Page 80 - index
P. 80
;M3. Town and Village Constables. Tlu- Council of tvory town
not havin{; II Hounl (if Conuiii.sHioiit.'is of I'olice xlKtII, mid tlio Council of
every villajfe nmif, appoint one chief con.stable anil one or more constableH
I ''I
for the municipality, who ahall h<tltl oHice durinj; the pleasure of the 'a
;i'>4. County and Township Constables. The Council of every
county anil township may appoint one or more salaried constables for the
municipality, to hold otlice (lurinjf the pleasure of the Council. All such
constables, and also appointed by councils of cities, towns and villu<;es,
have the same j)owers and privileges, are subject to the same liability and
to the performance of the same duties, as are those appointed by the Court
of General Sessions, and are also subject to suspension by the Judj^e of
the C'omity Court.
Municipalities appointinfj; salaried constables may ajjree that they
shall retain for their own use the fees of their otlice, or reijuiie that said
fees be paid over to the treasurers of the municipalities.
375. Arrests by Constables. In case complaint is made to the
tJhief of Police or to a constable that a lireach of the jieace has been com-
mitted, and the otticer has jfood reason to believe that such breach of the
peace has been committed, though not in his presence, and that the person
so charji;ed should be arrested to prevent his escape, or to pre\ent inunt;-
iliate violence beinj^ done to peison or ])ri)perty, the constable may, with-
out a warrant, arrest the per.son so charj^ed and convey him before the
Police Magistrate, Mayor or Maj^istrate to be dealt with accordiufj to law
providin}^ the person complaininjj ;;ive .satisfictory security to the oHicer
that he will without delay appear and prosecute the charge before the
Police Magistrate, Mayor or Justice of the Peace.
JWC Suspension of Constables. Where there is no Hoard of Police
in a town, the Ma^'or or Police Magistrate may suspend from ottice, for any
period in his discietion, the chief or other constable, and may appoint soirie
other person to till the vacanc3^ He shall, immediately after the suspen-
sion, report the case to the Council, and the Council then may either
dismiss such suspended constable or restore him to his office, after the
period of his suspension has expired.
During such suspension the otHcer must not act in his office except by
the written permission of the Mayoi- or Police Magistrate who suspended
him; neither is he entitled to any .salary during his suspension.
1171. Compensation for Lands Taken or Injured by corporations-
where the claim cannot be mutually agreed ni>H\, must })e determined by
arbitration, inunediately after the claim for ilamages has been legally tiled.
IMH. Time Limit. The claim for compensation must be made within
one year from the date when the alleged damages were sustained or became
known to the clainumt : if the damage is a continuous one, then one year