Page 327 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 327

290                           PRODUCTION

          A l'aide de rapports tra.nsmis par les exploi-  From the reports furnished by the lumber-
        tants, le Service forestier établit, tous les ans, ln.  men, the Porestry Service determines evel'Y
        quantité et la valeur du bois coupé dans les  yea.r, the quantity and value of the timber eut
        forêts de la. province. Si l'on est bien renseigné  in the forests of the Province. If suflicient
                                              information iB available regarding operations
        sur les opérations des concessionnaires en forêts
                                              of in the forests under ]ease. we
        affermées, on connatt moins bien l'importance
                                              are less weIl informed concerning the cutting
        des coupes sur les lots privés. par suite de la  on private lots, owing to the negligence of
        négligence de certains intéressés fi fournir les  certain parties who do not supply the reqwred
        renseignements requis,                statements.
             42 -  Quantité. en pieds mesure de plancbe~ des bois coupés dan8 la province.
               42-Quantity, ln Feet Board Measure, of Timber Cut in the Province.

                     ANNMS-YEARB                 lots privéR  limitl'S   Total
                                                   -           -
                                                Private Lots  LimitB
        1935...                                   362,561,815  1.353,24.2,599  1,713,SM,4.15
        1934...                                   255,106.830  98-i,460,734  1,239,567,664
        1933.                                     279,595,579  4.92,232,236  771,821,815
         1932.  ....                              367,614,296  53'9,00&6,260  906,660,IS/i6
         1931.                                    376,415,374  919,093,530  1,295,508,90":1
        193(1.                                    487,020,417  1,406,692,604  1,893,713,021
        192'9, .                                  456,325,608  1,252,255,225  1,708.580,833
         Hl28                             ....    325,657.760  1,346,.,)25,311  1,672,183,071
         1927. _.                                 438,541,522  1,786,717,542  2,225,259,004
         1926..                                   502,196,971  1,589,949,409  2,002,146,380
         H125.                ..                  344,701,673  1,336,779,979  1,681,481,652
         1924.                                    350,366,440  1,620,28fl,663  1,970,656,103
                   43 -  Quantité et valeur des bois coupés dans la province.
                     43------Quantity and Value of Timber Cut ln the Province.
                                                 QlIa.ntit~,  Pm moyeu par
                                                el1 p. m. p.  1,000 p. m. p.  Valeur
                                                 Quantity,  AVllr&.ge Priee,  Value
                                                in ft. b. m.  1,000 ft. b. m.
         193ô, .                                 1,715,804,413  •  16.05  27,537,184
         1934.                                   1,239,567.564   15.37  • 19,062,037
         1933.                              ..    771,827.815    11.59    9,025,700
        1932.                                     906,6&1,556    14.81    13,42'9,61&
        1931.                                    1,295,508,004   20.76    26,897,021
        1930..                                   1,893,713,021   23.04   43,639,454
        1929.                                   1,708,580,833    25.27   43,182,134
        1928  .                                 1,672,183,071    2.'>.58  42,781,225
         1927  .                                2,225,259,01>4   24.78    55,152,630
        1926.                                    2,092,146,380   24.61    51,509,871
        1925...                                 1,681,481,652    25.15    42,301,755
         ]924..                                 1.970,656,103    25.33    49,931,760
             44 -  Valeur des bols coupés et des autres produits forestiers de la province.
               44-Value of Tlmber Cut and Otber Forest Products in the Province.
                                                Bois ooupés  Autres produit~  Valeur totBle
                                                Timber Cut  Other ProdUCbi  Total VaLue
         1935..                            ..' .  27,537,184-  •  6,760,959  34,298,]43
         1934.                                  • 19,062,037   6,421,071  • 25,483,]08
         1933..                                    9,025,100   6,878,310  ]5,004,010
        1932....                                  13,429,618   5,786,579  19,216,197
        19S1. ...                                 26,891,021   8,845,945  35,742,966
         1930                                     43,639,454  14,462,999  58,102,453
         1929.                                    43,182,134  19,148,12Q  62,330,263
         19Z5.                                    42,181,225   9,809,423  52,630,648
         1927.                                    55,152,630  19,567,358  74,719,988
         1926                                     51,509,811  ]5,556.111  67,065,982
         ]925..                                   42,301,755   7,734,926  50,036,681
         1924.                                    49,931,760  10.284,623  60,216,383
           Rell5eÎgnements fournis paT le ServiClJ !ore8tier du ministère deI! terrll!:l et forêt.e de la province de Quêbee. -  rofor·
         mlltjoo eupplied by the For~Btr!J ~"lerdce of the Department of Lands a,nd Foreste of the Provill~e of Quebec.
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