Page 43 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 43

OF THE PROVINCE                              17

                                 Honourable Alexandre Taschereau becomes Attorney General; Honourable Anto-
                                 nin GaliJ:eault Minister of Public Works and Labour, Honourable.T. E. PerrBult,
                                 Minister of Colonisation, Mines and Fisheries.  Hon. Ml'. Décarie becomes
                                 Chief Justice of the Court of Sessions of the Peaee in Montl'e[ll.  Hon. Ath"nase
                                 David replaces him as Provincial Secretary.  Visit to Canada of His Royal.
                                 Hil!hness the l~rince of 'Vales and of His Eminence Cardinal Mercier. The Mont-
                                 reui University destroyed by tire; loss $],000,000.  Opening of the Session.
                                 Ml'. J. N. Francœllr elected Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.  AdmiraI
                                 Sir John Jellieoe visils Quebec.
                         1920.-Formation in Montreal of the Union of Farmers of the Province.  The Legislature
                                 votes $1,000,000 for thl" Montreal Univeniity (lOth February).  Prorogation of
                                 the Legislature (14th February).  COT1~ress of Canaùian Universities held at
                                 Laval University.  Unveiling of Dollard Monument, in Lafontaine P"r1e-
                                 (24th June).  Resignation of Sir Lomer Gouin as Prime Minister: he is succeeded
                                 by Hon. Alexandre Taschereau (9th July).  Unveiling of the monument to Sir'
                                 Etieune Cartier at Quebee.  Death of Hon. S. N. Parent, former Premier of the
                                 Province of Quebee.  Congress of French speaking physieians of ~orth America
                                 at Quebee (lOth September).  Opening of the subscl'iption campaign for Laml:
                                 University in Quebec, objective $1,000,000.
                         J921.-Reception in honor of the Dulce and the Duchess of Devonshire in the Legi~lative
                                 Assembly chamber atQuebee (14·th Janv!!,ry). TheAet respecting aleoholicliquors
                                 sanctioned (25th JaDu:ny).  Government assumes control of the sale of liquors
                                  (lst May).  Gift of $1 ,000,000 given by the Legislature to the Laval and McGill
                                 Universities (19th M:lrch).  Hon. L. A. Tasehereau given the degree of Doctor
                                 of Law8 at Toronto Univeririty (19th June).  Visit of the French ::\'Iission under
                                 Field Mal'shal Fayolle to 5 v l'al cities in the Province.  Visit to Quebee of
                                 Lord llyng. Governor G 'il .ml of Canada; official Reception at Spencer \rood.
                                 Hon. J. L. Perron appoint d Minister of Roads. Mc:;:rs. Moreau and Lncombe
                                 become Ivlinisters without Portfolio.  }tIr. Paul Tourigny appointed Legislative
                                 Couneillor (27th of September).  Federal eleetions (6th Deeember); 65 Liberais
                                 elected in Quebec.  Reception of Marshal Ferdinand Foch (12th Deeember).

                                             11111. Got:ernor General: Lord B:rjng (1921 ta 1926)
                        1922.-0pening of the 3J'd :3e3sion of the 15th Legislature (lOth January).  Appoint-
                                 ment of a commission of iive members for the conservation of bistol'ieal
                                 monuments.  Closing of the :31',c:;ion (21st Mnrch).  Institutiou of a prize fol'"
                                 Iiterature.  Grant of ;';:10,000 to caeh clas~i()1I1 eollege.  Reception iu Quel>ec
                                 of 50 member.sanù ministers f,.om the \Vr.~  (29th April).  The House of
                                 Commom votes sum or '55,000,000 for the port of Montreal. Doctor Alphonse
                                 Lessard appointed chief of the Hygiene Service of the Province of Ql1ebec.-Ho-
                                 noumble W. S. fieldin~", minister of Finance, announc .. ft reduetion in the cus-
                                 toms tariff. Thc Province of Qucbec tms a surplus'of J;ii,033,410.45 for the finan-
                                 cial Yèar ended the 30th JJ..Ine 1922.llIauguration of Laurier Monument at Ar-
                                 thabaska-(25th September).  Opening of tlle fOLll·th session of the fifteenth
                                 Legislature (24th October). The number of i'dlOlllr~hips fol' students W:lB increas-
                                 ed to fifteen by Honourable Athanase David. OUiei'l,1 inauguration of th: sellOol
                                 of }'ine Arts of Quehec (23 Novcm ber).  The Royal sanction is given to lift
                                 the embargo against Canadian cattle (London, l5th December). Proro~ationof
                                 legislature (29th Deeember).
                        J923.-Honourable L. A. Taschcrcau announces the dissolution of the Legislature and
                                 fixes the date for the election for the 5th February (lOth January).  The
                                 Liberal Government maintainrd in power by a large majol'ity(5th February).
                                 The LieJ..ltenant·(;uvernor of ofiers a banquet lo citi-zens of the
                                 Province of Quebec, at the reunion of the Bonne l!:ntente (Toronto 17th
                                 Mareh). The Povercigl) POlJtiff Pius Xl sends 50,000 francs to Hi::; Eminence
                                 Cardinal Bégin in aid of the reconstruction of the Basilica destrcyed by fire.
                                 Inauguration of the Radium Institute at the University of Montreal (~th.
                                 April).  Monseigneur Ross is eonseerated first bishop of Gaspé (1st May).
                                 Erection of a monument in memory of Abraham Martin, tirst pilot of the St.
                                 Lawrence.  Monument erected to Carùina.l Taschereau, first Canaùian Cardinal.
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