Page 106 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 106
La classification, selon le degré d'instruction The classification, accordin~ ta literacy an.d
et par groupes d'àge, de la. population tJgée de age, or the population 'lf ton years of age and
dix anl! et plus est donnée dans le volume 1Il vver is given in Volume III of the eensus of
du recensement de ~\l31. A cette datc, 94..52% 193'l. At tlmt date. 94.52% of the population
de la population ùe hl prov,ïnee, :igée d'u.u of the Province, of 10 years of age and over.
moiml 10 ans. savait lire ct écrire nlors que ce could read andwl'ite as against only 93.04%
pourcentRge n'était que ùe 03.0·1 en 1021. P1Lr iil t921. On the other hl~ndJ the illiterate
contre, la proportion des illettrés n'était que rcpresented only 4.76% al the last census
de 4,76% 101'8 du demier l'eCcnSelIlent alors WbCl'el1.9 they eOllstltutet.l 0.19% ten yeal'S
qu'elle s'élevait ,tl, 6.19% dix [lns uupamVRllt. previously.
:U-Degr6 d'Instruction de la population, âltée de 10 ans et plus, au Canada, en 1931.
.21-Literacy of the Population, 10 Years of A~e and over, in Canada, in 1931.
Nombre Number Proportion
Agée de 10 Badlaot SacluUlt 'INn.",' .l.,.""'rebann'.t Bacbl!nt Sachant Ne "!lObant
ans e~ plu8 lire et. lire Jirc et. lire ni liré ni
PROVINÇES ~~(lrir:~ SeulelfiQDt ~crire écrire seulement écrire
J'f81~~~:;.n Able ta Able Unable Able 10 Able UnabJe
and o"~er fulld and to Read to Read Reall ""d to Rend 10 Rend
"l'lrile orily or Write Wrile only or Wrile
I1e-du-t'.-I1:. P. E. L .... IlO,333 66,906 502 1,835 9B.53 0.72 2,GS
N.-'I1:cosse... Nova Scotia 402.401 3~2,472 2,700 17.130 0".115 0.60 4. :P,
N.-Brullllwick ........... 310,316 280.676 2,200 21,440 92.38 0.71 ti.!!!
Québeo..•............. 2,107,517 2,Oi8,778 16.527 103,212 94.02 0.72 4.76
Ontario................ 2,7!l1,072 2.710,558 7.357 64.157 97.44. 0.26 2.30
Manitoba.............. 657.806 530,770 2,151 24.876 95.15 0.39 4.46
B""katchewan.......... 705.350 (i72,812 3,441 29.007 \15.311 0.40 4.13
Albertl'................ ;'72,129 549,789 2,671 HI,B61l 96.10 0.47 3.44
Colombie-Bril. B. C ..... ;,83,13fi 558,'U7 t,ti30 23,088 95.76 0.28 3.96
yukon ................ 3,M2 2,710 30 802 76.51 0.85 '22.64
Terr. cl" N.-O. N.W.T.. 7,021 2.6.'32 lOB 4,081 40.34 1.64 68.12
CA1\·AfiA .••.••• 8,:l6!l,622 7,8n,81!l 38,407 309,3!l6 95.74 0.47 1,19
He-du-P.-É. P. E. r.. ... 35,907 34,584 213 1,110 96.32 0.59 3,.00
N .·];':"088e... Neva Scotia 207,098 1\15,465 1,438 10.105 (J'1..~8 0.69 4.\12
N .-HruDNwick.........•. 159.102 ; J4.3,006 1.181 13.925 90. "1 0.74 8.75
Quéooc................ 1091418 1,014.2,59 9.3119 (;7,760 92. ~)3 0.86 6.21
Ontlltio................ 1:4 23:0Sf' 1 1,381.104 4,341 38,1'>44 Où. !lU 0.3n 2.71
Manitoba ............... 296,00,'; 283,O(J3 1,040 11,992 95.00 0.35 4.05
Saskatchewan ... 390,10.,> :~7'4>02ii ),701 14.289 95.88 0.41\ a.ût;
A!berln................ 31!J.~40 :lOS,lil!J 1.458 9,7(;3 !l6.'j.!l 0.46 a.05
Colombi...Drit. 13. C ..... 328,98~ :H4.134 1,096 13,7.13 95.49 0.33 4,.1"
yukon ................ 2,475 2,053 19 393 83,35 0.77 15.8S
Terr. du N.-O. N.W.T.. 3.850 1,695 52 2.103 44.00 1.35 64.62
CAl'tiAJJA ...•..• 4,258,862 .,053,007 22,028 181,827 95.17 0.52 •. 32
Ile-du-P.-Ii:. P. E. J.... 33,426 32.412 289 725 96.97 0.85 2.17
JI; .-li:~o~~e ... N ovp. Scotiu l!lf>.303 1107,007 1,3';2 6.944- 95.75 0.69 3.56
N .-Bru,nswick.......... 1512i4 142,liRO l.0l9 7,515 94.3(; 0.67 4.97
Québ..,................ ' 1,07li;OO9 1,O3"1.5lO 0,128 35.452 96.14 0.57 3.29
Ont.ario ................ 1,367.083 1,338.454 3,016 25,ô13 1l7.91 0.22 1.87
Manitoba...... ........ 261,711 247,716 l,Ill 12,884 9·1. (J'ô 0.42 ·1,02
S...kutcbe,,·all .... , .... 315,245 298,787 ~,65Û 14,808 !l4.78 0.52 4.7
Alberta ................ 252,289 241,170 ,213 '9,!100 1J5.5tl 0.48 3,0"
Colombie-llr;t. D. C ..... 254,152 24-4,283 53-1 0,335 96.12 0.21 .1.67'
Yukun ...... , ......... 1,067 647 Il '100 liO.M 1.03 38.3:.)
Terr. du N.-o. N.W.1'.. 3,171 1,137 56 1,978 35.86 1. 77 62.37
CANADA •.••.•• 3,910,760 3,768,812 16,I7!l 12S,SU 96.37 , 0.012 3.21