Page 430 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 430

COMMERCE DE DÊ:TAIL-RETAIL TR.4DE                   391
       dans ta prov1nce de Québec, en 1930.
       in the Province of Quebec, in 1930.

           Pemonnel à temps entier   Pcr'lonDOJI :\ tem[ll'i pELrtLel  St(lCk en main
                                                            ReQ€t-w~  à ln. fin de
            Full-Tirne Employees      Part-Tirne EmploYeell          l'Il,nnél?
                                                            Reeeipts  (prix coûtant)
                                                   et gages
        Hommes  Femmes   et Q;8,gl;:S  Hommes  Femmes  '1  Ralaires  (1930)  Sl-ockonHa.nd
                         8alar3e.o;.                                End of Year
         Mo.le          and Wages  Male          . and W"ages        (nt eost)
           127       8  $  94,000     28          1   1'i,ROO  li  846,800  43,.100  1
           208       1    182,500     3Z              5,800   568,;:lUU  7,2QO  ,
           002      253  1,42'<1,00)  46       16     24,400  7,446,000       ,
           118       <ft  140,er"  .... - .  t  .t      t     B55 800
            1                                                   f             5
            J        JIll                               t       1             o
             1)            ij3.I)()O  26              6,200   307,200         7
            35       lB    83,900     21        9     11,100  2311,400        8
            42       6     66.400      7. . . . .     1,400   227,900    300  •
             7       3      7,900      1               100    38,400    1,000  10
            41 4     16    34,200     2~        3     14,500  170,400    300  11
           21        i    179'f        ~       "t" ·· ..·T··  54r'rO  ..····r·  l'
             1       l      1,600      J  ...  '.     1,300   1~,700    1,000  15
            17       15     8.900      6        7     1,400   81,600    3,500  10
            17       li    18,300      1        1      300    137,200    400  17
             4.  .•••.•••••.  2,700   16        1     3,000   63.100     200  18
             t       ;       t         t        t      3001     1         1   1.
       __-,..,-'_1     1__.:.7,:::800:.:..1:..:.•...:......:....:---:c'::...:.·I  -=-1_1__=~+--::C::;:67...:,2=:0=__0  7 _,°_°_°_  20
          1,-       U2:  2,4:u.,aDO   2U       18    .1,200  12.004.100  ",2GG  21
           2~: 1 17~, l' .g~:i&:       i l                                    22
           173            225.400 l   " 1       ,','1 3,~~ 7,~~~:~~ 1.  13.000  24
                     51               ::·1                             12,~
            57 1           62,800                     12,000  :.H7.100 1      2.'>
             t        t      ;,                         t       t         t   ~
           '''1 -        1,271"001 1 1         2Z    ",SOI  ......1110  27....  20
       ___---c'-:-i_:_~__.-.c...:.'o,: 1__"_6..: 1 _00_  ,.,,\II_~__:11 __=-:-'°::::o:-+--::c;-:'--:c'c:,1 o  1  l _,8_r'_ ~
           ~g~ 1    3".'1 1  196,000  00 1     10    20.500  1,'01,000  21.200  31
                          787.6UU     1-        g     11\,1On  ],853,300  7,800  32
            26             29,300               1      100    52,OOU          33
          1.347    1.3341"  2,266,1300  9       7     5,000  5,1l32.ôOO  1,900  34
            0,31     73   122,900      1        1      50ü    402,000   9.900  35
                     1      3,300      1               60ü    17,700     100  36
            41       371   66,9,0° 1.  9        8     3.000   271.100  69,000  37
                                      i:,·1: .
       --2,2i·r    l,'" 4 \ 1 .,5",50' 1  111 1------'-.-,1- --.-.,-...-1  '.&54,700  1  118,900·  40
              1 . -
                                                  .,.,. 10,800 __::cl~~~:~ 1_.....:.___ _
       --- îî I_~ 5.1__~..:~...::r,,88_ -..-.-.:..:~-:-.:LI~----~i-'--}ggl ~~~:~1  ::_°_ H
            40 1     48   lotl.200     2  . .  ...     400    ns,4DO    1,100  H
          1.219     1'6  1.201.000    150 l     , :   51.>00 1  <.420,100 1  R3,700  45
           120      3R3   457,200     1:1 l'   .)61   12,400 1  1,.536,.50D  49,700  W
           lM 1.           82,700     fin       2     13.300  3Hl,OOO 1  6,100  47
            18       19   .....:25...:,=.2°...:"_1  2:..  1  600  80,600  C."......:.:........:...:' 48
          1,512 1   U8   1,766,100    225  1   4'  1  71,410 1  6,Sl7,lal  1  13',500 1 49
          (t) Les I:hiffreil ne s&nt pas donnés .../in de ne pas diVlll,!l"llrr les op(>r...tionll individllell~, mais ih hont comprih
       claus lo tDt9.l.-Fi~nr~s :J.Te \\-ilhheld tQ (l-void diselosing individllal operatiotll'! but tbese are inc1uded in the tota!,;.
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