Page 36 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 36
:L814.-The Americans dcfealed at Lacolle and Lundy's Lnne. The t.reaty of Ghent put an
end ta the 'IVar. There \Vas a reciprocal restaration of the conquests made during
the war, with the exception of the frontiers of Maine, '\Vhich were rectified by the
Ashburtan treaty in 1R42.
Administralors: Drummond and Wilson.
lL815.-L. J. Papineau, at the age of 29 years, appointed Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
8tl. Governor: Sir John Sherbrooke (1816 to 1818).
lL817.-Mgr. Plessis appointed member of the Lep;isJative Counci!. Foundation of the first
bank ill the country, the Bank of Montreal.
ll818.-The qltestion of the supplies began to excite the public mind. The Bank of Quebec
founded. Tl'eaty between Canada and the United States respeeting naval force
on Gre:\t Lal<es, signed.
9th Governor: The Duke of Richmond (1818 to 1819).
ll818.-The Governor prorogued Parliament, beeause the members refused to vote a one
fifth inereose of the civil list.
t819r-Erection of Qucbec into D.n Arehbishopric. Deflth of the Governor.
Administrators: Monk, DalhoU!Jie arui Maitland (1819 to 1820).
lOth Governo'f: Earl Dalhousie (182010 1828).
ll821.-Excavation of the Lachine Canal, on the "Island of Montreal, begun.
3.822.-A project for the union of the two Cnnadas presented clandestinely ta the Imperial
Government and, as it was hostile to the French Canadin.ns, Neilson and Papi.
neau went to London.supported by a petition bellring 60,000 signatures, to pro-
test against it. Montl'cal1'rotcst,n.nt General Hospital founded.
3.824.-Foundation of the Ste. Therese College. Foundation of a library and the Histo·
rical Society at Quebee. Act of the "Fabriques du Bas Canada" passed.
3l82S.-Found;1tion of Chambly College. Death of Mgr. Plessis. Mgr. Panet, 12th biBhop
of Quebec. Opening of tl'affic in Lachine cMal.
Administrator: Sir Francis-Nathaniel Burwn.
1825.-In the Governor'sabsence, Sir Francis N. Burton caused the supplies to be vot.ed by
headings without details and was blamed by the King.
1.82G.-Dalhousie refused ta sB,nction the supply bill voted under Burton and dissolved the
Rouse. Foundat.ion of lh-town now Ottawa.
:l.827.-The Frem:h CanadialJ5 victari"ous in the elections and chose Papineau as Speaker oC
the IIouse. The Govemor disapproved tills choice and dissolved the House.
Fresh pl'otest sent to F,ngland. Papineau maintained as Speaker and Dalhousie
:l.828.-Exploration of the Saguenay region.
Administralor: Sir James Kempt (1828 to 1830).
:l.829.-College of Ste. Anne de la Pocatière founded. Kempt continues his predecessor's
policy, recognizes Pa pineau as Speaker, but refuses the modifications demnnded
by the Executive and Legislative Councils, the majority of whose members were
creatures of the Governmen t ..
l1lh Goverruyr: Lord Aylmer (1830 w 1835).
:l.831.-Population of Lowcr Ct\nl\du, 553,331 rouls.
:l.832.-Cholera deeimated the population. QuanlIltine Station established at Grosse Isle.
L'Assomption College founded. Riot at Montreal, over the election of a mem-
ber: tllIee French Ca.nndillns lcillcd and two 'lVounded by the troops.
:l.833.-The Steamer Royal William s:.:iled from Quebee on the 5th. August ar~ved at
Graveoelld in England. This wns the first vessel that crossed the AtlantIC under
steam alonc.