Page 189 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 189
The reports of 1925, mentioned 4,233 charges of a serious natUJre
in the Province of Quebec brought to trial before a petit jury. The
classification of offences into six groups determines the numerical
importance of the various cases. There were 354 offences against the
person; 360 against property, with violence; 1,455 offences against
property, without violencè; 46 malicious offences against property; 17
cases of forgery and other offences against cunency; 852 other charges.
The C'onvictions amounted ta 3,084, equivalent ta 72.8 percent of the
charges. The sentences imposed included 3 death sentences and 11
sentences ta penitentiary fo.r life for attempts against the person or
gl:ave offences against property. The infractions which entailed the
largest number of sentences were attempts ag'ainst property, without
violence, inc1uding simple theft, aIl kinds of cheating and fraud. Out
of 1,455 persons 'who were found guilty of offences of this kind in the
Province, 561 were laborers and 198 had no known occupation.
The following: table is a statement of charges and convictions, by
classes, of indicta,ble offences in the Province from the year 1900. On
page 163 will be found a detailed statement showing occupation, place
of birth and religion of persons convicted of serious offences. .
29-Number ofCharges llnd Convictions for Indictable Offences in the Province ofQuebec.
Convie.tio(lu f([f
Dumber OtTenee,, Ofienne. OfJfinG,,".\JI.1.liciOU6 Forgery 1
YEARS 01 agaiJl:tt agtdn~t. ILK1Liua.' offences .nd othe. Other
charges the 1pmpcrLY pr,,~ rty asainst offC'.nùe:-; Tota]
poreon with ","it 1out prop.rt.y l'.gai.ost otrenceA
violence "Vlolence! 1 currtmcy
19~5.............. 4,233 35·'l 3liu 1,1~5 46 17 1>L2 3.0M
1924.. ....... 3,440 :131::1 250 1,2 4 56 17 774 2,7:W
10~3 ................ 3,501 :.Ui7 2t,O 1,06A 127 25 O.~ ~,655
1922............. 3,770 :174 407 l,420 48 4B J90 2,88;;
1921.. ............. 4,490 408 374 1,780 80 38 7\15 3,475
1020............... 4,228 420 :lllB 1,71'1 B2 47 607 3,288
1.919............. 4,823 '134 MO 1.877 95 M O~:J 3,020
1918. .............. 4,631 ~:l2 S15 1.7~2 B7 23 1,l!Hi 3,747
1017 ............ . 4,102 ·~;'2 :lm 1,1)~15 B2 35 O~d 3,aS7
1910..... , .... 4,643 GflIJ 4!YI 1,909 54 4] 496 3,824
1915............... _ 3,924 (j;jS 681 2,2\)8 43 64 210 3,0.5:1
lU14................ 4,328 81.1. r,29 2,716 56 ril 235 3,.'\86
)\1)3 .. . . . . ..... .. . 3,609 ml.ï '1!>2 2,249 33 ~5 146 2,089
10]2... . , .......... 3.040 073 24.2 1,943 69 :.:!.1 90 2,51.'
1911. ............... 2.521 511 193 1,632 42 2~ ]20 2,044
1910... . . .......... . 2':i70 008 261 1,()29 37 16 110 2.062
1909............... 2.964 ;;90 314 1,702 44 47 2B7 2,3B4
1908................ 3,0,.0 n4fl 204 1,84B 36 44 184 2,471
1907................ 2,5r,~ 567 200 l,HO 55 55 n7 2,057
190B................ 2,440 :i01 ~ül 1,426 34 22 206 2,013
1905................ 2':,29 ;):10;) 257 1,323 31 21 3B2 2.005
1904................ 2.139 Gt)g ]86 1,224 35 20 116 ],738
1903.....•......... 2,0;'6 4fj[) 179 1,2~B 39 20 138 1,07B
1902..... , .......... l,81B 458 181 1.0a7 34 24 82 1.405
1901 .............. 1,768 355 167 1,021 47 ;J4 144- 1,400
1900... ............. 1,771 372 18B 1,094 25 22 72 1,487
Exlraol lrom 81atialios Ottawa.