Page 42 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 42


                                      in Canada at Qut'bec. Part of the town of Chicoutimi burned down.  A
                                      group of English capita.lists, lUlder the auspices of the "Financial News" of Lon-
                                      don. visited Canada.  The Government authorized by special act to borrow
                                      $10,000,000 for roa<! improvements. Mercier monument inauguratl'd al. Quebec.
                             1913.-Creation oI the Quebt'c Bureau of Stntistics. Erection of the diocese of Mount
                                      Laurier. The educe,tion vote increased by $144,000. Encouragement given by
                                      the Govcrnment to music.  Ungava given the name of' "New Quebec". The
                                      first six agronomists appointed by the Quebec Governm(\nt.
                             1914.-Archbishop Bcgin of Quebec ereated Cardinal.  War dcclarcd with Germany,
                                     Concentration al. Va1cartier of troops to join the Allies in t.he European
                                     conflict. The "Empress of Irebnd" sunk by the "Storstad" off l''ather Point.
                                     910 lives [ost.  Storm in the Bay des Chaleurs, numerous losses of life and
                                     considerable material damage.  Loss of steamer "Montmagny". 14 victims.
                                     Provincial Congre8s of Catholic 8econdfl,ry teaching al. Laval University,
                                     Quebec.  Gift by the Provincial Government, of 4,000,000 lbs of cheese (value
                                     $623,898) to the British Government; of $40,000 to France, of $25,000 to Belgium
                                     and of $5,000 to the Hospital of the French Ca.nadian parishes in Paris.  The
                                     Roads Depnriment erected into fi distinct Department lUldcr the direction of
                                     a minister.

                                    llTH LIEUT. GOVER?I'OR: Sm PIERRE EVAillSTE LEBLANC (1915 TO 1918).

                            :l915.-Vote for Public Instruction increased by $60,000.00.  Inaugumeion of the Trans-
                                     cont.inental Rnilway betwcen Quebec and Winnipeg.  The Department of
                                     Agriculture takcR over the controlIing of the inspection of tlle butter and cheese
                                     !nct,ories. The library of the Legislat.ive Assembly, as weIl as that
                                     of St. Sulpice in Montrenl.  Feder!l.lloan of 550,000,000.00.  Conflagrations al.
                                     Sorel and St. Gcorp;es de Beauce.
                            :1916.-Genewl elections on the 2211d of Ml1Yj the Liberal Party returned to power. Hon.
                                     Jules AlImd n,nd Ml'. J. L. Perron appoIntcd Legislative Councillors; Hon. C. F.
                                     Delâge, superintendrmt of Public Instruction appointed to replace Hon. Mr. De la
                                     Bruère,retired. Militnry corps leave for Europe. Second di" to the Quebec
                                     Bridge; 13 lives 10,,1..  Se~sion opened 7th November and prorogued 22nd of
                                     December. Destruction of the Monustary of the Trappistl:i al. Ob by tire.
                                         lOth Govemor General: The Duke of DeVMshire (1915-1921).
                            :l917.-The Provincial Bureau of Statistics makes the tirst Agriculturttl census in the Pro-
                                     vince.  Sanction of the COI1!\eription Act.  Qucbct: Hridp;e finished.  Scott
                                     Act votee! and applied.  Opening of the Session 4th September.  The Govern-
                                     ment gives il LOO,OOO.OO for the vicl im" of the Halifax disaster.  Federal
                                     Elcctiom (17th Deeember;)  63 anti-cou8cription rnembers elected out of a
                                     total of 6,').
                            ll918.-Enrollmcnt of conscripts.  Orphanage of the Grey Kuns in Montreal destroyed by
                                     tire; 53 children lost their lives.  The Fedcral Government refmes 1.0 exempt
                                     farmers' :5ons from miIitttry 8,ef\'ice. Registrat,iol1 of al! persons of the age of 16
                                     ycars and over in Canada.  Ml'. A. H. Ponsot rcplaces l\.'!r. C. B. Bonin in the
                                     .French Consulate in Montrea.l. Inaugmntion of t]le Hebert Monwncnt.  The
                                     Quebee Government Rubseribes  $'~5,000.  fOr  army huts.  Victory Loo.n
                                     launehecJ. by tlle FedE'ral Government.  Epidemie of Spanis]) JnflUl~nr.a,: 13,000
                                     lives lost.  Death of i-;ir P. K Leblanc. he is replnced by bir Charles Fitzpatrick
                                     Si)l;nin)l; of the Armistice in Europe.
                                   12TH LrE171'ENANT GOVERNOR: SIR CHARLES FITZPATRICK (1918 TO 1923).
                            .!919.-Foundation in Mont.real of a Union of the Munieipalities of the Province.  Opening
                                     of the Session, 21st of Jnnuary; prorogation 22nd of May.  Death of Sir Wilfrid
                                     Laurier. $160,000 suhserilied by the Knip;ht,s of Columbus for thE' Laval Hospital.
                                     Provirwi,tllilections; the Libemb remu,ining in power.  J.\iIr. W. L. MacKenzie
                                     }ùng choscn as leader of t,be Liberal}Jarty.  Surplus of the Province: 8295,221.
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