Page 69 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              37

              the convent at St.c. Famille, Island of Orleans, founded by Margucrite Bourgeoys in
              l085 (April 7tb).  Inaug;uration of the School of Pottery al. Chicoutimi (June 8th).
              Oulbreak of war bctween Germuny and Russiu (June 19t.h). Jean D6sy I1ppoint.ed
              Canadiun Minister to Brazil (July 21sl).  J unetiou of the pipe-line eonstructed
              between Portland and Montreal (August 19th).  Opening of the Eucharistic Congress
              at Thrce-Itivel's (August 20th). Inauguration of the eonstruction works of a faetory
              for the manufacture of bect sugar at St. Hilaire, Couuty of Rouville (September 25th).
              Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justicc and Member for Quebec-East in the House
              of Commons since 1919, after having represented the County of J(l1mouraska. during
              fifteen yeurs, dieù at Montrcul (November 26th); a nutioual funeml w~ held in the
              Church ofSt-Roch, Quebce, Ilot which were prcsent men of the highest rank throughout
              Canada (November 29th).  Hon. Pierre-F. Casgrain, ta be a Puisne judge of the
              Superior Court.  Inaugllru.tion of lW aerial service between Montreal and Quebec
              (December 22ud).                              . of Clarence Gagnon, renowned French Canadian pa.inter (Janllary 5th).  Hon.
              Sévérin Letourneau appoiuted Chief Justice of the Court of King'" Bench (January
              9th).  Nomination of four new Legislative Councillors: Messrs. Jules A. Brillant,
              Gordon Hyde, Frank Connors and Ilobert Ness (January 14th).  Visit 1..0 Montreal
              of Prince Olaf and Prineess Martha of Norway (January 10th).  The 7,850 tons
              Canadian Passenger Liner Lady Hawkins torpedoed in t.he Atlantic (January 27th).
              Empress of Asia torpcdoed (Februury 5th).  Federal by-eleetions: Hon. Louis Stephen
              St-Laurent elected in Quebec East and Dr. Gll.spard Fauteux: in St. Mary's-Montreal
              (February 9th).  Death at Quebec of Mgr. L. A. Puquet, eminent Theologian (Feb-
              mary 23rd).  Death of Hon. Senator Raoul DiLndumnd (March 12Lh).  Abolition
              of tolls on Provineial bridges (March 31st).  Sudden deuth of Hon. Senator J. H.
              Rainville (April 15th).  A plebiscite on the question of relieving the Federul Govern-
              ment of its promise not ta impose eonseription fol' service oversea.s; in the Province
              of Quebec, 71 p.c. replied in the negative (April 28th).  Resignution of the Hon.
              P. J. A. Cardin, Federal Minister of Public Works (May llth).  First cargo vessel
              torpedoed in the Gulf St. Lawrence (May llth).  Creation of the Department of
              Maritime Fisheries (May 13th).  Celebra.tion of the 3rd Centcnary of the Foundation
              of the City oC Montres.! (May 17th).  The Legislative Assembly of the Provinee of
              Quebec expresses itse1f na being fi,gainst cOnBcription for service overseas (May 20th).
              Creation of the Institute of Music and Dmmutic Art of the Province (May 29th).
              Visit to Quebec of the Grand Duchcss of Luxembourg and her husband, Prince Félix
              de Bourbon Parme (May 30th).  Hon. Léon Casgruin appointed Attorney General
              (June 11 th).  Death of Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, former Lieutenant Governor (June
              17th).  MI'. René Thébcrge, K.C., of Montrefi,l, uppointed Judge of the Court of
              Sessions of the Peace Cor the district oC MontreuI (June 17th).  Blessing of the new
              VictorilWiJle Col/ege by H. E. Mgr. Lafortune, Bishop of Nicolet (.Iune 21s!.).  Death
              of Hon. Dr. A. V. Roy, LegisJutive COllncillor (June 23rd).  Visit ta Montreal of
              King George of Grecce (June 29th).  Commodore V. G. Brodeur pl'Omoted ta Rear-
              admiraI (July 2nd).  Visit to Montreal of King Peter II oC Yougoslavia (July 10th).
              Rationing of tea and coffee (August 3rd).  The Dieppe expedition in which the
              Rcgiment Fusilliers Mont-Royal distinguished themselves (Angust 19th).  The
              Cunadian Corvette Charlottetown sunk whiJe eseorting a con voy (September 8tb).
              Five vessels torpedoed iu the Waters of the St. Lawrellce (September 14th).  Ter-
              centenary of the foundation of Sorel (September 20th).  Inauguration of the school
              of Electrical Engineering, Laval University, Quebec (September 23rd).  Sudden
              death of the Chief Justice oC the Superior Court, Hon. R. A. E. Greenshield (Septem-
              ber 28th).  Three new French Call1ldian Ministers in the King cabinet: The Honor-
              ables Ernest .Bertrn.nÙ, Major General L. IL Luflèchc and Alphonse FOlll'l1icr (Octobel'
              7th.)  Germany put.s in irons 1,376 Dieppfl prisoners (October 9th).  The new
              buildings of Montreal University open to studflnts (Octoher 14th).  Anno\lneement
              of the diseovery of a deposit of molybdcnum in the township of Pl'CiH.o;<!C (Octobcr
              23rd).  George Beurling, Canadian aviatnr who distinguished himsc1f at Malta,
              triumphantly acelaimed at Montreal (Nov()mber 10t.h). The efJrvotte Oa.kville
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