Page 250 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 250

220                           FINANCES

                                           EXTRAORDINARY RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS.

                                To the Crown and fiscal revenues of the Province must be added
                           the e;x:traordinary budget provided by 10an and by certain funds in
                           trust or deposits which are a species of Joan.       The extraordinary
                           receipts serve for the payment of the expenses chargeab1e to capital
                           (redemption of Dominion loans, loans to municipalities, the building
                           of court houses or other public edifices, the building and maintenance
                           of bridges, the water storage of several rivers and lakes, work on the
                           roads, gifts to certain institutions, the reimbursement of funds of which
                           the Government had the custody, etc.). These expenses as may be seen
                           are not directly connected with the administration of the Province
                           they are not fixed and obligatory charges..
                                The increase in the ordinary receipts is as follows: 1921 over 1920,
                           $1,441,870.30; 19220ver 1921, $5,694,874.93; 1923 over 1922, $25,25.42;
                           1924 over 1923, $1,536,091.59; 1925 over 1924, $1,850,595.70; 1926
                           over 1925, $2,185,006.67; 1927 over 1926, $3,718,661.53. The increase
                           of ordinary and extraordinary payments for the fiscal years was:
                           1921 over 1920, $1,163,347.75; 1922 over 1921, $1,S91,888.53; 1923 over
                           1922, $3,614,299.16; 1924 over 1923, $1,677,017.13; 1925 over 1924,
                           $2,410,899.30; 1926 ovel' 1925, $2,407,996.49; 1927 over 1926, $2,392,-
                           514.16.   The increase of 1927 over 1920 in the amount of ordinary
                           receipts is $16,452,346.14 and in that of ol'dinary and extraordinary
                           expenses, rs $15,557,962.52. The surplus which varied between $24,493
                           and $5,033,419 during the last twenty-five years amounted ta $1,846,-
                           294.12, at the end of the fiscal yeal' 1925-26.

                                               2-Extraordinary Receipts and Payments.

                                          Ordinnry  Extra.ordiOH.ry  Total  Ordln~1'y ~Dd  Oth.r  Ca8h in bl>,,1<
                                YEARS                                e:s.t.f[wTrlinarv   ~t the .ncl 01
                                           rlM."-(lll,J't.e  receipf,s  T~ejph  PR, ·mf~l1t.3·  l'ayrnente  the :..:ear
                              ·-------------···--I----...;--I~ --:-.--_.
                                            5         s        S         S         $          S
                              1926-27  .  30,924,997.01  23,ï02..1~O.ü!1  .H,pm,i77. 70' 20,078.702.89  23,287,1I3.1~  2,261,661. 65
                              1925-2(1  .  27,20:3,~i:~5. 48  IP.87i:,92·1.;'\;  J7.077.'~nO 01 2ü.Ü%.IRR.73  11;,17';,394.39  2,21"'.675 92
                              1921-2.;  .  2-~,02l.;~28.81  2:).297,1.19.:1(, t;{l,;{ts,71;"\.:i::!  ;M.~7~,ID2.24  2·~.;"i81,85.;,D:t  1,6i'8.720.74
                              192:1-24  .  23.170,7~3 .11  I1,OOfi,936.55 't3B'076'UU9.66 21,867,292.94 13,774,331.94  2,{35,0{'1.78
                              J922-23  .  21,5.34.541.52  13,21O,071l.21  :it,R-15,G19.73 20,190,27;'.81  Il,05.'j,772.57  2.690.571.35
                              1021-22  .  21,(;09,.106.10  9,032,6~l.ull 30,6'J2,077.78 16,5n,976.65 ll,180,293.73  2,81('.,807.40
                              1920--21.  .  10,911".21.17  15,8H,2:lO.86  32,7;'8,7-12.03 14,(,84,088.12 15,33;;,3.32.62  1,730.321. 29
                              1919-~0  .  14.472,650.87  12,/j22,210.81  27,09·1.8(;1.68 I:J."20,740.37 Il,790,279.07  l,7S:I,iH2. 24
                              1918-19  .  12.556.:1:;2.03  3,032,260.71  15,698,621.75 12,371,131.01"  2,44R,2.'7.40  879,233.34
                              J917-1;8  .  I:l.806,:190.97  2,433,220.3;;  10,2:39,611.32 1l,61I,832.69  3,:\6S,293.69  000,484.lH
                              1918-17  .  1O.441,1l3.71  4,004,932.;)2  1;',346,046.23  9,907,673 .10  4,4\IÙ,ôO~.49  938,764 .64
                              1915-16  ..  9,547,9~2.77  6,811,738.50  1U.1;'9,721.27  U,{36,5SS.0S  4,457,091. 7~  2,!i6'>,941. 41
                              1914-15  .  n"in7,02,).67  l4.1:;(),7:JO.,,1  2:J,757,G;,6 18  1',710,,;15.74 12,434,080.7·J  2,61 2,lW. 80
                              1913-14  .  0,000.376.73  6.151,609.74  13,151,986.47  8,624.367.93  .;,,,,14,270.5,;'  973.:147 .99
                              1912-1~  .  8.382.737.13  5,06·i,690.:m, 13,'148,127.52'  7,O:':I,t1:>4.9\l  3,68",7~2.49  1,808,680.04
                              19lJ-12  .  8,070,109.19  3,2;;!l,414.8!l  11 ,32!1,!i24. 0,1  7,386,680,21  942,224..20  3,000,519.63
                              1910--11  .  7,032,744.99  2,3:39,5/;8.5:J  9,372.313.62  5,424,900.04  4 \5.~27. 52  2,,'~2,186. 06
                              !llO9--10  ..  6,571,914.27  l,99,>,704.42  8,567,u·18.69  5,627,7,.5.11.  71;;,.'">16.38  2.224 ,377 .20
                              !l10B--09  .  5,082,187.39  4,·t()H,7R8.2~  10,5,,)1,07;;.61  t\!")30,8S0.22  3,2Br.,:i24.34  l,71(j,77~.05
                              1907-08  .  6,OI6,UI;'.77  774,S34.87  6,791.450.64  1,980,019,961  117,2\16.35  1,593.23.;.22
                              1901}-07  .  5,270,.-,04.74  908,3fl1.OR  5,17-;,flR5.82  4,764,814.3,1  707,953.91  706,187.57
                              HIC5-06  .  5,340,165.88  7,248,2:32.04  12,.'.RR,:\99.82  5,170,817.'V,·  6,,,,;5,604.04  8;;2,978.23
                              :iQO,j-iJ.3  .  5,030,001.07  33.\0 1;1. Q4  5.374,015.01  4,989,905.95  232,413.38  1:'1,655.68
                              190:i--04  .  4,8~O,685.54  all,54;i.9S  5,192,232.52  4,795,460.24  172,107.04  224,656.24
                              U102-03  .  4.699,772.87  217.9~ü.13  4,917,762.00  4,596,060.55  124,587.09  197,114.28
                              1001-02  .  4,5 15,1~9. 88  392.if>7.29  4,907,337.17  4,490,677.32  277,026.93  139,632.92
                              1900-{)1  , .  4,563,432.18  410,251.46  4,973,683.54  1 ,51~,257. 62  162,097.32  295,328.70
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