Page 105 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 105
The cames of death are compiled in nearly aIl countries accord-
ing to the order established by the Bertillon international nomenclature.
The Province of Quebec has always followed this classification which
divides the diseases into 15 different categories as follows: 1. endemic,
epidemic and infectious diseases ; II. general diseases ; III. diseases of
the nervous system and the organs of special senses; IV. diseases of
the circulatory apparatus; V. diseases of the respiratory system;
VI. diseases of the digestive apparatus; VII. non-venereal diseases
of the genito-urinary apparatus; VIII. the puerperal state; IX.
diseases of the skin and cellular tissue; X. diseases of the bones and
organs of locomotion; XI. malformations; XII. early infancy ;
XIII. old age; XIV. affections produced by external causes; XV.
ill-defined diseases. The number of deaths caused by each of these
diseases specified in the nomenclature is compiJed per county in the
annual report of the Hygiene Service of the Province.
The following pages give more interesting information concerning
health conditions in the Province and show the principal causes of
deaths with their annual proportion.
The remarks made in the preceding section concerning the figures
for the year 1926 also apply to the health conditions of the population.
Comparisons between figures for 1926 and those of previous years must
be avoided as the mode of compiling is altogether different. The notable
discrepan('y~n the population figures for 1926 and those for 1925 for
instan<'e, account for the difference between the proportion per 100,000
from one year to another.
It will be noticed that certain diseases caused the death of more
than 1,000 persons, in 1926, these are: diarrhea, among nurslings (3,422);
tuberculosls, (3,277); heart diseases (2,879); pneumonia, (2,643); neph-
ritis. (2,020); grippe, (2,082); cancer, (1,840). The number of deaths
caused by the above reached 18,163 out of a total of 37,251, equivalent
to almost 50%.
Sorne causes of dealhs in lhe Province of Quebec, in 1926. (Proportion pee 100,000
6 .-r--'--r--r-"'ï""Pï~~--r-~"T"'""-""--'
SCRTI61 reV6r. .
Ty~hoid r"'.r. .. 10
Diptheria '. J
Me.slos..... l'
Whooplng eOl\gh. .......•.•.. 23
Conc6r.. . .. 71
NephTltis.. 7A 1
(;rip~e .... 81
Pneulnonia .. . . . .. 103
He.rl dlsease.. .. .. 112 ,
Tuoerculosis 121
DIa.rrheB~aml)ng:nQraling8.... 1:JJ