Page 248 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 248
AU the revenues which are at the disposaI of the Legislature for
the administration of. the Province, constitute the consolidated revenue
fund. This fund is burdened with the costs of collection and the expenses
of administration, but these charges are subject to auditing and to con-
trol of parliament. It is also burdened with the obligations or debts of
the Province and with those which may be incurred. The Lieutenant-
Governor in council may order the investment of any surplus public
money, at the end of a fiscal year, or authorize temporary loans when
the revenues for the year are insufficient.
The ordinary resources of the Province of Quebec are derived from
the exploitation of the crown domain (sale of arable lands., forestry
concefJsions, cutting rights, the lease of hydraulic powers, the revenue
from minés, fisheries and game, etc.) of certain taxes (commercial
corporatl'on) duties, (duties on successions, motor vehicles) and the
Federal subsidies. The moneys derived from these various sources
are apportioned among the divers administrative services by means of
credits voted annual1y. The accountants of each department after-
wards distribute the credits granted according to law. The payments
effected out of the ordinary revenue serve for the reimbursement of a
part of the public debt and interest and the maintenance of schools and
the fostering of letters, arts and sciences, the administration of justice,
the management of the public domain, t'he making of roads, the building
of bridges and public edifices, aids to agriculture, the development of
colonization and v~ious other public uses.
l-Statement of Ordinary Receipts and Ordinary and Extraordinary Payments of the
, Province of Qllwee.
--.. Extraf)rdinnry 1 OrdiufI,TY and
YBARS _ OrdiDD.ry Ordinary paymenls extrnorr)iofl.fJ.' Surplu.<
...._._-- . receipt.s paymellLs (1) paym!Y)t~
S $ $ 8 S
fl2G-'.!.7 .......•........ 30.024,997.01 ,9,078,702.119 .. 29,078,702.89 2)1,846,294.12
r~125--26. _.........•.... 27,20U.3:J5.48 2fJ,4-01.4AO 51 ·2"i.7CÙ: 22 :!fi,6"1~,IS3.73 (2) 520,140.75
192-1-25 ................ 2<;,021,:128.81 23,62!J,:HIO.00 6·18 ,S02. 24 2 ~ ,27S, 1~J2 . 24 7.1;1,136.57
1923-24 .....•.......... 23,170,733.11 21,J(J7.2lJ:J .9-1 300,000.00 21,867,292.114 1,303,110.17
192~-23......... , ...... 21,634,641.52 111,930.27.3 .RI 360,000 .00 20,190,275.81 I,H4,365.71
1921-22.......... " .... 21,6011,396.10 16,1>75,976.55 .. 16,07.3,976. ~fi 5,033,41904.3
11120-21 ............•... 15,914,1>21. 17 11,fo24,08R. ]2 .. 60',000:00' 14,684,088.12 1,230,433. 05
1919-20................ 14,472,6:)0.87 13,1>20,740.:l7 .. 13,.<;20,740.31 951,1110.50
1918-19 ................ 12,566.:l52.03 12,~72,575.31 "9S',ÜÙO' 12,371,131.01 295,221.02
]1117-]8 ................ 13,806,390.97 1l,t23,497.73 2'18,334.96 ~1,671,832.69 2,134,,',;'8.28
1916-17 ...... , ......... 10,-141, lI3. 71 Il.8·17,]73.10 60,;,00 .00 9,907,67.1.10 533,440.61
1915-16................ Il,li47,9S2.77 9,n8.61'l8.08 (,'S,OOO.OO 9,436,688. 08 21[,294,69
11114-15 ...... , ......... 9.tJ!.l7 I ü2:').67 8,330,2',7.01 380,2.•8.63 8,710.01,.. 64 8117,410.03
1913-14 ................ 9,000,371;.73 8,091,726.66 ;;32,641.27 8.624,367.93 :176,008.80
J912-13 ................ 1l,382,737.13 7,612,161.116 311,1'l23.33 7,9.'>3,984.119 428,7:2.14
1911-12. " ............. . 8,070,109.19 7,022,796.26 363,·~B3.115 7,386,680.21 683,42S.98
1910-11 .. .............. ;,032,7'1.4-.99 6,126,834.95 298,01\,; .09 6042-1,\)60.04 607,811 .95
1909-10 .. , .... _........ fi,,;71,94-{ .27 5,480,.•90.20 147,104.95 5,027,7;'5.11 944,189.16
1908---09................ 6,0i>2,IR7.39 5,441,8ilO.22 98,000.00 5,.'39,SllO.22 "'12,307.17
1067-08 ........•.•..•.. 0,0Ifo,61:'.77 4,939,919.06 41,000.00 4,980,919.66 1,03;>,fo96.71
1906-{)7................ :',270 ,;.94.74 4,691 ,~'>O. 42 n,'i9a.92 4,764,8H.34 .30':;,7.;0.40
1905-06 ........ , .... ', .. 6,310,!li6. s8 D,a l2,417. 74 167,:J99.8l 5,l79,817.;'.i 160,349.33
1904-0:> ..... , .......•.. !"1,03!I.OOI.07 4,1137,882.77 52,023. Hl 4,9'1I,90".9S 411,095.12
1903-04 ............... 4,880,686. ;;4 4,7H,9t;9.24 oO,SOO.OO 4,711.;'4611.24 8;;,217.30
l,tl02-{)3 .............. , . 4,fo99,772.87 41,;UO,GI6.SS M,.143.77 4.:;9G,OGO.1\0 103,712.22
1901-02................ 4,;;1;•. 1611.88 4,4 70,:J:>2 .15 20,345.17 4,490,677.:12 2'1,492.56
1900-01 ................ 4,.'563,4:32.18 4,192,0~2 ,44 24,165.18 4,516,2;;7.62 1 1 _~7l.!.~
(1) P;l.ymenls IWlde out of orwIlary revenue li)' th4:: DeIJi·l.rlmc.'nt of Public Work':i for bUlldlllgs bellJg
{)On~lnlcl Pd.
(2) Exdusive of n sum of 81,000,000 included in ordinnry p"'ym"nt.. of t.he liscal yenr used in reducing
funded doht..
Exlract jrom the Publio Ac"",,,,,!. of the Pro.i""" of Q~.bec.