Page 154 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 154

1)11 A ISONS, ETC-BUILDINGS, ETC.                 137

                          61-Description of Occupied Dwellings in the 26 Cities of the Province of Quebec,
                                                         1941 Censui.

                           P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.    P.C.
                            30.9 ·100.0  100.0  100.0  15.2  73.0  92.6  17.6  14.7  38.2   6.9  1
                            13.0  94.7  0:1.8  99.0  4.3  44.2  88.5  18.2  2·1.9   ]3.9    4.3  2
                            12.4  99.6  99.6  100.0  28.0  35.3  92.0  20.5  18.0   14.6    5.0  3
                            34.7  US.5  \}9.i;  15.3  92.8  88.2  24.0  33.8  21.6   4.4  4
                            26.5  97.2  !I7.2  07.9  11.6  69.0  R2.0  19.7  25.7  ]9.0     6.7  fi
                            25.]  OS.7  98.7  98.7  0.9  67.8  00.3  7.7    27.7   '21.9    3.2  6
                            16.2  98.1  8t1.4  ()8.0  34.0  77.7  lla.8  18.2  20.6  10.6  4.7  7
                            ]3.6  99.0  (IU.6  nU.5  10.0  91.7  81.2  16.1  35.9   9.4    4.5  8
                             lU) ]00.0  100.0  100.0  54.3  07.1  02.8  19.7  21l.3  ]6.8   5.3  9
                            31.5'  92.8  92.8  100.0  11.7  57.a  IlO.5  23.2  43.6  18.2  9.9  10
                            .~O.4 100.0  100.0  100.0  20.3  87.7  02.9  24.8  53.2  43.3  ]7.0  Il
                            36.4  99.8  m}.8  99.7  80.7  90.1  !lil.5  15.7  44.9  28.2   8.8  12
                            94.1 100.0  100.0  100.0  92.4  97.&  95.1  41.4  63.6  31.2  13
                            33.4  99.7  \}9.6  99.5  44.8  64.9  80.5  ]9.4  54 .3  23.9   9.9  14
                            31.7  99.3  96.8  93.0  4.2  42.9  79.2  21.5   36.8   13.0    7.6  16
                            14.7  95.1  94.4  99.3  15.4  83.0  83.7  ]8.6  ao.o   a.o     4.2  16
                            18.6  ~0.7  99.7  99.7  12.7  77.5  84.6  21.1  36.3   20.3    8.6  17
                            37.1  M.l  98.6  98.9  52.4  78.6  90.7  27.1   49.0   29.0    12.6  18
                            11.6  05 ..~  00.0  98.2  6.9  69.9  88.6  12.7  26.8  13.6    6.5  19
                            23.0  119.7  00.7  99.7  28.6  87.5  88.8  18.4  26.9  17.4    6.9  20
                            30.5 100.0  99.2  98.6  23.6  75.5  91.2  21.9  45.4   26.9    10.8  21
                           100.0 100.0  100.0  100.0  64.7  99.a  96.7  32.7  79.3  63.3   23.9  22
                            25.6 100.0  100.0  100.0  6.7  26.7  90.0  27.9  23.11  14.6   7.6  23
                            22.7  98.1  98.1  98.9  40.3  74.5  88.8  19.9  44.7   24.0    8.4  24
                            17.9  09.9  90.9  99.8  88.4  96.4  02.7  17 .9  39.4  36.6    7.3  25
                            90.8 100.0  ]00.0  100.0  97.4  99.2  95.3  41.9  91.8  73.9   37.3  26
                            62-Moyennes et pourcentages nationaux et provinciaux relatifs aux maisons
                                           de ferme canadiennes, recensement de 1941.
                                 62-Dominion and Provincial Averagea and Percentages related to
                                             Canadian Farm Homes, 1941 Census.
                             Moyenne de
                                                           PourceoLage de--Percentnge of
                             Average of
                                        8.s            .,          Principal  Principal oombustibJe
                                        .l ~"i   ~     & o~ -S  ~  combll_"t_ib_J_e__I~  d.,.e_c_.\_lj~_s_o_n-:-__ 1
                                        ;'§ 'A~ <.~    ]'C ~ '~-I
                                        g1j  El ~ ~ ~ ~ gj  4>  ~ ~  ..  Bois  Churbon Ga. ou  Boie  ~-
                                        ~ e- 1 g 0 ~; 1 g,c g~ 1 :;; !3 1 ., Pr'  . ..i h.  fJ~ai- 1-----'----
                                        "8.  {l,.~ ~ ~  00 ... 1" ".., -g  10Clp  eatl"ll  _  Priocipal oooldog
                                        .:."  i5 ~  ~  '~.~:.5  0   fuel    G~~e or  fuel
                                            1= 1:l J"4 ii}
                                                         l'Q ~ Il' ---~
                                        :5 ~ ~   ~     ~   ~     Wood  Coal  tricity  Wood 1 Coal
                                        ~   Cl
                                          P.C.   P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.  P.C.
                            7.3  4.8  1.5   9S.9   97.7  0.6  98.6  88.1  10.9  ....  95.0  5.0  1
                            7.2  4.6  1.6   96.2   96.6  0.6  99.0  90.2  8.7  0.6  93.3  6.0  2
                            6.8  5.5  1.2   94.5   96.8  0.7  97.7  98.3  1.0  4.5  96.2  0.3  3
                            6.2  6.0  LO    94.2   95.2  4.7  89.8  96.1  2.5  lli.O  83.7  0.6  4
                            7.0  4.2  1.7   85.7   O~.5  27.6  59.0  75.5  10.7  13.1  80.4  5.3  5
                            4.6  4.7  1.0   BO.5   98.8  3.6  90.1  80.9  12.1  1.6  96.6  1.8  6
                           4.2  4.4  1.0    77.7   98.7  1.4  90.3  63.0  35.8  1.7  72.6  25.3  7
                           4.1  4.3  1.0    83.8   98.4  0.9  90.5  57.0  42.0  1.2  71.7  27.0  8
                           4.6  3.8  1.2    85.6   97.S  1.2  94.2  94.7  2.4  1.9  96.8  0.5  9
                         ------                            --                               -
                            5.7  4.7  1.2   86.4   97.2  8.7  83.3  78.8  19.1  7.3  82.1  10.0  10
                            BuP"Hn prMimù",iT< No 31.         Pra"m;n<>rll Bullelin No. Si.
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