Page 101 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 101
Les dilIércnls termes usités sous cette rubri- The terms used rerer to the matrimonial
que désignent l'ét:l.t mll.trimonial de la popula.- status (Tf persons at the time of the eensus. Jn
tion à la date du recensement. Dans la province the Provinee of Quebee, on the lst of June,
de Québec, au 1er juin 1931, les célibataires
1931, the unlll1l.rried numbered 1,787,693 or
étaient au nombre de 1,787,693 uu 62.19% des
62.19% of the persons enumerated but it must
pefllOnnelî recensées; 'il eonvient de remarquer
cependant que la popnlation ne moins de 15 ans be noted, that the population undcr 15 years of
s'élevait il. 1,022,547, soit 35.ii7% de la popula- age wus 1,022,547 or 35.57% of the tolul popu-
tion totale et 57.19% des personnes non ma- l~.tiun ann 57.19% of the unmarried. This
riées. Ce groupe se de 513,855 gar- group consisted <Jf 513,855 boys and 508,092
çons ~t 508,692 fillcs. girls,
16 - État civil de la population du Canada, par provinces, en 1931.
16-Conjugal Condition of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, ln 1931.
Mari6. Eo v~vagc 1 Di'O'~céB I.oc:onou
Célib~air"" 1 1
Single Marrie<! Widowed Di'O'orccd Not Statcd
1 1
lIe-<!u-Pct-fl.. .. P.E.!. ...... 51,4.31 31,681 4,994 28 4 88.038
NouV'.-Ecossc. .. Nova Scotia. 298,071 186,088 27,402 303 77 512,846
N.-Brunswick ... ...... ....... 244,775 144,276 18,875 255 38 408,219
Québec... .... ............ 1,787,693 972,830 112,447 75O 535 2,874,255
OntArio ... .... .............. 1,822,384 1,434,423 171,063 2,086 1,727 3,431,683
MflIIitoba .... .............. 405,5!13 268,646 24,935 fl!j3 312 700,139
Sask~tchewan...... ...... 657,235 338,389 24,771 667 723 921,786
AlbertJl ..................... 422,603 28fi.369 22,041 1,014 088 731,605
Colombit-Bri L. . llrit. Columbia 353.870 303,3~5 30,316 1,652 5,040 694,263
Yukoll...................... ~,V56 '1,4.26 225 20 4 4,230
Terril<>ires du N.-O. N.-W. T .. 5,301 3,888 526 8 .... ... .... 9,723
CANADA. ....... .... 5,'51,412 3"n,190 U7,595 7,....1 9,1U 10,n6,716
lIt-du-Pco-(.;.... P. E. J. ...... 38,544 23,747 3,604 15 3 65,913
Nouv.-Eco•••... NovaScot.ia .. Hl3,307 101,685 15,962 108 10 281,192
N.-Brunswick............... 111,035 !JO,053 12,028 152 11 279,279
Québeo........ ... . ... . . . . 695,825 329,317 as,357 105 4.5 1,060,049
Ontsdo................ 737,944 538,360 58,093 546 148 ],335,091
ManiLoba................... 233,082 139,225 11,635 192 36 384,170
S...katebewan ................ 394,506 220,653 15,151 353 127 630,880
Alberts ..................... 212,918 1 167,777 Il.810 627 60 453,097
Colornbit-Brit .. Brit. Columbia 158,713 1 127,084 11,600 571 696 299,524
Yukoll...................... 1,780 944 137 S 1 2,870
Terril<>ir.. du N.-o. N.-W. T .. 5,301 3,888 526 8 ............ \),723
CANAD~ ••••••.••••• 2,873,106 1,7",633 176"68 2,645 1,137 4,802,918
lIt-du-Pœ-~.... P. E. 1. ..... 12,887 7,834 1,390 13 1 22,125
Nouv.-EcoSS6... Nova Bcotia. 134,704 85,303 11,440 140 67 231,654
N.-BruIlB",iok................ 73,740 48,223 6,847 103 27 128,9~0
Québeo...................... 1,091,868 643,513 77,090 646 490 1,813,006
ODtario................• , .•. 1,084,440 896,003 112,370 1,540 1.579 2,096,992
Manil<>ba ....•.. 172,511 129,421 13,300 461 276 315,969
Saakatcbewan................ 162,6S9 117,736 9,620 314 596 290,\)05
Alberta..................... 149,585 117,682 10,226 487 628 278,508
Colombi",Brit .. Brit. Columbia 195,157 175,401 18,756 1,081 4,344 394,739
YUkOD ...................... 776 481 88 12 3 1,360
Terril<>ire. du N.-o. N.-W. T .. ............ ............
CAJlfADA •••.•••••.•• 3,878,307 2,:z.n.557 261,177 4,796 8,OU 5,513,798