Page 38 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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18th GovmUJT ; Lord Callicari (1845 to 1847).
lM6.-Joliette College fOlUlded. The Bouse obtained control of the Supplies. Education
Act amended and sepnrate schools estahlîshed.
1B47.-Telegraph line built betwcen Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and Buffalo. also between
Montrcal and New York. Irish immigration, typhus epidemic; 13,800 victims,
in<:l\lding scveral priests. Ilundrcds of Irish orpho.ns taken into French CaJl1l.w
man fmÏülies. AgricllltW'l11 societies created. Terrebollne or J\{a sean Conege
founded by Madame ~'1asE;on and the fubrique of Terrebonne. Fotmdation of St.
Laurent college by Abhe St. Germain. Arriva! from France of the Freres de
Ste. Croix and Frères de tît. Vil1teur. The former came to direct tcaclüng in the
colleges of TerrebollTw ll.Jld St. Laurent neal' Montreal, while the latter \Vcre given
the direction of Joliette CoUege.
18'l8.-St. Lawrence canuls opened ta navigation.
191h Gove:rnor: Lord Elgin (1847 10 1854).
18/19.-Rioting at MontreuI and burning of the Parliament Bouse and library of the
18!iO.-Mgr. Turgeon 14th bishop of Quebec. Construction of the "Northern Railway"
beglUl. Rigaud Colle!~e fowlded.
18!il.-8t. Mary's College ut Th-1ontrea! fOlUlded by the Jesuits. First Council of Quebee,
the others following successively in 1854, 1863, lR68, 1873, 1878 and 1886. The
first Council of Montreal was held in 1895. First plenary council at Quebec in
1909. Introduction of postuge stamps. Population of Lower Canada, 890,261.
18!i2.-Dioceses of tit. Byueinthc and Three Rivera ererteù. Queen Victoria signed the
charter of Laval Univcrsity. St. Charles BOTTomé College at Sherbrooke foun-
ded. Construction of Grand Trunk Railway begun. Great fire in Montreal
(10,000 persans homelcss). Cre8.tion of the Dcpartment of Agriculture. The
Clercs de St. Viateur fOllIlded a schonl at Joliette for Catholic deaf mutes.
ln the following year, this ~chool Wft5 transfcrred to CôtefLu St. Louis, near Mon-
Administrator: William Rowan (1853 to 1854).
l8!i3.-Colleges of Ste. Marie de Monnoir and Levis founded. Mgr. Bedini, apostolic vicar,
visited Quebec. Arrivul at Quebec of firat transatl.a.ntic stea.mship. Opening
of railway between Montreal and Portla.nd. The number of members for Lower
and Upper CIl.nll.da fixeù at 65 for eaeh province.
20th Gavernor: Sir Edmund Head (I854 to 18(1).
l8!i4'-Abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure in Lower Canada. Erection of Municipa!itiee
in Lower Canada. Inauguration of Laval University. Second Council of Que-
bec. Mgr. Baillargeon coadjutor and administrator of the diocese of Quebec.
Reciprocity treaty between Canada and the United States. Greut Western
Railway went into opemtion. Secularizntion of Cler!?:y reserves.
18!iS.-Laying of the corner stone of the "Monument des Bn~ves" at Ste. Foy. "La Capri-
cieuse", l!"'rench frigote, ascended the St. Lawrenee. Fonnation of Liberal
and Conservative par(ies. E1\tablishment of the system of money orders and
registered lettera in the post offices.
l8li6.-Legislative Counci! made elective. Establishment of the Allan steamship line
between Canada and F.ngland, runnîng twice a month. Opening of a railway
between Montreal and Toronto. Organizll.tion of the Council of Public Instruc-
tion for Ul:"cr Canadu. P. J. O. ChauvCll.U, fil'st superintendent. His succesaors
were: G. Ouimct (187ü), and Boucher de la Bruère (1894) and Cy.-F. Del&ges
l8!i7.-Lower Canadu divided into 19 juclicial distriets, Laval, Jacques-Cartier und McGill
Normal School.'l founJed. Desjardins Canal ncciùent (70 killed). Losa of
steamer "Montreal", with 253 lives. Ott:1wa chosen as the Feder!.ll Co,pital.
l8SS.-Adoption of the decimal system for the currency. Foundation of the Société Histo-
rique de Nlontréal by Jn,cqucs Vip;er, a di,tin~uished arckeologist and iirst mayor
of Montreal.
18l!i9.-FOtmdation of the Agricultural School of Sn,inte Anne de la Pocatière.