Page 109 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 109

Jùl1PLOy1J;S A. GAGES  WAGE-EARNERS                 79
       Chaque "employ() à. gages" étlLit tenu de  Each "wage-earner" wa.s obliged to repolt
      décIn.rer tous ses gains ninsi que le nombre de  his earnings, as well as the number of weeks
      semain~ d'in.aetivité dumnt les douze mois  he was idle during the twelve months preceding
      précéd!lnt lA dato du recensement. Les employ-  the date of the census. Employers, person.~
      eurs, les personnes qui travailllent pour leur  working for their own account and the mem-
      propre compte et [es membres d'une famille  bers of a family working without pay are
      t.ravail!ant sana paie sont, par définition,  excluded, by definition, from this compilation.
      exclus de cette compilation. Par "gains", on  By "earnings" are meant money received ns
      entend l'argent reçu comme commission ou  commission or in payment of piece work as
      rétrihution à. la pièce en plus du salaire ou des  well as a salary or wages, but not the income
      gagea mais non le revenu de pincements, de  from investments, a pension or compensa-
      pension ou de compensation.          tion.

      24 -  Gains, du 1er juin 1930 au 1er juin 1931, des employés à gages, figés de 10 ans et plus,
                               au ClInada, par provinces.
      24---Earnlngs, from June lst 1930 to June lst 1931, of Wage-Earners, 10 Vellrs of Age
                           and Over, ln Canada, by Provinces.

                                Employé. à gagas
                                 Wnge-Eafners               ~:f0J:snne
                                       D~clarant  Gains      gains    d activité
            PROVINCES                    des        -         -         -
                                         gBiflB   Eurning.  Average    Week.
                              Total      -                  En.rningg  Employed
                         HOMMES ET FEMHE8-MALE AND FEMALE
      lle-du-P.-E. ...... P. E. 1.  ..  12,H4  11,580  $  6,921.400  S  59S  549,590
      Nouvclle-Ecosoe .. Nova SooLi•...  117,71;1  112,091  78,754.200  099  4,705,481
      N.-nru"'''''ck. ... ... ..........  84,2:'12  81,493  56.022,300  687  3,447,449
     8uébec....... .. ....... .......  696,3:J9  670,816  550,959,600  821  28,836,911
       ntario....... .... ... , .........  96:;,607  934,3B7  802,842,600  923  39,895,970
      Mauitoba..... ... .............  110,739  164,947  139,084,300  844  6,837,443
     SoskaLchewan. .. ... . . .........  145,5G8  139,058  99,251,000  714  5,908,658
      AlberLa.... ,  ....  '" ..'  142,421  137,94.3  115,380,700  836  3,740,916
     Colomhi.,..nrit... .D. C.... .... ...  235,066  223.409  190,736,600  853  8,702.004
          CANAOA ••.. ...... ... ..'  2,570,097  2,476,414  2,100,562,700  848  IlM,S24,422
      lIe-du-P.-E. ...... P. E. 1. .......  0,159  B,580  $  5,828,000  li  679  401,917
      NouveUe-Ecoa.e.. Nova Scotia ...  95,244  91,229  69,499,000  762  3,079,809
      N.-nrun.swiclc...................  60,310  64,137  48.430,300  755  2,628,466
     8~t~.·.::::::::::::::::::::::  752,8.51  51,5,359  476,041,500  1,005  21,567,157
      Mauitoba........ , .. ...........  132,883  128,382  119,261,100  929  5,106,381
     Saskatcbewan .......  ••••••• +  •••  116,157  111,099  84,587,000  701  4,615,448
      Alberta........... , ....... , ....  116,005  112,48l  100,132,900  B90  4,502,103
     Colnmbie-Brit. ... B. C...... , ....  198,448  188,207  168,733.400  897  7,092,418
                              2,022,260  1,947,957  1,804,942,500  927  10,001,048
                                  FEMMES-FEMA LE
      Ile-du-P.-E....... P. E. 1. .......  3,185  3,000  S  1,0!J3,400  S  364  147,673 Novu Scotia ...  22,537  21,462  9,255,200  431   1,025,672
      N.-Brun.swick. ............. , ...  17,922  17,356  7,58(\,000  437  818,983
     Québeo........................  161,136  155,457  74,318,100  478  7,269,754
     Ontario... , ...........•..... , ..  212,756  205,904  131,019,300  636  9,606,711
     Maaitooo...... , ............•..  37,856  36,,')65  20,423,200  559  1,671,062
     S...katchew'IIn ............ , .....  29,4U  27,959  1  14,664,000  524  1,293,21O
     Alberta............        26,416    2,5,462  15,247,800   599     1,178,723
     CoJombie-Brit... .n. C....·.::::::.  3G,618  35,292  22,003,200  623  1,609,580
                               547,837   521,457  295,&10,200   559    24,621,374
        Septième rocensement du Canada, Vol. V.~Seventh CeneM cl Canada, Vol. V,
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114