Page 95 - index
P. 95
441. Inspector of Highways. The councils of cities, towMships,
towns and villa<,fo.s, may appoint an inspector of hij^liways, dcHnini^ liia
duties and fixing his salary, with power to enforce tlie provisions of their
hydaws for preventing' the growth of Canada thisth's and other weeds
detrimental to husban(hy, and compelling the destruction of the same.
44S. Corporation Surveyors may be appointed by the councils of
cities and towns.
44!>. Fire Companies. Jouncils of cities, towns and villages may
pass by laws for appointing Hre wj.rdens, tiro enginijers and firemen, and
for promoting and regulating fire companies, hook-and-ladder com-
panies, etc.
450. Landmarks and Boundaries. Tiie Council of any township,
city, town or village may, upon application of onedialf the resident land-
owners affected, or upon its own motion, make application to the Lieuten-
ant-(Jovernor, according to Sections 14,1") and Ki of the Surveyors' Act,
for a survey and placing of durable monuments at the front and rear of
any concession line, or at the front or rear angles of the lots therein, to
mark the boundaries thereof.
451. Naming of Streets. The Council may provide for the .survey-
ing and marking the boundary lines of streets and roails,and giving names
thei'eto, and atHxing th(^m to the corners on either public or private
45!!J. Changing Name of Streets. The by-law to change the
name of any street, .scpiare, road, or lane has no effect unless passed by at
least three-fourths of the whole Council, and until the by-law has been
registered in the registry office of that divison. Fee for registering is SI.
The by-law must, before being finally passed, be approved by
the (Jounty Judge. On the day fi.xed by the Judge for considering the
matter, any person interested may be heard before the Judge.
A copy of the by law and of the Judge's appointment shall bh served
on the Registrar or his deputy, at least two weeks l)efore the time named,
and published once in the Onhiriu (jla'.rtti; at least two weeks lu^fore the
time so named, and at least we(ikly for four weeks in such other newspaper
as the Judge directs.
If the Judge approves, his certificate nnist be filed with the by-law
in the proper registry office, and the change takes effect from the date of
filing the Judge's certificate.
451$. Numbering Houses. The Council may provide for the num-
bering the houses an<l lots, and affixing the nundjers to the buildings or
other erections along the streets, and charging the ownei's, or occupants,
with the incidental thereto.
454. Records of Streets. The Council is re(piire<l to make and
keep a reconl of streets and nund)ers, and also for enteiing the division of
streets, with boundaries and distances, for public inspection.