Page 103 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 103

ORIGINES-()RlGINS                           73

               ORIGINES RACIALES                      RACIAL ORLGINS
        Le ta.bleau 18 indiqu~ l'origine de Ill. populu-  Table 18 indicatefl the origin of the popub-
       tion du Canada et de la province de Québec, en  tion of Can:>da and of the Province of Quebec,
       1931. Les individUB d'origine franç'aise dl\-ns la  in 1931. Those of Frenc.h origin in the Province
       province sont au nombre de 2,270,059 sur
                                            numbered 2,270,059 out of 2,874,255, or 79%.
       2,874,255, soit 79%. Le recensement indique
       a.U!l8Ï qu'il y H.vait 432,726 personnes, ou 15%  The census shows also that tbere were 132,72fi
       de la population, d'origine briUl.nnique. De  or 15% of Brit.ish origin. From 1921 to 1931
       1921 à 1931, l'augmeutation numérique fut de  the numel'icnl increase was 513,600; to that
       513,600; l\ cet accroissement, les personnes
       d'origine franç-llise ont eontribué 380,969 et those of Fr'eoeh origin contrihuted
       celles.d'origine britannique, 75,431.  380,969 and the British 75,4~1.
        Les nombreux cbangements survenus dans  The great cbanges in the  alignment of
       l'alignement des nationalités du sud-est et du  nationalities in South-EH.5t ~nd Central Europe,
       centre de l'Europe ne permettent pltS de com-
       parer leur force numérique actuelle lI.yec les  make it difficult to complHe !lctull.1
       données d'o.vll.nt-gucrre.           numhers with pre-war data.

          18 - Origines de la populatlon du Canada et de la province de Québec, en 1931.
          18---0rlglns of the Population of Canada and of the Province of Quebec, in 1931.

                                    Cansda                      Québec
                            Hommes   FeromeJi          Hommes  Femm~
                              -        -       Total    -        -       Total
                             Male    Female             :lIale  Femal.
       Bntonrr1q'Lle ... ........  3,753,660  ;),6117,406  6//81,071  C16,869  t15,857  1,32,116
        Anglaise. . . .  ,Engliah ......  1,398,513  1,:H2.9Oû  2.741,419  118,143  IIA,S90  234,739
        lrlandAiee...  Iri.b ........  630.495  000,313  1,230,808  54.144  54,168  108,312
        '8:co""aÏBe ...  SeoLtÎsh .....  6UO,13!>  656,212  1,346,350  43,338  43.962  87,300
        Aulres......  Olher.......  3-01.519  27,975  62.494  1,244  1,131  2,375
       Fr.acçaise ..... French ........  1,473,375  1,454,615  2.027,090  1,134,416  1,135,643  2,270,059
       Autnebiellne,  Au.strian, n.O.B..  27,070  21,569  48.639  1,204  828  2,032
       Belge... ln.R.é.Belgmn ........  14 ,991  12,594  27,585  2,275  2,041)  4.324
       BulgBJ'•....... DU!Jlarian .....  2,151  1,000  .3.1(\0  156  no     206
       Tebéq.-sJovaq.. Czech &Slovak  20,003  10,308  30.401  3,511  889   4.4&0
       DanOls&....... Daniah ........  20.791  13.327  34.118  980  760    1.740
       Hollandaise ... DlJteh ........  77.909  71.053  148,062  946  879  1,824
       Finlandaise ... Finnish ........  25,257  18,628  43,885  1,621  1,352  2,9r?
       Allemande .... German .......  247,844  22.5,700  473,544  5,863  4,753  10,616
       Grecque... . .. Gr."k........  6.055  3,389  0.444  1,549   917     2.466
       ff(,hraiqu&.. , .. HebTew........  70,087  77,630  156.726  30,100  2\),078  60,087
       Hongroise..... HUl\garl8D .•..•  25,066  15,516  40,582  2,885  1,133  4.018
       Islandaise..... Jcclandie ... ...  0,872  9,610  19,382  17  13       30
       Italienne...... Hn.lian ........  iJ5.141  43.032  98,173  13.094  11,151  24,845
       Ù~~~~1~a;;,ee: :tt~~~~~·.:::  11,732  4,442  16,174  1.296  266     1.502
       Norvtlgienoe .. Norvegian.....  ,,3,1\37  39,700  93.243  852  662  1,504
       Polonais...... Polish .........  .~2,OIl8  63,415  145,503  5.887  3,647  0,534
       Roumai ce..... Roumaoio.n ....  111,7H1  12,275  29,056  1,866  1,212  3,OG8
       n"""•......... Russian .......  48,130  40.018  88,148  2.218  1,3M  3,ii74
       Suédoise ...... Sw.wsh. , .....  48,049  33,257  81,306  963  695   1,658
       Ukronienne ... Ukrainip,n .....  122,772  102,341  225.113  2,728  1.612  4.340
       Autres europ~- OtbllT European  3,473  2,7iiO  6,232  549   427      076
       Chinoise (ennes Chinese........  43.051  3,468  40,510  2,549  201  2.750
                               13,803   9.539   23,342     32       JI       43
       i~~~:~i~ii·-·.b~~~~~~i~ti~ .:  8,316  6.372  14,687  2,253  l,ORB   4.241
       Esqu,mpu[ques E.kimo ........  3,116  2,863  ;  5,979  f>67  592    1,159
       Indienne. . .. .1ndian .........  (;2,943  5fl,9(;R  122,911  6,346  5.966  12,312
       Nl>gre......... NelO'o.........  10,186  9,270  10,456  854  79fi   1,&49
       Di"erse-s ...... Variou8........  371  310  081     80       fiS     154
       Non .pf·ri6~e.. Not .t.ted ....  4,176  4,722  8,898  5lJ2  -420    1,012
             TOTAL•..••. , .••.••.  5,374,541  5,002,245  10,376,786  1,447,124  1,427,131  2,874,255
           S.-plwme r«en••men.t du C.nada, Vol. n.-S."nlh C"""u. of Cancu/"., Vol. 11,
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108