Page 188 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 188
We have classed under this heading cases tried under the a,ct for
summury convictions, which deals more particulmy with infractions
to provincial statutes and municipal by-Iaws.
26~Summary Convictions, by Provinces.
J()24 1925
Totnl 1rlale~ 'FC01l\]e8 Tol.~l
Prince Edward Island .. ............ 232 22G B 235 231 4
,"0\'11. Scotia ...... .......... 3,355 3, LOi 164 2,790 2,642 148
~ew TIruDswick .... .......... 2,499 ~..102 97 2,417 2.303 114
Queboc. ,. __ . .......... 22.803 :.m,3'i'~ 2,431 25,354 23,317 2,047
untnrio ..................... 73,768 70,269 3,499 79,HO 75,149 4,32l
J\f:.LJlitobo. ... " . ............ Il,LS9 10,G19 370 10.724 10,172 552
So.el"::l.tcbewaD .. 7,274 . 7.105 169 8,020 7,7t14 226
Albertn 8,342 8,002 340 7,&10 7,4:") 337
RliLisll Columbia .. ........... 13,508 12.396 1,112 14,875 13,762 1,113
yukon......... .................. 29 26 3 90 ''1 3
Canndu ....... _. 42,999 134,608 8,3!11 151,825 142,940 8,885
Extrn.ct (rom CriminaL SlalflJ~, Or.tall)a, Wt,l and 1f/26.
Among the summury cases judged in the Province of Quebec, in
1925, there were 6,042 of drunkenness umong men and 300 among
women. There were also 867 infract.ions of municipal by-Iaws by
automobilists for exceeding the speed Emit, of these 860 were males and
7 fema] es. In addition to this 1,755 persons were apprehended for
frequenting disorderly houses; the culprits in this list amounted to 1,051
men and 704 women. A large number of persons were a]so brought
before the magistl'ates for loitering (1,070) or disorderly conduct (l,808).
27~Summar)'Con'iictions by Police Magistrates and Justices orthe Peace, in the Province
of Quebec.
NU)f.lU:It. CON't'(CTh:.J ~X;N'TENCEB
301'H SEPTEMRI!:R Total Male.\ Ferna\•• wil..houl Delerled,
of" Jine optio.n ctr..
- --- ----
lilzr. 2~" 6·j 23,:H7 2.(~7 ZI,100 I,O:l3 3.241
1921... 22,803 ~0,372 2,431 18,614 1,407 2,782
1023. ~ ........ .. . 27,563 25,010 2,:>53 23,649 1,263 2,(il9
1922... ., ................ 31,4-11 29,048 2,393 25.469 I,U2 4,730
1921. . 45,042 41.989 3,053 39,835 I,OS7 4,120
1920.. ...... ... .. . 40,801 37,394 3,407 34,.~97 001 4,600
1919 30,881 20.708 4.173 25/i31. 678 4,5(,7
1918. 25,371 21,338 4,036 20,735 501 1,138
1917 ..... .... 22,560 19.031 3,529 17,906 553 4,101
1916. .......... 20,767 IS,Zï1 2.490 16.380 573 3,S14
1915... Z,I,H>;/ 20.326 3.B2G 17,923 653 5.576
)914 . 30.51~3 27 t J5l 3,412 23, ~)~15 062 6,306
1913.. 20,71 2G,568 3.146 23.~15 777 ~,292
1912. ..... ..... 21 ,:1:H) 2\,870 2,465 )9,960 717 3,G5."
1911. 17,729 15,Î>I'L 2,115 14,000 5S8 3,141
19LO. 16,452 14,-121 2.0:H 12,~~0 590 3,0-12
1909. 16,'19 [ 14,lj;J.:2 ) ,i-o,')9 1),11-13 053 3,89';
l'lOS... 16,0fl4 11.236 J. .. ~;;: 10,%9 65l 4.474,
1007. 1·3.:1 • t 1,777 1. :.oti ~I, 14·0 597 3,[1~1ô
l!IOO. 1.~,';11 11,145 l.;~ti 10,480 77ti 1,'J;,)5
190.'\. 11,7.lJ !).:-)7S 2.lë. 9,734 70, ] .~~!6