba .......... 57,0:l6 937 1 a·l.9'\7 37,366 &1.3lH 79,611 270,572 106,287
&akal.ehewan....... 66,025 1,704 34.6:lS 1 ~7,O.'i 77 .•;92 67,894 247,924 111,362
A1berla............ 66,713 1,187 1 a9,102 8a,f,87 74,281 259,~~~ 100,936
Brit. Columbi,. ..... 100,617 2,503 ~~:~ ,i5,765 12().408 112,056 360,71 , 113,372
CANADA ••• 1,007,658 21.956 l' 511·,8&1 832,703 l,5U,4U '11,437,415 5,304,323 2,32&,161
Ile-du-P.-E.. oo ....... 19,719 753 16,269 i 3,810 20,432 19,590 82,050 41,160
N.-teo.oe.......•.. 114,4;j1 3,1140 85.386 37,7!)S 12M,(l41 123.561 199,682 242,951
N .-Brunswiek•... _, . 83,429 2,922 61,:ln7 :lO,484 g·j.5oo 93,479 40-1,140 200.001
8uébeo... oo ......... 436,012 1·1,321 287,388 3il7,141 6(j3,426 tiF, ~l-l6 2, 9~7, 828 l,54ô,R71
nturÎo •..••......• 779,7,il 21,404 .)13,903 395,491 267 909,210 3, 23.'i, 793 [,370.298
Manitoba ... , ...... 141l,206 2,342 lOt ,836 6f ,819 969' 1 11\6,:l'19 636,606 291,094
Saskatchewan....... 206,291 6,465 1:H,~75 72,.598 214,9:i') 190,1:l7 784,992 395,012
A1berla ............ l/;.~ ,580 4,0'10 127,026 66,2:l0 201, 796 . 175,744 687,ni 330,615
Colombie· Rri t....... 207,120 5,861 129,HO 96,2Gk 236,047 199,383 669,171 266, ."56.
2,181.564 62,001 1..457,52& 1,115,&29 2.70&,08' 2,525,299 9,937,91& 4,&n,5n
) MaillOns aervant d'habitatloIl8 aoulemenl. (1) Buildillg)l uoed Ior habitation orny.
) 24 ans ou moins. (2) 24 yean; ,,'nd unrler.
~uili~,.. '<OCe7l.I..,,,,,,1 du Canada, B\!1Ietln HF-3. EighlJo Cen31U 01 Canada, Bulletin No. HF4.