Page 193 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 193


                                                    JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.
                                The justices of the peace are oflicers who exercise judicial functions
                           when required so to do. They are appointed by the Provincial Gover'n-
                           ment and chosen among the owners of real estate who are not lawyers.
                           Theil' jurisdiction extends to certa,in infractions against the criminaI
                           code and to certain civil matters, more especially the collection of assess-
                           ments and damages caused by farm animaIs, etc.

                                    38-Judgements rendered and Fines imposed by Justices of the Peace.

                                                                N     OF                 Amouut
                                      YEAHS                                                of
                                                    Report made  Compluin!..  Judgmell!.'  6.oe.'i impoBed
                                                                  lod.!.'fld  remlered
                              1026              .       1,023       1,\126     1,317    $  23.000
                              1925..  .           .     1,646       1,732       847       12,2<}0
                              1924  '         ,  .      1,650       2.179      1,431      14,970
                              1923                .     1,674       1,704      1,171      13,534
                              1922     "          .     1,684       2,527      1,866      11,052
                              1021               .      1,7.'>2     3,777      2,628      1ü",!l1
                              1920                .     J,642       2,754      2,(;44     11,775
                              1919               ..     1,695      2,431       1,434      40,DI'1
                              1918          " '.        1,767       1,(;31     1,11.,9    11 ,048
                              1917           ..         1,830       1,72,)     1,066       7,828
                              1916                .     1,"73       1,72t1      980        5,302
                              1915               ,.     2,l03       2,120      1,300       5,178
                              lOJ4                .     2,264       2,~54      1,557       7,677
                              1913        .             1,3113     2,2~.~      1,721       9,889
                              1912              , ..    1,3S2     \ 7,i;J4     6,0:;9     30,618
                              1911 ......................•...  1,2~i7  2,J80   1,649      13,830
                              1910         ..           1,401       .'}/0128   3,781      22,120
                              1909                .     1,430       6,613      3,050      27,212
                              1908                .;m      7,299      3,127      :\Z.116
                              HJ07     ,.,        .     1,ZOI      0,304       3,733      ;2;j,579
                              1906 .                    1,480      5,602       3,492      21,817
                                The justicet: of the peace rendered judgment in 1,317 cases, in the
                           year 1926. The number of complaints laid was 1,926 and the amount
                           of the fineS' imposed $23,000.
                                                    JUVENILE DELINQUENTS.

                                In 1916, for the first time, the information in connection with tha
                           three above mentioned courts was collected under the same heading.
                           In previous reports, statistics concerning the Police Ma,gistrate's Court
                           of the city of Montreal, were not given in the same tables. The variations
                           in figures which may be noticed from one year to another do not corres-
                           pond to an actual fluctuation in criminality, but are caused by the
                           omission of certain courts of justice ta forward their annual report.
                           It is therefore impossiblé to make comparisons in connection with the
                           cases submitted ta these tribunals, unless some account is taken of
                           incomplete reports.
                                The number of complaints laid before these courts reached 9,183 in
                           1926 whilst warrants of arrest issued numbered 2,933.    The receipts of
                           these courts for the district of Quebec amounted to $15,306 and the
                           expenses were $9,525.
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