Page 34 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 34


                            Some Suppfiers & Pricesfor :Materiafs usee{e{urina
                            the Construction ofSt- lures Church in 1944-1945
                            Valmore Cyr, Maria      bag ofcement         $ O.72/each
                                                    nails               $ 5.501100 Ibs
                            Fidele Gagne, Maria     6 hours ofsawing     $ 2.00 !hour
                            Fenderson's Ltd, Maria sawn lumber           $59.7011000 bd.ft.
                            Antonio Bureau, Quebec steeple cross 7'-2" $65.00/each
                            Fournier & Papillon, Quebec plastic cement   $ 7.50/100 pounds
                            British Columbia          B.C. frr lumber    $90.00/1000 bd.ft
                            J.A. Gagnon                spruce lumber     $58.00/1000 bd.ft
                            CN Carload 60,000 lbs Arnqui to St-Jules     $66.00/totaJ
                            A.A. Geraghty, Cascapedia   transport stone  $ 1.75!hour
                                                        transport sand   $15.00/day\
                                                        truck & man      $ ].50!hour
                            Jimmie Young, Cascapedia     bag of cement   $ 0.85/each
                            Le Foyer Moderne, Carleton    bag of cement   $ 0.82/each
                            P.A. Starr~ New Richmond bag of cement       $ 0.80/each
                                                          firebrick       $ 0.16/each
                            Leonard Morin, Maria           truck          $ 2.00!hour
                            Rene Boileau, New Richmond     truck          $ 2.001hour
                                                           laborer       $ OAO/hour
                            Maurille Guite, Maria          truck         $ 2.001hour
                            Madawaska Corp., Carleton spruce lumber      $40.00/1000 bd.ft.
                            Coop LaLiberte, Maria           paint         $ 2.75/gallon
                                                            nails        $ 5.25/100 lbs.
                            Misc. Suppliers         terra cotta 4x12x12  $90.30/1000 sq.ft.
                                                     terra cotta 6x12x12  $26.4811000 sq.ft.
                                                     pails               $ OA5/each
                                                     reinforcing rod      $ 0.07Ilb.
                                                     gasoline             $ 0.39/gallon
                                                     gasoline             $ 0.31/gallon
                                                     dynamite            $12.00/case
                                                     dynamite wire        $ O.Ol/foot
                                                     dynamite caps        $ 0.02/each

                            Source: Saint-Jules Parish Archives
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