Page 187 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 187
23-Criminality, by Provinces, in 1925.
ConviCI·ions for
Percp.nt.aKe of Perccntn~e Pel'c~ntage crimes flOd seriou8
PUOVINCES convicLious fer of ~h. 01 ieIlU\le of\"p.nCCB (propor-
(;rime3 and population crimÎnals t.iou pOl' JOO.OOO
urioua offcnces versolls)
Prince Edwnrd ........... 0.01 0.1l::! 3
NoVl\ ~co\;iA......•......•.. 3.62 5.73 5.4 110
New Drunawick ................ 1.42 4.31 11. 0 60
QI1C"h...(·..•. , .• ". , .....•.......• tI.D1 26.91 18 9 122
Üntttlrio ... ....... ....... 45.02 33.14 10.3 2·18
Mnnitoba ..... .......... 7.00 7.01 15.1 18·1
8a",katt~hew·an........ 9.G1 8.89 4.7 lOB
Alh",·!............... 7.28 6.96 7.6 H~2
Briti....h Cohwll.ila ............... 8.05 6.99 17.0 2·17
North West Terl'itorie$ .......... .02 0.13 41
C.\N.'DA .......... 100.00 100.00 11.8 184
The tables contained on this page give an accurate idea of the
relative criminality in the different Provinces, ln arder to make these
tables more striking and give them. greater emphasis, the relative
criminality has been indicated by percentages. This allows us to make
a comparison between the diffel'ent sections of the population. It will
be noticed that out of a total of 17,219 convictions in the country, in
1925, the foreign element contl'ibuted 7,725 criminals, equivalent to 45%.
24·-Numerical distribution of Criminals according to Birth, in 1925.
PR.OVINCES 01 Tot,AI Dt ITilllinal,
CarJadH\JT binh Briti.h birlh Foreign biT Lh born out"ide of
( ILtutl\
~;nOlll,.Ed ward I.lnrrd . ,1
No Vü ~t~ot.Hl . . .....•.... _ . 4S:J 44 97 141
Nev,,- Brum~wjck. )U2 6 4ô 52
QI! bi>n....................••.• 2.,lOll 107 509 676
OJJwrio . 4/,77 1,052 2,122 3,174
MlUl ,toha , . 526 214 476 6DO
Sa.1:.! at.chcwn.n . 331 12l 1,202 1,32:1
Alherta .............•..... 4:19 171 644 Rl5
British Co]um,bill .....•..... 534 32;) 526 S51
N ."r.TerriLoriefi ........•... 2 3 3
CAl-."AnA. 9,494 2,040 5,G85 7,725
25-Proportionate dislribution of Criminals llccording to Birth. RaIe per 100,000 inhllbitants,
in 1925.
CHf)'H,l\' AL-S OF
PROVINCES 01 Tot:ll of
Carrndiau \'ittb BTll.iBh birlh barn outsi<l of
. -- __1
Prllll'-(} Edward Ililand .. 100.00 ..... i5:;1;)
Nova i'5c1otia. 77.40 7.05 22.60
New BruMWick. .... , ...... 7S.6~ 2.46 18.~(j 21. 32
Qup.bec...... . ......... 7ll. OS 3.47 18.4':; 21. 92
Ont~~rio..... .................. 59. O~"i 13.07 27 ..1S 40. \\5
M"nitob...... ................. 43.20 17.61 39.1U 56.HO
SllSk6~h."'nn..... ............. 20.01 7.32 72.67 79.n9
Alberla. ............ 35.01 13. l\4 61. 35 64.9U
Brili~h C~i~~;b·i~: : .. ............ 3R.a5 23.47 37.98 61.4;;
N. \V. '!'erri tories .. ......... 40.00 60.00 60.00
CANADA .......•.••• 55.14 n." 33.01 ".8G