Page 190 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 190

JUSTICE                               163

                              The three follo~ving tables show the plaee of birth, oNupation and
                         religion of persons convicted of indictable offences in the Province of
                         Quebec from 1919 to 1925. Fol' the latter year, 1,007 labourers were
                         convicted and domestics numbered 617 equal to 20% of the total con-

                                    3O--Classification of Persons Convicted according to Occupation.
                                                     1 1~19       1921 1_~22
                                   OCCUPATION               1920            1 1923  (  1924._  1925_
                           A (tri(~ llU,un\.l. .  . . :'?'1~-4~-    9b  'G4     69    44    52
                           lndu.lrinL..                            317   M3    ~7    H3    H8
                           Tradenl and ernp!üYf;e~.'  .......  417  331  3BB  407  504  395  443
                           Dom(W c.         .........  .  77ô  596  193  3·j6  443   602   617
                           Tro,hspor(,9 t.i on.              144   17ô    56   118   136   112
                           ProfnMJ oal .               '50    14    15    14    14    8     12
                           Labourers.                  068   790   830  1.OÙ3  743   747  1,007
                           NotglveD.                  1,224  0:27  1,454  586  480   413   003
                           Others .                           ()    4     6     1     1     10
                               TOT.n l'on THE PaO'"INCE .. '  ..•  3,920 1 3,288  3,475  2,885  2,655  2,729  3,084

                              From the information gathered, it is computed that, in 1925, there
                         were 2,408 persons born in Canada and 676 born in Great Bl'itain and
                         elsewhere convicted in the Province,     The proportion of convicted
                         persons born outside of Canada reached 22%.

                                   31  Jassification of Persons Convicted according 10 Place uf Birth.
                                 PLAC1,: OF DIRTH
                           ------------- ---- -                   1921  19?2  1923  ----  1925
                           Canada  "  ..... '         3,037  2,495  :1,,;9f,  1,1ll!ft  1.001  l,l:I:l:l  2,4U8
                           EnglnndandWnlœ..            146   125   206   11(,  105   .1:.14  1>2
                           !rcland. .                   2fl   18   53    45     20    JO   16
                           Scotland.. "  .....  ..      25    30   a8     2il   10   25    24
                           Oliter RriLish Countries. . .  g   5     2     1     5     4     5
                           UnlLcdStaLc8..... .. .      IDS   113   12:;  154   97    95     7"1
                           OtheTforcign éOuntrie..     377   288   236   22f;  213   189   177
                           Notgiveo                    l~()  214   m     3~7   211   429   :.1
                               TOTAL FOR TU,,: PROVINCE. ..•.  3,920  3,288  '3-:47512-:&85- -2,655 2J~3:Oë4
                             The othel' table shows that out of 3,084 rriminals, 2,046 belonged
                         to the Catholic religion,  Among the other criminals 'were anglicans,
                         baptists, methodists and protestants.

                                     32-elassification of Persons Convicled according to Religion.
                                    IlEL1GION         1919  1920  1921  1922  1923  1  1924  192r.
                           Romon calholics.. .       3,078  2,4~'2;5s4~-      1,!i:1\1 -I,-1~7712.240-·
                           Anglicane.. . . . .  . . . .. . .'  53  88  108  143  65  43    88
                           Baptiau....  .. .. .. . .. ..  .>  8    Il    28    1.;  1  9    4
                           Melhodiata. . .             21    H     42    48    18    19    24
                           Pre.byterian.               31    34    50    72    23    18    34
                           Hebre"'....              .        III   80    43    58    ;;9   1>7
                           Prolo.taots. . ..           2\)5  254   2fi4  120   257  Z:H   248
                           Ot,herreligion•.......... ' .'  .  4~7  320  &iCI  475  3i13  8010  373
                                                    ~O~ ~              2,885 2:6"- ~~
                               TOTAL FOR TIIE PROVINCE"
   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195