Page 264 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 264
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1936-37 2,203 2,926 2,306 3,715 3,791) 653 443 4,142 579 317 4,222 2,811 20 4,058 32 2.125 2,7M 484 706 565 1,916 1.593 213,304 361 1.439 3,541 17,109 3,132 935 9 1.758 6,844 2.386 1,381 8,237 4,686 1.814,934 2,122,421 218 _ 2,122,203
1 S 2.6401 454 562 309 408 40 3,60.'\ 144 400 546 590 1 1.';.58 247 1,102 3,978 455 87 2,038 2,642 8,075" 1.012+ 1
1 1935-36 $ 2,271 2,564 4,494 3.491 2.680 5,251 2.969 1,5.11 2.372 1,273 198.653 2,602 15,790 6,231 2,131 4,357 l,750'13911'773,886 2,0&2,4(lG 543 1--- 2,049,4n]2,061,394
1934-35 1,466 2.391; 2,279 4,537 4,032 437 512 2.395 506 365 4,573 2,804 20 3,648 295 1,32.5 2,234 366 496 518 1,170 1.328 212,580 181 1.287 2,561 15,210 3,815 750 134 1,831 6,591 2,893 1,714 7,756 4.877 2,050,020
licences. ;; 1,9831 2,9S1 1,653 5.770 4.831 351 750 2,183 409 287 5,228 3,169 110 4,137 187 1,524 1,595 153 602 380 833 1,439 209,152 455 1,268 1,563 15,100 3.794 788 158 2,061 6,904 2.753 1.953 8,7.';3 4,484 339 1
des Licences. 193~4 S 1.245,569 1,545,316 l,W4,9n
et and 1932--,'33 3,004\ 2,703 1,766 4,226 4,108 330 675 2,219 244 196 4,532 3,337 122 4,870 434 1.313 1,853 307 715 885 822 1,747 203,660 396 1.193 696 17,,>86 3,245 1,23li 138 1,666 6,905 3,014 1,892 7.61~ 4.42,1 1,300,000 1,593,289
alcooliques Act S 2,6141 3,540 2,2Q7, 4'S"Hj 4,906 484 1,103 2,489 346 189 5,910 3.809 100 4,657 1,228 1,354 1,988 946 668 809 896 2,190 209,198 615 1,499 414 18,231 4,647 967 168 2,905 7,369 2,903 2,312 8.039 6,263 2,000,000 1 2,nJ.,9S8
liqueurs Liquor 1931-32 S 3,7281 3,630 4,060 4,833 5.459 827 728 4,507 527 303 5.730 3.701 120 8,004 877 1,792 2,942 777 1,065 1,032 1,704 ."l.5S7 238,562 90b 1.311 564 23,449 5,024 1.327 227 3,139 V,4G3 3.921 2,418 8,223 5,946 2,132,612 _._-- 2,492,841 of Quebee.
des Akoholic 1930--31 S Prooi,,"
Loi the 6,0141 5,583 4,733 4,984 4,824 609 1,468 4.040 557 332 5,746 3,591 16 5,106 1.867 3,319 1.593 1,409 1,084 1,083 870 3,768 260,439 3,155 1,666 1,019 24,838 4,867 1,563 267 3,432 11,701 4,305 2,541 7.969 8,512 2,m,GU '1 1933-34,
la 1929-30 1.849,781 ......... of 'he
de under ;; before Acco'u'lts
vertu 192&-29 3,5101 4,934 5,137 5,191 5,R% 492 659 4,745 271 366 7,782 3,415 277 3,759 1,621 1,383 2,834 1,351 1,235 755 1,843 2,278 284,920 994 1,412 295 40,104 4,095 1,663 263 3,047 13,919 4,669 3,680 7,163 8,193 1.500,000 1,934,133 . , ,
en Dutles $ 177 22 1 Revenue, P"bl'ic
droits from 1927-28 3,6071 4,385 3,965 4,763 5,528 856 4,198 359 267 6,434 3,796 4,358 744 1,512 2,546 989 293 550 1,389 3,2';1 193,575 769 1,709 196 2l),488 3.355 1,278 138 3,757 10,214 4,063 2,753 6,948 5,787 1,500,000 1,809,009 of instclld lrom
des $ 4,0671 3,700 4.570 4,792 4,571 255 801 4,930 401 300 6,597 3,120 12 3,824 705 1,499 2,020 1,597 863 968 1,297 2,010 150,IM 519 1,764 313 20,291 3,015 1,092 80 3,809 11,259 3,534 2,642 6,242 5,406 1 Qulbec.-Enract
provenant Derived (1) 1926-21 $ 455 823 209 162 23 603 689 6t\{) 732 365 400i 1.200,000 1,472,029 1 193J.-34.-Receipts d.
(1) 192&-26 2,1261 $ 4,129 4,227 4,,374 4,609 2,960 5,490 2,637 3,458 1,266 2,409 1,320 1,382 1,448 152.334 1,455 20,005 3,123 1,037 2,958 11.336 4,,001 2,296 6,767 5,156 1,581,877 1,839,394 avant provinee
Revenu 8-Revenue ,1 ... .. , . . . , . .. ... .. .. . . ... ... West.. ' : ... . . . . ::::: . . .. '.::"::::1 UD- Liquorl ,.. . , . . . . . la de
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8 ,' ,., '. . . . . . . . Jobn :.:::.:::::::::.:::::.. .. . . . . . . . . ..,.' ::: .. Licence the der Law d. lieu
DISTRICTS , ,. " . ' . . . . . . .. ,., , , Labelle-Nord-North.... . . . . .. EllSt. , , .. " , , ln do Rembouraements-Reimbursements nu Compte. des
, .. . . GasJ>é-Est-Ell.St.. gru~~est.: TIes-de-la-Madeleine-Magdalen , , Labelle-Sud-8outh.... St. St. Lac-St-Jean-Est-Lake Lac-SWean-Ouest-Lnke k;a~~~~e:: : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : .... POlltiac-OUest-West. . ~~~ü:::.::::::::: 1F~~~i~:::::::-: , :r=-%~k:~Th~ce' jl.i~~~~." Droits en. liqueUI'Jlal- vertu co
Abitibi.... Artbabaska, , Beauce., Beauharnois, . . Bedford Bonaventure. Cbarlevoi.:J: Chicoutimi.. . Iberville, Joliette Kamoursaka tl~~t.:F.~ Nioolet.... Rimoueki., Témiscouata. des Loi (1)