Page 102 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 102

DEMOGRAPHIC MOVEMENT                               75

                                      47  Nurnber of deaths recorded in the Province or Quebec.
                                            Total    Iln,Lio  , tb. of children ag<id  DMt.b. of  Infanl.
                                            death.  of dealb.                ald people of  JHn..-ing
                               YEAnS       ,"p.corded  !  per                  more     lived
                                           (.Iill·born  1,000                  t,hnn 70  les.lban
                                   inbabiLf\uLfI  Under one  From 1 la 5  ye:1r~  24 hour.
                           jg20 (1).         37,2fo1   14, rl  11,660   J,R,;3   7,451)  (2) 2,011
                           -------- -----                                              ----
                           11l25..           32,300    12.2   JO,141    2,730    6.114    I>f!'t
                           1924              32,3,',6  12.4   JO.334    3.042    5,71)7   630
                           1\l23...          35,H8     13 6   ll,Oll    3,907    6,2.'>7  810
                           1922..            33,459    13.2   11,297    3,318    5,007    647
                           1921.. .          .13,4:~3  14 1   Il,367    3.328    5,381    698
                           1920..            40,6.. 6  17 5   14,143    ,".241  6.l01l    628
                           1919..            35,170    15.4   Il ,410   3,921    5,023    541
                           ]918....          48,902    21.7   ll,800    4.770    0,320    546
                           1017              :1:;,,;01  16.0  10,946    3,753    5,111    610
                           1916  ..............  38,ZOO  17.5  12,278   3,739    5,435    761
                           1915..            35,933    10.7   12,775    3,741    4,78.'>  771
                           1914..            36,002    17.0   lZ,969    3,549    4,603    784
                           1913              30,200    17 .4  13,295    3,842    4,492    712
                           1912..            32,980    16.1   12,353    2,957    4.543    799
                           1911..            :15,904   17 Il  g~~~      3,068    5,005    800
                           1910              :11l,IR3  17.8             4,11\4   4,244   l,aIl
                               (1) See foolrnole (Z) on p~f;e 08.
                               (2) 'rhe considerable inon. '" in t.he oumber of iafnn!. having lived le•• lban 24 hOIU'B dw-ing Iheye.r
                           1926 over th.t of 1925 i. expbinod by tho fnct tbl>t st.ati.lic., OB explaincrt, •.re now C'Omplled in a
                           more nùeQuate nln.nner.
                             The death-mte in the provinces of the Dominion ranges between
                         5.4 to 21.7 per 1,000 Bince 1911.  Nevertheless comparisons must not
                         be established between different parts of the country without taking
                         into consideration the various elements forming the populat.ion. Certain
                         provinces inhabited by robust immigTants, relatively young, 'will natu-
                         rally show a lower death-rate than provinces having a higher percentage
                         of aged persons, Saskatl;hewan for instance has a much lowel' death-rate
                         than the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia, but it will be
                         noted that the number of persons of sixtY years is very much less
                         in the Western province than in Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia. In
                         the Province of Quebec 60. 9 of the deaths were amongst persons of
                         over 70 years and over and of children under 5, in 1926,

                                 48-Proporlion of dealha per 1,000 inhabitanls in the Canadian provinces.
                                                    r Nav~  MaDi-  Brilish   S..kal·  Ptincc  New
                               YEARS     Queb 1:  Ontnrio        Colnm-  Alhert.a  Edward  BrunR-
                                                        lia  Loba  bia       ebe..... no  r land  wiel[
                                               -----              -- ---------- ---
                           1926. . . ... . . . .  14.5  11. 4  II.S  8 3  9.Cl  8 5  7.4  10.1  12 2
                           1925 .. ..... ........  12.2  10.9  11.3  8.0  8 7  7 2  1) 7  11. 5  12 3
                           1924. ....  ........  12 4  10 S  12.3  7.8  9.0  7 6  7.1  la 9  12 3
                           I!IZ3. ..............  ]3.6  \l.8  13.0  5 4  9.2  8.1  7.8  13.1  12 7
                           19ZZ. '. .... .... ...  13. Z  11.4  12 6  9.2  9.1 , ,  80  7.8  12.6  l:j 2
                           1921 ..............  14.1  Il 8  12.3  8.8  8.0  8 4  7.4  13.6  14 2
                           1920.... ...........  17.5  14.0  14 5  10 9  9.3  JO.O  8.1  14 .4  15 6
                           1Ill9 .... ....... ....  15.8  12 0  17.7  10.6  9.2  9 3  8.0   . ...
                           1918 ............•..  21.7  15 ..1  17 7  11 6  ]". ~  14 3  .. i3  3  H.3
                           1917 .. _............  16.0  12.1  14.8  8.9  6 ..1  7.7  7.4  10.0  ..... ..
                           1916 .... ...... .. .  17.5  13.1  15.8  9.8  6.8  8.1  7.8  Il. 5  '0' ....
                           1915 ... ' ........  J6.7  12.4  15.2  .lO.l  7.2  7.3  1).6  Il.5  . ..
                           1914 .... ... ...... .  17.0  12.3  15.0  1û.7  8.1  7.3  5.4  10.8  ... ....
                           I1H3. ............ . .  17.4  12.7  14.5  13 1  9.3  9 0  6.5  10.4  .....
                           1912 .... .....  16.1  12.5  14,3  12 . .5  10.1  9.7  6.2     .......
                           1911 ....  ,,' ..  17_9  12 1)  1';;,7  12. [)  Il.:l  ll6  :'\ :>  .. iù'  . .......
                               (1) Exclusive of Bt.dl-born.
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