Page 116 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 116

OCCUPAT[m.,rs~CCUPATION                        85

      31 - Occupations de la population t\~ée de 10 ans et plus, par provinces et par Industries,
                                       en 1931.
          31-0ccupatlon of the Population of 10 Years of A~e and over, by Provinces and
                                  Industries, in 1931.

                                    PI;..he et                         Tra""ports
                                     Chll$SP.,      1                     et
                                    abatoge du  Mines ct  lI-fanufac·  1COllstruction  COOlmUDica-
                                      bnu.   C!o.rriÙrC3  turc!:!  -     tions
           PROVINCES      Agriculture  -       --       (l)    B"llding  (2)
                                     F',  Mioiog and  ManuI..e-  and  Tranopor-
                                   Hwlting and  QualTying  turiog  COMtrucLiol1  taLioa. and
                                    TrappÎ[lg,                         Commuoi-
                                     Logging                            cation
                                   HOMMES -  MALE
      I1e-du-P.-F.  P. E. 1...  .  17,792  1,452   8     1,281     997     1,290
      NOllv.-Eco:o;"'~  Novo. Scolla .  42,737  13,7'10  14,947  13,.l31  8,797  14,228
      N.-nnln.~wick  .        45,348   7,a64     947     9,101    5,5J5    8,826
      Qu~bee   .             225,!1l4  21,976   6,128   110,a24  02,831   67,046
      Ontario  .             2ùS,597   15,114  14,848  180,4/;9  76,638   103,960
      Manitoba.               r.11,5GG  4,503   l,51G   19,505   12,710   19,45'1
      Sn.l'atehewan.         200,881   2,275     752    Il,188    7,810   15,987
      Alli~~             .   142.722   2,642    9,100   1-3,817   R,M2    16,056
      CoLorobie-Brit . " British Col ..  42,200  22,338  10,339  31,361  19,010  28.737
            CANADA       .  1,107,766  91,403  58,586  3~0,477  202,970   276,590
                                   FEMMES -  FEMALE
      TIe-du-P.-E.  P. E. T.  .  561                      2H4               109
      Nouv.·Ecosae  Nova Scot~o. .  1.2~O  26            1.871     .il     1,006
      N .-Brunswick  .         ~02       30              1,882              798
      Quéhec..     .     .    4,03~      40             37,406     22      6,002
      Ontario   .        .    6.0!)()   197             36,034     70     lI,a20
      Manitob          .      I.RG3      53              2,8!1             1,540
      Sa.katebawan  .         3.5HI      98               62û               802
      Alberto        _  .     3.024      7        1       982               /i:l!l
      Colombie-Brit  Britisb Col  1,429  47       3      2,804             2,354
            CANADA.•.•••.    24,079     497       6     84,660     S6     25,435
                                    FiotLoce,        Employé.            Non
                           Commerce  n.ssurance      de burefLU  JOUl"naliers  énu.mérées
           PROVINCES                         Service            (3)
                            Trade   Finance,          CLerical  Lahouren  Un-
                                    I08urance                          Bpecified
                                   IfOMMES- MALE
      lIe-du-P.-E.  P. El  .  1.380     114     1,120     382    1,991       Il
      Nouv.-Ec06ee  Nova Scotia.  9.733  941   10.010    3,397   21,148      42
      N .-Brunswick ..        7,25-1    717     6,931    2.9SH   22,869      52
      Québec     .           G9,l46    H,242   78.450   38,522  133,368     341  ,       .   97,277   14,545  104,030   47,179  1-Ia,4a5    628
      Manitoba       .        18,03G   2,553   1fl,634   9,801   211,379    107
      S""klltchewan  .        1~,409   2,288   17,701    5,924   18,180      34
      Alberta.......  .  . .  16,363           18,525    6,332   H\,300      71
      Colombie-Brit....British Col.. ,  22.201  UXÔ  31.224  9,1'13  41,732  71
           C.rn ADA.••....   269,799  36,252  287,625  124,U9   42S,4tl8   1,357
                                  FEMMES -  FEMALE
      Ile-do-P.-E  P E. I.     3·17             2,469    448      118        2
      Nouv.-Ec08BC  Nova Scot.ia .  2,Ij,,1  17  17,347  3,406    309        8
      N.-BruMwic"  .          I,R!)7     li    13,167   3,050     283        10
      Québeo           .      14,104    102   104,896   27,755   6,798      G3
      Ontario   ~      .     21.964.    280   Il5,183   54, lI5  3,453      175
      Manitoba         ' ..   3,775      38    25.358   9,163     276       31
      Saskatchewan       .    2,162      12    25,103   4,895      65        2
      Albert"          .      2,'186     28    20,540   5,457      97
      Colombie-Brit  British Col  4,727  83    23,348   8,638     308        6
           CANA!>A.          S4.W       571   347.411  U6,927   U,707       297
         (1) Y cornl,r~. les employés de l'indUBtrie <J'éclairage et énergie éleetriques.-lncludeB employ""s of eleet.ric ,1ight
      and power mduatn...
         (2) y compris emplo:v~s .\ l'entreposage et. emmagasinage.-IncJudes warehDuBe Rnd storage employee•.
         (3) Ne comprend l?"" la lTl"in--<i'œuvre agrieole, minière et forœtière.- Does not iDelude thos. engaged in agri-
      cultural, rrining or loggmg opemLion•.
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