Page 252 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 252

222                           FJNANCES

                              4---8tatement of Receipts of the Province of Quebec. for the fiscal year ended the 30th
                                                           June 1927.

                                                  RECEl PTS                     Amounts    'fot~Ls

                                                                                s   OGS.  s   cts.
                              B~l~nce in B,mk on 30tb JuDe, 192ù ......................•.... '"  2,216,676.92
                              Dominion or Cana.(h:r...   . .•....•........•..........  2.3l5,603.26
                              Lanne Rnn Pore.t.... . . . .. . . ..  .  .       6,601,146.18
                              i\1ilte~. FilSherie}j ROO Came              .     881.614.. 7!)
                              A~imilli.'itTati01l of Jll.', Building a.nd Jury Fund, LA"w Stamps, FeeB, ele.. -1  7R7 ,7·10. 6S
                              LlCenBE'.::), bolela, 9hopEl. eT,C .........•........................•.........  l ,472 ,02\,). 13
                              lAquor Law (Tradit4,l; accmmt.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....  4';,00,000.00
                              Taxes on Commorcial cor~oral.joIlB.....•.....•....•...  2,52:J,93L36
                              DuLy on 5J1c('e~5iofl$..  . .......•....••.......•....•  3,B53,SOï.66
                              TD'.: UOd€"T 12 G('o. V, cIl. 00 (:-:.<.'iziD).  . •• , •••••••.•.•••••.•..••.  ;lli,6H.91
                              Tax on trunafeJ's of stocks l:).ud bonds. . . . . . . . . . . .  . ....•..........  2S7.381.45
                              1\1otor Vehic1c La w .  ... . . . . . . • .  . ...•..•.....................•.•..  3,381,814.56
                              On~()liDe. Du1.y 110<t fce:l ..................•....•....•........•....•..  1,285,6!H.28
                              1\laiot.ellllHce Dr iu~"ne ...................•....  63'1,003.43
                              Reformatory and indu:'ltri:ll echootB.  .  .      1\1·1.013.28
                              Q' tbec OJfi"'al Cazette..  . ........•..•.....•....•....•......•.•.  52,l47.05
                              J..cgi.btion... . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  25,241.8\1
                              It~t~iaLrotl0n SLn01P8. . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .. . ...•..  3l2.R14.LO
                              In l rœt on Siokina: Puni! und(>[' 60 Vict., cb. 2, Bec. 5.  . ...•..........  32,433.70
                              In terest on Lf>f.l]18 n.nd depo~itl!!.  . . . . . . . . . . .  . ...•.•..•......  GlO.820. Ml
                              Intcrest pnid boY DlunkipoJitiC'A undeT Good Ron.ds Lllw .......•...••....  091,313.26
                              Ta.:t on Rll)lway !'ub~idica.       . ...•....•.  19.215.9Û
                              l'vI inor Revenue..  .  , . . .    .        ,  .  725,340.96
                                                       On Dilf,o\.ny RECEl M'8  .  30,924,997.01

                              Mitis River Btor:l~ .••.                    899.32
                              Lak~' JCeno~ami tlt{}ra~e .                  l29. ï5
                              St. Maur ice river ws.ter atorap:c                    l.OO
                              Gou<lJload.. Act,l912         .                   69,63r).69
                              PubHc Charltic::t. ... .  ' ......•....          1,775,379.73
                              TollF; on Jbtisc"n brinl'le  .                    35,000.00
                              Tolls 00 Iole Perrot bridge .                     85,500.00
                              DuHrunj:!; n.od mailltf':llanCe of I.~le Perrot bridge..  l27.93
                              TrUi"ot Funù'S rmd ùepo/';1ts.  , ..             1,370.B99. (H
                              LOlln3 t,o n11luioipa!Jtiesrll Workmpn dwcl1ingA.  4,7M.f\l)
                              Deferrecl paYlllente-The Bank of lIoohel:>ga. .   139.899.83
                                                                              34AI3,035. 78 1

                              Tell'lporary Loo.os .                           B.i50,000.00
                              LoalL' toGood Ronda, in vi:rLueof l3Geo. V, cap. 34.  7,287,525.00
                              LOHll.'i t.e aid Colonization 13 Geo. Y, cap. 2,-l.S amended..  990,3\0.00
                              Loaru; ~o l3y-no"c1.L~w 16 Geo. V, cap. 31 a~ ~mcnded.  2,970,030.00

                                                             Te(n! Heeeipt•..           54,G27,4n.70

                                Extrac( Crom Officinl Gazelle of Quebec.
   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257