Page 113 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 113

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                 d'enfante  Cbildren  par  r.~lle  per  1 F:mIily  2,99  2.97  3.2,3  3.5,';  2.50  2.01  3.14  2.83  2.33  2.92  3.03  3.02  3.4.5  !fi  4.  2.70  3.20  3.B1:i  3.09  2.,18  3.22  2.85  2.00  2.79  3.22  2.36  2.50  2.65  2.1.1  2.23  2.68

                 Nomùre  ~umber of  Total  41,871  247,623  208,139  1.521,774  1,469,827  331.693  458.861  338,379  262.883  .,881,050  32,528  136,663  H8,419  623,867  600,691  197.093  331.611  220,165  115.271  -----  2,406,.U  9,243  110,960  .59,720  897,007  869,136  134,500  127,2·17  118,214  147.612  2,t74,639

           1931.        l;lns  over  16  159  175  339  147  341  156  21  14  99  148  203  132  316  144  10  2  60  27  136  1.1  25  12  11

           en  1931.    et  -  12  &  l  2,866  4,220  1.&l2   2,898     1,034    1,322
             in          11      47  219  272  3.428  557  254  506  201  61  /5,MS  34  148  227  2,067  3~5  221  4018  180  3S  3,708  13  7I  4~  1,361  212  33  58  21  23  1,837
           provinces,  Provinces,  10  1  1  82  473  572  6,002  J.3.58  537  1,048  481  122  10,675  66  305  -46.3  3.4\l1  808  457  920  1  410  741  6,994  16  168  109  2,511  550  80  128  71  48  3,681

           par  by         1  9  164  926  1,118  9,952  2.859  1.045  1,891  991  303  19,252  127  547  934  5,552  1.575  84.)  1,648  837  186  112,261  37  379  J84  4,390  1.284  200  246  154  117  6,991

           Canada,  Canada,  d'enfnrrts  Cbildren  o[  1  8  1  276  1,665  1,718  14,858  5,621  1,865  3.429  1,796  64.8  31,876  226  970  1.387  7,702  2.957  1,411  2,91:.l  1,438  392  119,395  .,0  695  331  7,1.16  2,564  45-t  517  358  256  12,481

           au  in  suivant  Number  7  1  478  2.820  2,747  21.250  10,Gll  3.198  5,240  3.168  1,239  5O,6S1  384  1,622  2,125  10,284  5.211  2,368  4,257  2.487  691  29,0&33  94  1,198  622  lO.!l66  5,296  830  983  681  518  21,218
           'l"ecensées  Familîes  of  nombre  le  Following  t,he  5  1  FAMILlES  724  1,120  4,249  6,345  3,908  28,796  18,1:.l8  5.162  8,026  5,204  2,625 ---1-'------  176,822  FAMILlES  574  873  2.382  2.976  12.571  8,609  3,,589  {j,298  3:800  1.339  42,234  J"AMILIES  2;17  150  1,807  2,792  932  1,-174  16,225  9,519  :1.107  1

           famUles  Children.  ayant Fnmillc5  n..ving  5  4  FAM.ILLES-ALL  1,557  9,401  5,359  7,388  38.071  49,!l32  32,080  56.275  8,447  1:.l,954  11,876  17.891  8,332  1  13,537  .5.171  10,000  U6,801 178,935  RUR".LES-RUH.AL  1.205  3,553  6.027  3,885  5,151  15,083  17,717  14,221  23,466  5.340  7..512  8,885  12,602  5.842  8.

           des  of  Families  3  1  DES  2,212  13,160  !l.80S  65,224  95,779  20.034  24,748  20.770  18,907  270,"2  1,7~  7,007  6.518  20,545  :17,148  10,684  16,309  12,211  7,966  UO,U2  478  6,153  3,200  H,679  58,531  9,350  8,439  8,55U  10,931  1 150,510
           d'ènfants,  Number  2  ENSEMBLE  3,184  18,900  13,741  84,809  15ô,111  28,374  33,199  29,822  32,225  400,365  FAMILLES  2,429  10,050  8,515  2·1.000  .56,197  13.711  20.667  16,285  12,638  164,.92  FAMILLI':S  755  8.850  5,226  60,809  99,914  14.663  12,532  13,537  19,587  235,873

           nombre  the  to       4,131  24,999  17,487  1 102,485  207,756  33,085  37,609  34,930  41,3/;8  1503,150  3.089  13.426  10,587  27,!l.53  71,458  15,198  22,678  18,593  16.066  199,04B  1.042  11,573  ti,900  74,532  l36,298  17,887  14.931  16,337  25.302  3lM,802

           le  according  Avec  ·  en~nt.s  With  Cbildren  13,991  83,315  54.293  427,673  ,587,374  115,102  145.807  119,388  112.690  11,669,634  lU,756  4,5,136  42,916  148,807  222.202  61.468  97.940  71,180  -16,524  741>,929  3,235  3S,1S0  21,377  278,866  365,172  53,634  <17,867  48,208  66,166  '22,705
           selon  Famille1~~Fl\milies  6,475  53.892  62,725  76,669  ~,018  15,447  1,4.57  14.085  8,561  21,.">86  22 t 518  23.071  38,587  1

           Classification,  28-Classification,  San.  1 eD~~nts  Total  Withoul  1 Chi.Jdren  20,166  Il 8,780  3fi,46·1  24,008  88.301  151,579  579.252  285,003, 872,377  1fi9.013  43.911  209.699  182,113  189,350  1749,726 12,419,360  15.774  21,379  66.515  58,363  47,404  196.211  10S,ltl9  330,371  83,793  '22.325  41,374 139,31'1  39

           -                     .  1.  Scolla  ". . .  C..  ,1  J,  Scotia  C  .,  I ..  Scotia  , .  C...
           28                    E.  _ ,  ..  . .  B.  R  N.  , ....  . '"  El.
                        PROVINCES  1.-du-P.-E.... P.  N ouv.-Ecossc,N.  N.-Brunswick  Québec  Ontario  10.1 anitoha  Stt~katchewu.J)  ,  Alberta  Drit Colombie  "'An  C  ... P. l.-du-p,-E. Nmltr.-Eco::Rie. ..... K.-Brunswick QUt,bcc., ............. Onlario............... l\olU'nitoba..............  SnskJlt(~hewLJ.u ..  Alberta........ Culombi
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