Page 37 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1834.-Another cholera epidemic. The Canadians embody their grievances against England
in 92 resolutions. The St. Jean Ba.ptiste Society of Montreal founded by Ludger
12th Governor: Lord Gosford (1835 to 1838).
1835.-A report tmfavorable to theCa.rutdians sent to England bytheGovernor. The people
excired. The Association of the Sons of Liberty founded at Montreal.
183&.-The first railway in CallB.da inaugurated from St. Johns to Laprairie. Montreal
erected into a bishopric. Mgr Laltigue its first bishop.
1837.-Arrival of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Breaking out of civil war owing to
England's refusaI to recognize the just clairns of the Canndians. Fight ll took
place at Chambly and St. Denis, where thc English troops were defeated, but
they were victorious at St. Charles and St. Eustache. In Upper Canada, Lyon
Mackenzie is at the head of the revoIt. Gosford rcturned to England.
Adm.inistral.or: Sir John Colborne, (1838).
1838.-The constitution of 1791 suspended by llim and a Council of 22 memberB, of
whom 11 were French Canadians, formed.
13th Governor: Lord Durham. (1838).
1838.-Most of the political prisoners liberated, except 24, who were exiled to the Bermu-
das. This act disapproved by London and the Governor resigned his office.
CardillB.l and Duquet executed at Montr~al.
14th Governor: Sir John Colborne (1838 to 1839).
1838.-FreBh rioting in Lower Caruula. Colborne Buppressed the troubles with great
severity. Not less than 89 political prisoners sentenced to death, 47 exiled
and 12 executed between March and December 1838. In Upper Canada, the
insurgents were defeated nt Prescott, Detroit and Niagara. From 20 to 30 pri-
soners "\Vere shotor hung in Upper Canada, between December 1838 and February
1839. These severe measures were blamed by England.
15th Gove:rnor: Lord Sydenham (1839 to 1841).
1839.-Lord Durham Bubmits a repOlt to London, suggesting the UlÙon of the two Canadas
and the abolition of the French language ln civil acts.
UNION PERIOD : (1840 to 1867).
1840.-Act of Union between Lower and Upper Canada sanctloned by Queen Victoria..
Arrivo'! of the Steamship "Britannio/' of the CUIUl.l'd Line.
1841.-Arrival of the Oblat Fathers at Montreal. Population of Canada: 1,150,000, of
which 700,000 French Canadians. Union Act inaugurated and Kingston chosen
as the seat of government. Death of Lord Sydenham. Rockslide at Quebec;
32 persons kiUed. Adoption by Lower Canada of an Education Act.
Administrator: Sl:r Richard D. J cu:kson.
16th Govemor: Sir Charles Bagot (1842 to 1843).
1842.-Responsible Government established. Lafontaine and Baldwin became Mioisters.
Return of the Jesuits to Canada.. Ashburton tret1ty.
1843.-Launching at Montreal of the first iron steam vessel built in Canada.
17th Governor: Lord Metcalfe (1843 to 1845).
1844.-Erection of the ecc1esillstical province of Quebec.
1845.-Return of the politict11 exiles of 1837-38. Two greatconflagrations at Quebec; 25,000
persons left homeless. The right ta vote given to the clergy. Bishop's College
founded t1t LennoxviUe. '='