Page 107 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 107

80                          POPULATION


                                By consulting the tables of deaths according to causes, it will be
                           seen that 3,277 persons died from tuberculosis in the course of the
                           yen..r 1926. Of this total 2,699 cases were due to pulmonary tuber-
                           culosis and 578 to other fol'rns of tuberculosis.

                             Proporlionale dislribulion or dealhs cilused by tuberculosis or ail rorms in Canada, by
                                               provinces, in 1926 (per 100,000 persona).

                             Prince Edward Island  96
                             Nova Sco~ia..     . .. ll9
                             New Brunswick.       IQI
                             (;.nebec          .  127
                             Ontario. . ..  . ..  58
                             Maniloba     .       6Q
                             Saakatche\vnn..      ~6
                             Alberta            .  GO
                             Brilish Cclumbia.    91
                             Canaw.        .      84

                               The above chart shows the death-rate du~ to tuberculosis pel'
                           100,000 persons.  The Province of Quebec \-vith a proportion of 127.9
                           has the highest rate whilst Saskatchewan has the lowest with 46.2.

                               Interesting data will be found on the next page on the principal
                           (lauses of death in   the Province.   Outside of contagious diseases,
                           it will be seen that heart disease, cancer, pneumonia and nephl"i.tis
                           claimed qu;te a number of victims pel' 100,000 of the population. Violent
                           deaths had a proportion of 62.5.    British Columbia had the greatest
                           proportion of aH the Canadinn Provinces \-vith 111.6.

                                   55-Dislrib\llion or delllhs cilused by tuberculosis, by provinces, in 1926.

                                                     l"ulmol1ury lubercu-  Other form. of t.ub"r~  'fubercu!ol"lis or aH
                                                          1(I:-i.s.     c\Jlo~n51      form:-l
                                    PIWV1NCES                                     1-    -
                                                            ~~   'r        Rad()!~        Ralloll r
                                                     NumlJoer  lOO,OOO  Number  100.000  Number  100,1 1II
                                                             T.JrnIi""Jil":  pcrSOfl"      1  éiOIl
                                                                           ---    ----
                             Prin(;f> Edwl1l'lll~lu,nd   flO   7G.9     18   20.7     84    96.6
                             N O\~~t. ;Sl'nli'l .,  ..  ~(kl  <;l·J.I  136   25 2     644   1t9 3
                             New Bi'lI '~'I'III~k .     ~"9    ;~1"1   61     165     416   lOI. 2
                             QlI~bec.                  2,6Hil  lOf>. 8  57>j  22 6  3,277   127. il
                             On~"rï" ....              L.~)~tJ ,  ",1 .3  ;115  JO 0  1,8:3.,  58 3
                             ?vf!tIlILObt'l .,.         310    4S,~    71     12.1    ;Jti7  606
                             S ~k':Lt.chewan.           301    :10.7   78     9,5     379   46.2
                             Al  ri...  . ...           292    ~ '.0   74     12.2    366   60.2
                             Brlu~11 Colnmbm            421    H 1     99     17.4   :i2ü   01.5
                                                       &,466   68.9   1,442  15 4   7,908   84.3
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112