Page 103 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 103

76                          POPULATION

                                                      INFANTILE MORTALITY.
                                 Infantile mortality is very hlgh ln many rountrles, particularly
                             among proHfic races. Such is the case in the Province of Quebec, where
                            ln 1926, 40.90 of the deceased were under five years of age; out of 1,000
                            living births, 142.0 died the same year.
                                 The campaign inaugurated a few years ago by the Hygiene Service
                            of the Province to improve these conditions has obtained remarkable
                            results in many reglons of the Province. The puttlng into force of new
                            regulatlons of hygiene, the organization of maternaI dlspensaries,
                            maternaI schools and rounty sanitary units have been instrumental in
                            educating the population to the necessity of observing hygienic habits,
                            thereby facilitating the means to overcome infantile mortallty.

                               49-Number or deaths in the first year or birth and prporlion per 1,000 or living births.
                                                         \\1 hole Province  Citiea n..d towus  ~11J",;;d~r 01 th" Pro,'.
                                                       Number  Number  Ra le  Numher  Rate
                               lntl (1).                Il,666   142   5,022    148   O.1H1   137
                               19-2. " .......•...................  10,1'11  <1,:ma  lZ~  5,,)~~  lOS
                               IO~                  .   10,3:l4        5,153    loi:;:  5.1hll  lOI
                               1023 ........•...................  1 l.011  5,247  134  ,j,764  115
                               1922.......•....•....    1I.~\I7        5,70S    1 2   [~.!jt'l9  lO.j
                               1921.         .          1 1,:1~7       5.354    .151  Il,033  113
                               1!)20  , ..•.•..•..•.•...•.•..  14,134  6,90B    1nt;  7,226   140
                               1~18......•........•....•..•...•.  11..lf0  6.313  H)3  5,0\17  107
                               UliS..................•....  11.~1I0    6,418    l\lij  5.3S2  .103
                               Inl?                  .  10.9·Pi        6,ll1    187   4,~:15  .101
                               19H)                 .   1:1.27;,       li,U7    202   Il, 41  140
                               1015                  .  1:.!,71;)      (i.8!J8  11;3  Il.n7   ]32
                               1914              ..     12,!)ljl'J     6,;J;-j[)  21 :)  G,332  128
                               101~                     1;1.~!~3       fi,7D9   :!:!:~  \,,4\16  ]2:l
                               1!Jl2......              1::!.:!rJ3     1;,.110  231   ;;,937  l")'}
                               EH 1..                   1:·1.7~O       ~:ig~    2,11  7,428   .154
                               1910..                   1:~J~l<-:               2:~;:'  fl,fj75  Hl
                                   (1) Sec foot Ilot.e (:2) On [l~1  ~
                                 Table 50 sho\,,'s the number of dea.ths amon?; children up to 1 year
                            of age in the cities a.nd towns havlng a population of 5,000 and over, in
                            1926. The town of Magog had the highest rate of infantile mortality,
                            viz: 202.2 pel: 1,000 births.
                               50-Number or deafhs or children up lo one year or age lip cilies and lowns having 8 popu-
                                   lation of 5,000 and oveT and the proportion peT 1,0 [) or Hving biTths, in 1926.
                                                                                            1~ 'n nt
                                                      E::lti.1ll Led  Df.~~1 ~Irt Qr ('llild.reu Hp lo (H~e ye:H  Living  deRtl18 up
                                   C1T11~;; ""0 TOWNS  IJ01p.ll1~tioJ1 --                  l'J oili3 ;""f'flT
                                                       -',1 IH;:6              ot 1  hi"rtll5-  per 1,000
                                                               ylnle  Fellinie  I1UJnUc     births
                                                     1----1----           -  ----I----!---
                               ç·w 00. l,~ Mauuleine..   ~oo     4:;     ~o     ;'1    42:3  lUI.:'
                               C.licùut.irn!.           11.,,00  40      36     76     5111  H9.0
                               Cfn.1l0y   .             9,ODO     13     11     24     2·13   98.8-
                               oru lU.J 'l\-I.\'I'e . . .. •.  7.Z00  11  16    27     2(;)1  103.7
                               H.d1. .....              2ti,OOO  101     ,)~    151   1,019  151.1
                               JulieU•.                 11,000   ~8      26     ,H     366   174.9
                               La I.ille  .             17,[H)()  ~6     24     70     ·12fl  1LI4 3
                               l  Tlol  UO  .           5,7()()   H      21     3."i   28ti  122.4
                                VIS ....                1~.~I!o  31      JI)    iiO    2!111  172.4
                               MlII!lQIl· .             .1.:>00   lo     21     37     18:1  202.2
                               Mont.,.  1-             6-Sfi.OOO  1,564  ] ,263  2,827  J!),6..f1  1·\:3. 0
                               OutreJ.DDn•.             22JA)()   6       l      7     1~G    r)f) . 1
                               Qllebee. . ..  . ...    127.000   ·130   323     733   4,164  178.8
                               RÎ\'i('~tï~ c,  Lmlp~.   8,"00     12     21     33     277   119.1
                               St. H Yll.cttlthe..      ll,M.IO   2\J    25     54     2Uü   182.4
                               SI.. Jt.hïl  .           10,0(1)  2:l     12     3;;    32~1  106.4
                               St. Jérome  .            8,1100    21>    19     39     31:.l  124.6
                               Shi" '[nill;!ll' }'mIL.  14,4DI)  fi-}    ·10    104    620   167.7
                               Sherbroolk.tJ  .         26,000   ·1.'    4ü     RS     717   122 7
                               Sorel.     .             O.WO      2,     23     51     294   173.5
                               Tbet[ord MIuc•..         W,200     2~     15     38     ~;jO  108.6
                               Torce Hh·l~r~.  .  .     'I:J.500  13\    ~o     211   1.Z:l4  171.0
                               Vlllleyhcd.              12,500    J4     25     50     :307  192 2
                               Verdun.. " .             10,000    47     35     82     996    82 3
                               WestYllount.             20,OOt)   3              3      54    .;:j.6
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108