Page 38 - index
P. 38
Practising and Applying the Standards 3 7
Brigham Young University
Division of Continuing Education
206 HCEB
Proro, UT 84602
Brigham Young was also one of the first to offer distance
learning; their content includes British research as well as
American, but not specifically Canadian. Home study,
online and television broadcasts are being used effectively.
A Certificate in Family History studies is available.
Personal Attendance Institutes
In addition to the annual increase in home study or
correspondence courses, the opportunity for personal
attendance at intensive weeklong institutes is expanding.
These institutes are often planned for summer months when
many people can take vacation time. \Yell-known
instructors teach courses geared to all levels of researchers,
and the number of participants is usually limited for
maximum attention. Some of the best known are:
National Institute on Genealogical Research
P.O. Box 724
Lanham, hlD 20703-0724
The NIGR is over 50 years old now, its roots firmly
embedded in the U.S. National Archives & Records
Administration in 71X7ashington D.C., where courses take
place. As can be expected, this weeklong institute
concentrates on the Archives' resources and is intended for
experienced, not beginning, researchers.