Page 36 - index
P. 36

Practising and Applying  the  Standards   35
                                   not  plan  a holiday  to  a  major  conference,  or take  one  of
                                   many  guided  tours  to  the  Family  History  Library  or
                                   overseas? A  great  deal  of the  benefit  derived  from  such  a
                                   conference or guided tour is the social interaction with fellow
                                   genealogists. Time  and  again,  genealogists  have  made
                                   fortuitous  encounters  at  these  events,  meeting  others
                                   involved with  research in the same region, and even meeting
                                   new  cousins.  Instructive  audiotapes  and  syllabuses  from
                                   major  conferences  are usually available after the  fact.

                                   Online and Correspondence (Home Study) Courses
                                   If  there  is  no active  society in  the town  or no continuing
                                   education  courses  offered  by  the  board  of education  or a
                                   community  college  or university  campus,  you  might  not
                                   have  the  opportunity to  take  genealogy  courses locally.
                                   What is now called "distance  education7' has grown by leaps
                                   and bounds, especially on the Internet. In fact, a multiplicity
                                   of media  is  already being  used  with  great imagination and
                                   technical  support.
                                     Finding  a Web  site and  registration information  can  be
                                   done by  simply making selective online searches. But is best
                                   to obtain  a referral  from someone who took a course or by
                                   discussing it verbally with  colleagues or on trusted listsen~es.
                                  We urge you  to look into the reputation  of the organization
                                   offering  such  courses  and  get  some  feedback  or
                                   recommendations  before  committing yourself.  Some of the
                                  more  well  known  are  listed  on  the  following  pages;
                                  inevitably some of  the information changes as time goes by,
                                  so the comments are general.
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