Page 186 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 186
The proportion of convictions for crimes and serious offences pel'
100,000 of population will be found in table 22. The estimated popul-
ation of the Canadian Provinces published by the Dominion Bmeau of
Statistics was used in making these calculations. In 1925, the propor-
tion fol' the Province of Quebec reached 122 whilst in the Province of
Ontario it was 248; the general average for the Dominion was 184.
22-Number of Conviclions for Crimes and Serious Offenccs.-Proportion per 100,000
______!ROV(~~ES _ ~ ~l~ ~l J9~~. _~~I~ -E:.'.4 192Ji
pri,," J:CdWDTd bb"d.... 14. If, .; 17 30' 17 29 <1
NllVR Sent':l.. . . JO" 12.~ 110 135 133 7~ 111 110
N"" Bn"",wI"k... .'i!) ~1 98 79 82 n 55 60
Q'll'iJec...... ".". ]21 1~~ 10;; 110 ]20 lUO !JO 122
0,,",""'. . .......... .. 20'," 22;; 2:,3 235 227 234 U8
\t.nitob"..... .. .. . 129 14.7 li 1"~5 190 170 179 184
l'.n k..tchewan.. lJO lU J.';'f 10:, 177 177 203 19&
Al"",to...'..... .... )4', 168 202 207 101 225 223 192
Brili.h Colllmb'D. . 122 170 2t5 2:3:8 18., 202 230 U7
N. W. TerTilorics. 2D.; 1:H Illt 0 60 50 J'l.1 41
I-·~---·I-·--- ----.-.-~ - ~-- ---
CANA 1>,-... 148 162 1G8 1110 17S 166 176 1114
The female criminals in Canada represented 11.8% of the total
convirtions in 1925, the percentage for the Province of Quebec was
18.9%. There ha.s been, however, a marked decrease of criminality
amongst the women of our Province in the last few years as the following
figures show:
1916 36.5% 1923 . 19.2%
1919 22.6 1924 . 18.3
1922. . 13.7 1925. . . . 18.9
Proportion of Com'ictions for Crimes and Serious Offences, per 100,000 inhabitants in 1925.
Prince EdwDTd Iolund.
Nova Scolia". 116
New Brunswick . 60
Quebee . 122
Ontacio . . 248
MllnLtobn.. . 184
SA8knl<:hewan .. . .. 198
Albl>Tlu... 192
n.ilish ColumbIa.. 247
N~ W. Terr)t.ol"ios.. 41
From the information gathered concerning the civil status of convicts
in the Prodnce, in 1925, it was shown that 45% were married and 42%
were celibates. Most of the criminals were residents of cities and towns.
The tables on page 163 show the classification of convicts according
to occupation, place of birth and religion.