Page 164 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 164
44- Coût des maisons d'écoles construites ou réparées.
44-Cost of Schoolhouses Built or Repaired.
1927-28 1928-29 1920-30 Hl3()....31 1031-32 1932-33 1933--34 1934-3.'l
-----------1--,-+-,- -'--I-~'- s ,-,:--1-----=,-+----=,-
Abitibi..,.. 17,056 21,793 7,011 16,147 13.152 12,048 11,400 33,831
ArgenteuiL ,. 5,469 .5,376 12,747 20,089 12,3Hi 48,661 5,195 7,332
Art,hP.baska. 8,002 3,451 8,997 22,951 86,455 2,636 6,321 11,046
~:~~:. l~:gg~ .. 'Ûi'.497 .,ù~2ûl 1~:~~~ It~~~~I'.2'3',321 .i,350 8,790
Beauharnok. 1,937 2.775 2,1901 13,956 62,802 1,173 490 3,260
Bellechnsse. 6,209 5,200 8.7281 11.311 12,900. 1,800 533
Bertbier...... 9,787 6.241 li.029i 22,927 14,171 1,200 1,430 1,337
Bonaventure. 10,932 10,373 12.7571 10,170 35,098 512 4,816 14,413
Brome. 4,666 4.100 2A961 14,199 28,054 3,095 2,566 10,681
Chambly 26,307 5JJ81:l ·,HUj29 63,013 1,490 2,971 12,584 .... ... 3.5,12ÇJ 3I;i,D8.j ·-Itl,lOO 8.236" 'Ù)',695 2,400 . 7,151
Charlevoix-Sagnenay. 78,82Çj 1.J.,;jtjtj Li,989 21,193 41,575 16,091 43,100 17,553
Chll.t('llll.J?:Uay. 6,Wlf) 7.211 875 8,321 26,859' 30,912 223 3,581
Chicolltifui 114,657 1:17,4lù 2~17,760 104.004 23,233 485 6,634 12,005
Compt.on..... . ' " 38,517 10,061 29,197 16,055 29.805 2,708 3,009 7,850
J)enx-l\.lol1t.a"ne~-Two MountlLin~ . . 1 S,14J 425 4,62.5 5,973 30,500. 750
Dorchester. .. 6',011 1\,42,} 17.101 15,718 2,736 6,570 16,588 3,614
Dn:mmOllù. i 10,5181 147,22R 7,616 60,906 49.970 4.405 1,873 3,536
Frontenar., . 1.j,400 3Ei,û2l} li,977 32.898 10.149 1,247 2,400 4,064
Gaspé-I\'orn-l\"orth (1). n.78ft 4,122 4,100 3,440
Gaspé-Sud-South (1).. . '1044 41,239 12,303' ·Ù.05S 5,952 11,085 4,300 8,283
Gatmeau ... .. .... 1 20,190' 3,254 3,900 19,893
HulL......... 13,953 .. 37",i64 20,93.3 16,702 8,866 734
HuntingdoD.. .., 3,700 22'1471 7,220 2,474 19,961 837' '1,i73 1,598
Iberville. . .. 24.585 880 4.750 257 21,035 2,507 707 879
Iles-de-Ia-:\flldeJei:w- I\lagda1en l~lands 3539 4,29i 2,371 4,501 1,20(}'
Jacques-Cartier. 40:154 95,108i 182,11i(l 64,141 3fi,.'i95 311,C17l3'" '7',004 8,260
Joliette....... 8,832 15,3651 ;1:1,476 29.255 34,731 9,036 242 13,492
Kamourll8ka 6,495 12,97:3 ' 7.38i 23,281 13,985 2,400 .
t~eJtJ~~·~~L~·k·e·gt. )~h~' 15~:k~~ ~~:g~~ l~~:~~~ EI:~~ 4~:~I~ ~:in' 1,468 .. ·~:~t~
L'Assomption. 4,902 5,902 1,300 2.898 2,700 6,692 1.195 26,500
Laval 51,527 50,58k liDO 4,539 2,213 1,150 . 635
La -i.oletw 11,505: 4,675 10,688 4,427
1.,évis. 23,926 2,56G 4,aa.'i .. :lti,073 86•.28~! 6,137 26 1,520
L'hlet. 7,431 7,374 .),!".72 10,725.,,, 2,000 1,352
Lotbinière 3,~174 20,649 :Œ,769 10,732 8,315 7,400 6,100 2,800
:Maskinongé. 3,536 2,304 3,98.:5 6,308 22.2791' 1,354
~'latane .... 13,700 12,347 24,355 27253 2{U90 3,685 1,200 8,367
l\'1atapédia. 20,346 4.068 18.383 15,564 10.126 3,1)00 13,205 5,465
:Mégantic .. 69,345 6,195 14,995 30,824- 13,183 5,904 517 10,421
Missisquoi. 3,2;)9, 12,492 4,950 13,321 9.700 13,330' I1i,661 27,902
Montcalm... 2.575 19,225, 2.668 5,310 7,584 1.318 867 1,200
Montmap;n..... 8,353 2,7CM 88,421 5,659 7,845 336 5,798
Montmoreney. 1,100 2,234, 5.3,600, 26,4,'52 550 2,720, ... ,.. ". 8,005
:\-Iontréal. (2) (2} 1 (2) (2} (2) l' l2.1 (2)
dté-(Jit~·.. ,.. . . . . 722,117 879528 293,714!.2,370,359 2,736,717 1,099,046 1,020,055 273,22(
IVlontréal-Verdun. . ~... 10,875 282,812........ 163,195
Napien-ille-Laprairie. 8,855 2,517 5,143 1,032 6,038........ 2,495 3.SQ~
~~~(:~~~ll 18;5f: g:~~; 1~:~§t liî:~§g 1~:i~~ l:m; r:~~~ r:~1~
Pontiac,.. 48,137 13,757i 13,982 21.094 3,159 5,9n2' 2,957 344
Portneuf. 16,612 4,416 43.026 59,298 41,968 6.037: l,i24 63,700
Québec, 1 1 (3)
citi-dty. 110.000 140,164: 3fi4,974 376,800 270,180 182,886 263,530.
Québec, t'omté-county. 24,43.3 14,479: 10,275 12,808 1,919 'iÙ7;
Hichelieu. 6,040 164,300: 3,784 4,722 5,692 122 1,327 2,108
Riehfllond 41,169 121,7181 2.583 21,294 56,1.';8 3,626 1&.376 ~g:~
Rimouski. 12,621 19,843 53,414 8, liil 10,636 3,200 2,600
Ri\'if1re-du-T,oup. 8,475 5.137 85'J Ô,05S
H.ob"l".-a1. 1 2g:~~8 t~rg 13,914 12,821
Rouville. .. 3'5)46 ...752 • 87 .. 48',487' 220 817
Shcfford. .' 7,068 3,583 607 76,463, 1,277 845 3,011 3,308
Sherbrooke. 6,147 6,900 1,917 125,221 27,2i3 511 7,612 86,937
SOU!lLnge... . . . . . . . . 4,400 12,500 8,664 1,383 9,448 62 2,630
Stlilll'lteaJ. 33,312 1 1,957' 36,489 9,516 4i,082 1,138 1,949 51,621
8t-H~·acillthe . 1211 1,112 14 48,236 .55,800 3.166 , 24,650
St-JeILD-St. John. 8,097 8,945 85,,330 1,000 48,430 580, . 297
St-hlaurice. 61,999 3,864 161,228 400,896 31,065 3'4851' 3"9',36i 66,384
Témi"eamingue. 77,673! 7,345 7,287 70,936 5.867 51,545 10,577 55,087
T';misronlLta. 13,163 19,139 10,632 69,814 16,225 12,007 12,600 12,945
Terrebünne. ... . . . . . . . .. . 5,837 26,682 15,666 17,730 7,186 668 3,639 6i:g~
Trois... Ri~'iMe~-Tlll"('e Rivers 679,133 428,929 11,174
Vaudu:llil.. . .... 24,839 , 2 977 1,227 787 132 1,550
\:. ercIH~rer'l. 530 47,700 6,178 1440 9,036 2,400 .,
V.'eM,Juoullt. 190,233 .. 172 7891 366,385 25,006 5,324 85,598
'"VoHe ..... 4,812 15,377 13,643 33,426 139IM 3,975 1,CM0 4,SQ3
Yamaska. 8,000 469 Il,809< '<1,599 10,207 465 ..
TOT."L. 13074,10612756.833 2493.64515492'861' 4943,355 2046,373 1770,732 1205,504
(1) Comté de Gaspe aYlLnt 1931-32.--Ga:'i'pe county prevlOU~ ta 1931-32.
(2) CatholiqlleA l'eulement.---On1v Cathohc school~
(3) Dont $82,969 pour achat.~ de' propri#>tét<.-Inçluding $8.2.969 for purchase of property,