Page 144 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 144

OCCUPATIONS                             127
                          52-Gainfully Occupied (1) of the Province of Quebec, by Occupation Groupa
                                                     and Counliea, 1941.
                                      T~~"c;~~~l"     !         SERVICE
                                     muoi[!uLions  Commerce I~-----'I------,,-----I  Commis
                                        -      el finance       Prole;éÔtlo-      de bureB.u  Journaliers
                           Construction  Tro.napOT1.-  -          Del                        (4)
                                      atioD and  T'rade ..nd  Total                Clerical  Labourees
                                      Commuui-  Commeroe  (3)    Prole.-  Personal
                                       .o.ation..r;   1           t:tional
                                  6!)7    839     1,055    2,571     S31J   1,559     ~9       1'!t8 -
                                  504     389      4tH     1,311     '10'1    826·    346      842
                                  444     347      658     1.389     572      754     346      721
                                  161      109     239      630      303      2115     76      319
                                  557     401      770     1,g78     77ti   1,096     221      455
                                  907     712      b30     1,965     743    1,026     576     2,179
                                  231     21l      301     1,177     643      586      58      177
                                  2Sg     323      423     1,001     394      551     116      342
                                  238     418      426     1,463     45'1     908     J57      586
                                  157     217      230      720      217      426      56      281
                                  g21     g48     1.171    2,372     g18    1,241    1,g33     650
                                1,276    1,507    1,434    3,254   1,195    1,8!)4    701     1,773
                                  181      345     210      670      194      434      60      214
                                  125      317     l~H      733      397      281      32      113
                                  203      1!!5    344      807      348      407     211      419
                                2,083    1,391    J,6n     3,b05   1,755    1,938    1,053    4,274
                                  208     326      308     1,011     402      538      lll5    378
                                  304      199     371      015      45]      401     312      271
                                  174.     2J3     320      979      367      567      01      20J
                                  571     440      rJ~  1  1,656     521    1,036     561      981
                                  172      373              9:;7     358      534      116     347
                                  30.1    413      478     1,,1,82   450      g2-'!   166      5g0
                                  JO!!     192     128      t,hO     149      392      48      ]35
                                  32!i    ·120     457     1,J3:.!   414      !)92     408     528
                                  8tH      ~,)O   1,378    2 ,8~l5   817    1, 761   1,347    1,686
                                  190      119     207      5[)2     177      3.<;4    63      280
                                  187      146     190      43!)     208      1Ü5      gg      141
                                  .:);!    108     112      367       78      2fi2     17      241
                                  520      549     gOI     1,683     799      78:1     311     871
                                  2()2     305     355     1,342     570      710      82      442
                                  170      26      317     1,033     357      620      84      451
                                  4~~      . 01    431      976      340      572      174     64!)
                                  367      450     521     1,407     558      764     202      085
                                  552      1fl9    213      021      2!H      32-1     101     538
                                  355      232     306      t)75     3'39     4!l3     g9      741
                                  672     ;185     705     1.770     157      90.;    481      427
                                1,08fi   1,300    1,082    2,696   1,144    1,3:>8     824    1,(JO!)
                                  l~       290     199      822      286      494      63      264
                                  2J2      327     30g      840      322      468      58      422
                                  19.~     186     328      780      305      427      107     276
                                  20'1     2g0     383     1,120     303      703      HO      594
                                  290      340    1,076     299      705      Jog      340    5,072
                                  434      715    2,214     67!l    1,438     3:;0     397    4, B<l2
                                  4.17     4~1    1,088     342      643      3-13     918    2,312
                                  F,a      Ig7     07g      241      408      63      M5      2, ~a;l
                                  3:18    .1[ 1    928      311      566      148     435     3,2~4
                                  2~l2     29R     bl8      305      459      108     286     1,448
                                  51       53      202       08      114      21       60      755
                                38,163  60,19!!  101,634  33,180   5g.961   60,159  33,414    4,480
                                  79       70      135      281      132      138      5t      123
                                  2g2      2.ïS    426     1,426     782      757      113     336
                                  357      3(;:1   '170    l,54!)    H7     1,023     193      725
                                  151     278      23,)     915      280      573      115     349
                                  572      741)    titi7   1,844     [,ÛS   J,163     228     l,05g
                                5,314    6,~lt,   8,!~0   20,245   7,.177   10,843   8,518    7,271
                                  830     627      ;10)3   1,212     470      087     367      800
                                  40g      MO      SSI     1,261     452      736     400      860
                                  503      702     H08     2,588     1l5!)  1,027     371     1,178
                                  374     6.12     7U4     1,697     500    1.054     275      904
                                  282      IlL!    3J8      854      388      428      163     j!)O
                                  2Hl     50!)     312     1,083     283      680     168      462
                                  469      350     848     1.487     !i56     8'19    513     1,706
                                1,087    1,103    1,979    4.014   1,446    2,32.';  1.525    1,g43
                                  137      297     161      459      J50      285      69      337
                                  421      34.0    670     1,545     485      940     41.3    1.132
                                  670     430      998     2, M8    1,541   1,010     4SS      835
                                  603     397      6H      1,333     418      748     4sa      430
                                1,971    1,674    2,44.'5  5,703   2,320    3.036    1,785    3,167
                                  574     .141     810     l.g58     (l~5   1. J36    -122     8-;18
                                  170     22lJ     217      752      2-'!(l   409      79      415
                                1,368      15     1,092    3,022     937    1, 915    840     2,226
                                  254      2l>1i   395     1,033     455      536     199      417
                                  293     l'       27g      666      320      312     116      293
                                  13)     181      22-,     530.     236      Z4.7     43      123
                                  20~     249      :..'71   076      ;112     :UO      34      180
                                70,291  76,086  109,273  22.(,833  79,044  129,242 1  97,927  91,571
                             (L) 14 Y(~fLl"'8 of nge and ovcr, locludlJIJ: Pilfl!Ums on ActJve 8111'vL"'1! nt. \Ile- dnl.L of the Ct..:I1..,Uh.
                             (2) ~ndu:_h:1:l püra<1n:l with oecupa.tion not Rl-;lted and persons in i~tillitJonti M, J;ninfuJ occnpat,ion prior
                          ta commltn:wnt,
                             (3) A '"'0 includes pe~uns in "Public·' aud 'IRecn...::Üionol" servieo.
                             (4) Inch,ù,," tabou"'r; in ail industries e.~cept Ul'TÎr'ulture, fish;ng, Jogging "nd mining.
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