Page 251 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 251
3-Stalement of Funded Debt and of lemporary depoails of the Province of Quebec, on
the 301.h June. 1927.
D:\t.o ol isBue Where payable Amouct Tol.ala
Sets. cls.
Isl Janun.ry, 1888. London or PAris. 3.012.4ôG .66
1BtMo.rcb,1894 , . London or ~fonl.renl.. 2,530,1166.67
30tb Dccember, 1894. La nù on or Paris .........•......... 5,332.976.00
lat May. 1896. London Or ? . 292,000.00
lat April, 1807 , , , .. Loodoo or Moolre,,' .....•.... 1,341,346.00
IBIAp'il, IS07 .. 9,236,061.48
IBtJo.ollilr.v, 1913. J.oudon . 1,!)49,086.67
laUuJy, 1914 London . 3,991.722.73
lat May, t916. Qucbeo 0' Monlrea\. 133,800.00
l.tJun.c, 1016 .. Quebee or Montreal. " .. ,. 2.500,000.00
15tb Soptember, 1915. Quebee or Monlreal .. 144,000.00
lat :\'iay, 1918. Quebec Or Montreal , . 40.600.00
latJUJle, 1920 , . Qucboc. MootreolorToronto......•.. 2.500.000.00
15lb Marob,1923 ........•....... Qu.bec. Ylonlr""lorToront<J......... 4,707.000.00
1aLMaTch, 1924 . i\iontre.'\1, New York or London .... 15,000,000.00
Znd March,19Z5 . . .. QuebeC', 301'l'l, To.ron{,o DT N. Y ... 15,000,000.00
lot July, 1926. Quebe•. M '1.'1, Toronl 0 or N. Y. 7,500.000.00
1,/. May. 1927. Quebec, M'l", ToroMo Or N. Y. 1.000,000.00
ISL May, 1927 Quebec, 1'0'('[ 'l, Toront.o or l\. Y.
Sin king FUlld inveBlecl . $ 5,106.737.15
Reserve (DT :'eÎmbW:seOlent of part. of Fundcd Debt. 688,687.50
Deferred payment,E:l: Dobcnturt~S if<.'mecl to t.he 11nchela.,gn
Dallk. uuder the A ct. of Lbe L·.1 ,js1::H.lIre of tbt.' Provillee
of Qu.bee, 1'1 Geo. V. eh. 3. lJ"yabJe in yoorly inaio.l\-
meosor$124.172.40.. 1'I,r,O:l.1l.50.17
20,390,274 .82
Net.. (undecl Dcbt, (including lOeretl2e of carJital tllrougb converAion) .....
TE~IPon",.ny LO:4.NS .\.'=D DE:P081J'S
Tempornry 6,7;;0,000.00
Taaeber~' peoeiou FUJ).c1 453,240.72
Prote5taDL oC PubHc lnsLruction. -12,052 98
-_. 9,3~2,762.10
Tru~t Fund.:l nml ~U3.rantee deJ)OBitf!. . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . ... . . •.•...... 2,097A68 40
68,155,713 .55
ExtraCl from che Qu8bec OQi.cial GlUelte.