Page 300 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 300
c Quebec, lOth April, 1763
c The Court Martial, whereof lieutenant colonel Morris
c was president, having tried Joseph Corriveau and Marie
c Josephte Corriveau, Canadians, for the murder of Louis
c Dodier, as also Isabelle Sylvain, a Canadian, for perjury
c on the same trial. The Governor doth ratify and confirm
c the following sentence: That Joseph Corriveau having
c been found guilty of the charge brought against him, he
c is therefore adjudged to be hung for the same.
e The Court is likewise of opinion that Marie Josephte
e Corriveau, his daughter and widow of the late Dodier, is
e guilty of knowing of the said murder, and doth therefore
c adjuge her to receive sixty lashes, with a cat o'nine tails
e on her bare back, at three different places, viz: under
e the gallows, upon the market place of Quebec and in the
e parish of St. Valier; twenty lashes at each place, and to be
e branded in the left hand with the letter M.
e The Court doth also adjuge Isabelle Sylvain to receive
e sixtY lasbes with a cat o'nine tails on her bare back, in
e the same manner and at the same time and places as
c Marie Josephte Corriveau, and to be branded in the
c left hand with the letter P. »
e Québec, 15 avril 1763
e La Cour martiale, dont le lieutenant-colonel Morris était
e président, ayant entendu le procès de Joseph Corriveau et
c de Marie-Josephte Corriveau, Canadiens, accusés du meur-
e tre de Louis Dodier, et le procès d'Isabelle Sylvain, Cana-
e dienne, accusée de parjure dans la même affaire; le gou-
e verneur ratifie et confirme les sentences suivantes: Joseph
e Corriveau, ayant été trouvé coupable du crime imputé à
e sa charge, est en conséquence condamné à être pendu.
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