Page 253 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 253

FINANCES OF 1HE PROVINCE                           223

                             5-StatemenL of Payments made by the Province of Quebec. for the fiscal year ended
                                                        tile 30th June 1927.

                                               EXPENOITURE                     Amount.s   TalaIs

                                                                               $   cts.   $  cts.
                             Public DeM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . .  .  4,659,495. 17
                             Special provision for tOO relund of PMI of Funded Debl..   1.000,000.00
                              Lf'gislaLioD  .  .                                         758.126. oS
                             Civil GovE:rament·.  . ..                                  J,707,668.4 7
                             AdmioÎatrll.t..ion of Justice.  ..  ....  . .....          2,073,888.86
                             Judgesof tbe CaurI of S"",,;OOS of the Fencc, etc .          75,230.11
                             [ospeclion of Public OOires.  ..  . .  . ..                  23.752.77
                              PubHo Iost,ruotion , inrtluùiog ")ljgllt 8cboola·'.  2.753,615:21
                             Arts and ]\,1nnufactures.. .  .                    72.000.00
                             Bureau of Stat;st.ics, Quebec.                     22,~S8.69
                              liygieue .....                                             .3(\3,888.80
                             Public WOTJœ.
                             Labour ...
                                                                                        1,233,978 35
                             Agriculture.                                               1,800,500.00
                             Roads.  . ...                                              5,598,000.00
                             LanUs nnd Forests. .  . ..                                 !.lB0,972.80
                              l\.lioes. FiftherieB, Go.Ole nnd Cad1l8tre . .             (\75,220.24
                              Colooi~aLloo . . . . ..  ....                             1,073,495.31
                             kn:~I~~~t~~oi~~i~ti~~~:::                                    30,050.00
                             lns:>ne A..j·lum.. . . .  .                                J ,428,Ml. 02
                              Reformntory Bnd [odu.trinl BcllooLs..                      420,000.00
                              Charu.f'~ on Revenue . ..                                  SOB ,8-,12.79
                              -'1i~c:ellaneousservices..                                 79S,éI'18.23
                                             ORO[J\'/IRY EXPENDl'.I'DnE.               29 ,07B.702.:;9
                             Good Ro•.dsAct, 1912..  .  ...                             1.605,889.52
                             St. .:\;Iil,urice river water storage .                       7,321.80
                              l\'litis. river wa,t,er st.ora.a;l·. .  . .                   64.00
                              St.. Froncis r)ver' :;',ora~e .                        50.00
                              LH-ke Kenogami wa.tcr  .                           27,871.89
                              Norlh river wn, RtOfl1l!('.  .                          26,747.71
                             Duilding ACTlC':x (,0 Ivton::'l'cal ('ourL House.".         31(\.473.00
                              Buildmg Annex ln Quebee Court Hou.e ..                     305.118.14
                              Museum of natural history, Quebee  .                         5,149.60
                              BUIlding and mal ntenance of bmlges on Ile Purot             1.000.00
                              BUIlding Dew jao! Montr",,1 district  .                    331,624.18
                              BUIlding court house Bnd jaJi Pontiac district.            134.788.20
                              BUlldlog court hOUBe sod jall, Ville Mane.                   .'\.YJ7 ..~
                             Pnblic Chariti... Fund....                                 1,590,539. HO
                                                                                       33,336,938 _63
                             Tru.t fund. and depoBits.                                  1,052,035.74
                             BnUding of Q. M. O. & O. RailwBY.                              750.00
                              Relund of lonn tü Dominion of Caoada., re constructioll of workingmenls
                                dwclliogs. ..  .                                    .      4,765.88
                             Sinkiog fund under Ihe 'Act i.i G~~' V, ~b: 3', B~~k ·of·H.o~hel~g~: : .  139,899.83
                                                                                       34,534,:J\IO OS
                             Refund of 1030 undor th. AcLI0 Geo. Y, ch. 3               4,000,000.00
                              Refund of lOBa under tbe Act 11 Geo. V, ch. 3 .           3,352,318.(\4
                              Refuod of tempoTMY Jono•..                               10.000,000 .00
                                                                                       51,  ,708.72
                             Ta be added: Unpnid warraots on 30th June, 1926..          2.4\12.768.4.'>
                                                                                       M ,379,477 .17
                             Ta bededucted: "Cnpnid warranlsan 30tb Juoe.1927.          2,01 ;(;61.12
                             })aJanee in bank on 30tb Juoe, 1927  .                     2,261,6 1. 6
                               Exlract from Quebec Offi<,ial Ga·.elt<.
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