Page 165 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 165


                              7-List of memhers of the Legislntive Assemhly of the Province, by electoral districts,
                                   showing the party they belonged t~, together with thl'.ir majorities at eaeh
                                                  eleclion sinee IB67.--(Con1inued).
                                                 Date     1 Maj!)"                 Dau.      Majo-
                               COUN1'lES AXO l"h:':MBERB  o(  Party  COt.'NTIES AND ?I.'LEMlJEHfi  of  Party
                                                clection   rit y                  decLioD    rity

                                MO:-;TREAL No. 1                  i\IONTR.EAL Ko 5
                               (St. Mnry)-(Continll.ecl)         (SI,. Antoine) (Conl",u"d)
                              Lacomùe, Gco.-AlbiDi ..  1897  914  Bir.k('.nlik~1 Rohl"!rt..  1897  L.  16
                                 "      II       1\100     l,lM)  HutohioOD, MRttbe,v,  1000  Aoc\.
                                                 19(H.      723  C' neT, Chl'i6t.opher D.  1904  1.  000
                                                 100';     1,0.'>9  Gault. Charics-ErneRt.  .  1907  C.  955
                              ~'·<.I;;llin. X'Q)oléon .....  1908·  Acd.           HIOB       1,2U
                                (Sec:  ~ rONl1llO"'rS-r.           (::-;~·c: :Ylo,yna;l\L-
                                    M""v)                           S•. GEOROI':~)
                                MONTHF'.AL 1\'0 2                 MONTREAL No B
                                   (St. .JHllll~~)                    (St., Ann)
                              (FUTmed of pa:d of .HOHlrea!~     (Form.câ of par' of Montreal-
                                 EIlS,~ fU/ri Centre)                  Cmlrc)
                              Brunet., JH~eph.   IS90  L.       McSlmue, Jarno•........  1890  L.  Accl.
                              Augé, OI)"Jl~"-!\Iaurice ....  Ik92  C.  Kenn"dy, Patrick..  18"2  C.  4BI
                              Gouin, LOlner.     1~97  L.       Ciucd]I, JaR. John Edmund.  18 l !'j*  L.  1,254
                                                 1900·           "                 IX '7       82
                                                 1900                              1~'OO     Accl.
                                                 1901           ~":d!ih. MicbaelJA.B.  190~    30B
                                                 100r,*         Tanf!.t~Y, Denig  .  1908  C.   3
                              nl)llra.sSI\, Henri.  1908  :-<.  Wabb, Mir.hgeL Jas ..  1905~  L.  132
                              Jtohill:,rd, CI6ment. ....  )909*  r..  (SN~:  ),·f'IX'J"REA1.- ~h. ANl\,
                                (~<~e: :\Jm{'!'lIF:.AL-ST.       l\<lo:;-'''l'ltEAL-ST.  G-Follfa:,
                                    J ..\~LL:8)                  ~loN·!.TIF,.'\,L-Sl', r.A..\WHliN'-
                                MONTREAL No 3
                                   (St. Lou..)                   MONTREAL-DORION
                              (Formed of part OI1\10fl~Téol.    (Formed of part of " oche/aga)
                                                                 'Iayrand, Gcorges.  1912  L.  538
                              R"inville. Henri-B.  1~90  1..  5                    1910        137
                              [)",ril:c-llu 1 Dam~.fl.e.  IH92  C.  301  r.IlcnulllC, Aurèle  .  1919  Lo.b.  561
                              Ruinville, Hcwi-B.  L'<07  JJ.  22fl  'rét..rB:iu. Erneet-DuchJJ.rme..  1923  O,lp.  1.27B
                                                 1900     IAccl.  Blain. AJdério.  1927  C.    515
                              Ln.ngloi •. GodCroi.  190!    622
                                                 1908       .057  MONTREAL-HOCHE-
                                (Hec: lVfŒ'''-THEA L-ST.               LAGA
                                                               , (Pormrd of par' ofPloc/"Iaga)
                                MONTREAL No 4
                                  (St. r":J.wrénce)             LétOnT~,eau,Sév~~~n  .  1912  r..  l,III
                                                                                   1910      Accl.
                              (Pormed of pa.rt of J/olltrcal    13édard, Joseph-Herculo.  1919  1,043
                                     West.)                        (See:  \loN-rn~.,~-
                                                                     &c. HD"")
                              Clendeuning, ~Vjlliam.  1;;90  c.  16
                              Morri•. AlexaDder Webb.  lRO~  1,001  MONTREAL-LAURlER
                              Atw9.ter. Albert Wrn ..  lH~)n:.jl:  '\c \.
                                 ,.    H
                                                 1"97       2'J.i  (Forme<! afpar' of Hoche/a,?a)
                              Cochrane, J arll ~:->.  1!II))  L.  741
                                                 1904       871  TurCO('i Napoléon...  1912  L.  346
                              S.t.ePt~eIl8,OC?'. w~~hi~~t~~: ~  1003"  Ace!.       1916       1,742
                              l'elime,John 1   .  1905      27~  Ponlin. Ernest..  1919        420
                                 (Pee:  ~rON"'I'Jtl':AL-        Dur~III~;111.Alfred..  1923  C.  B22
                                  ST. LJ\WH.l::\('I·;)  1       Poulin. Ernl':.:'.lt.  .  1027  L.  128
                                YlONTULAL 1\'0 ;;                MO:llTREAL-MERCIER.
                                                                (Former/. of part. of lU a~:~on­
                              (l''onn.eâ of p"'rl of Mo.n.tTcal-1  ne~we, M o,.tlr al-Donon
                                     Weii},)                      Ql.d Afol.I,rf'rJ,I.Laur'Îf:r)
                              Hall,Jobn Smythe  \  1890  C.  A cc!.  1 L'Archevêque,AdoLphe  .  1923  C.  2.237
                                                 )S92     l 2,201  Ph",!e, An•.tole  .  1927  L.  219
   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170