Page 166 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 166

FOHM OF GOVERNMENT                              139

                            7~Ljst of members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province. by electoral districts,
                                 showing the party lhey belonged to, tOgel~7.r with their mujorilies al ellch
                                                l!I,r.·etÎ(Jf! lIince  b7.~k: ntlnu J)
                                               Dale     J Maio-I                 Pale     1l\{"i O -
                                                oC  Part.y 1:'  COUNTtE8 Al\'D ?\1E~TsE-~B  of  Parly 1
                                              eLel~t;i()n  rity  1               elect,jol\  nty
                            ----                        1
                               MOKTREAL-ST.                      lI-1ONTREAL-ST.
                                   ANN                               LOmS
                            (F&rntcd of pa.r' of      ({'or"'cd of Montrw.1 No. 3)
                                No•. 6 and 6)  1
                                                              Lang}ois. Cod rroi  .  1912  L.  884
                            T'aDsey. Deni!;  .  1912  C.   175  Berco\-;leu. Peler  1911}    937
                                               191tl       157                    1919     Accl.
                            Comoy. nernnrd A.  .  1019  L.  .-\ccl.               1023      1,579
                            Buehioo, V{ilHam James  .  1923  659                  1927       492
                            Di},lon. Jogep~~ Henry  .  1924"  234
                                               1027     AccL   :\10NTREAL-VEfiDUN
                               MONTfiEAL-ST.                  (Formf.d of parI of J ON[ll".';
                                  MARY                               Car{t~r)
                            (ForolOd of Monaco.1 ,Vo. J)      LflfJeur, Pierre-Augusto.  1023  C.  3,049
                                                                                  1927       558
                            8égllin, Na.poléon ..  1912  T•.  2,020
                                               1916      3,891    NAPIER\'ILLE
                                               1919        798
                            GauLhier l Joseph.  1921"  Lot.  819  Benoit, Pierre  .  )807  L.  058
                            Houde. Cll.milie.D  1923  C.   508  Lafont-Dine. Lau renL-Da,,·id..  1870"  AC~:I
                            Gouth;or, Jooepb.  1927  L.    290                    1871
                               MONTREAL-ST.                                       1878       259
                                 GEORCE                       Parad ilS , Fr9-Xll.vier  1881  C.  162
                                                              L[].rontnine, Eugène ..  1886  L.  105
                            (F'i·rm.uJ. 01 parI 01 I~{orrlr'e(û  Sfl,iote-,~a.f"ie,LO~.ÎB ..  1890  131
                                No•. 5 and 6)                                     1892  C.   170
                                                             1 D?~ris, Cy~rien ..  1897  L.  204
                            Gault, Chaa-Ernest•.  1012  C.  r  J,159              1900    !Acc!.
                                               191G     Acel.  ~1ooet.. Dominique..  1904  .  52
                                               10) 9          DO~:Ht. CYP,~jen...  1905"     354
                                               1923       487                     1~08     Accl.
                                             :1 1027       34~                    1912       234
                                                                                  1910       133
                               MONTREAL-ST.                   :-'{(mel, ArnMée  .  1918*      45
                                  Hl")lRY                            "            1919     Âccl..
                            (Formed of M01l/real-Hoche-         (See: '\fAPTr:::RV[LLI~·r....,\­
                                   laga)                            )'RAJRIJl')
                            Bra}', J. An•.n... .  1923  C.  810  NAPIERVILLE-LAPRAI-
                            Leduo, AHred. . . . .  1927  L.  104     RIE
                               HO)l1'REA1_-S1'.                (Forrned 01 Lflpraide art.d
                                  JAMES                            }t{a:pù~J'fiUc)
                            (F'OTfned o[ JYJon.t..rea.l t'{o 2)  Ch[]Tb~~\oenu.J.-Euclide, ~~s  102~  L.  123
                                                                                  1927       940
                            Bobillard, Clémeot......  1912  L.  7tlO
                                               1916      1,722      NICOLET
                            Vautrin. Irénée  .  1919      -H9
                            Benudoin, J.-A.-EuBllbe  .  1923  C.  ~!l5  Gaudel, Joseph ....  1867  C.  250
                            Vaut.tin. Irénée  .  1927  L.  71l  Méthot, F.-X.-Ovide.  1871!.
                                                                                  1875       392
                               MO)l1'fiEAl~:31'.              !Ioude. Cbs-Edouard..  1870'    26
                                LAWRENU';                                         1878
                                                                                  1881        11
                            (F'o7T"ned of A-fontual  lVO. 4   Doroi.,Loui;-TrcIlM ..... ··1  1883"  C. T.  241
                            a.nd part (If M07!lreal ;Vo.6)                        18SU       417
                                                              Touriguy. Rend-TI  .  18SS"  C.  328
                            Fionie. John rr.   1012  L.   133  Monret.le, vïct·or  .  1890  N  404
                                               1916       295  Befl,ubicn.  1802  C.  Aool.
                            ~f!~es. He.~ry...  1918·      423  BaIL. George .•.   1897       359
                                               1019        101  Flyn.n,};(lmund Jr.ames.  1900  41
                            Sll.yer, Ernesl Wa.ller  .  1923  C.  142  , Marchi Idon, Alfred  .  1904  Acol.
                            Cohen, Jo.eph.. ,  .  1927  L.  1,297  1 Devlio,Ch"r1e. R  .  1907'  332
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