Page 78 - index
P. 78

MC MCI P.M. LAW.                 77
                     4. When li'W'inj;' thu aiiiiuiil nitcH  ut'xt aftif  ri-coipt of sucli prci'cjjt,
                  it'  tlio collectors have a ;;i'iieriil  rate  roll  ;,nvcn them, they  fshall  atl<l a
                  coluiuii  lieailetl, "Execution rate  in  A.  15.  *  .s. 'I'he TownHhip  "  (or  a.s the
         may be) an<I levy the amount  re(|uire<l, ami return the same to the
                  .slieritf",  less their |)ercentay;e, within  the time  reijuiird tor making' the
                  return of the t^cne'i'al late.
                      If there is any surjjlus left after satisfyinjf the execution and fees, the
                  Sheriff shall, within ten days, retur'; the same to the Trea.surer of the Muni-
                      The clerk, as-ses-stas and collectors of the corjxnation are, in such,
                  deemed  to bo  officers of  tlie court, and are comprll<  '  to perforin  the
                  duties imposed upon them in respect thereto.
                      'MHy  Police Office.  TIk?  founeil  of every  city and town  shall
                  establish  therein a  police  otfice. and  provide  all necessary and  proper
                  acconnnodation,  fuel,  li;;ht,  fui-niturv and  stationtjry  for the  otfice and
                  officers connectefl therewitli.
                      The  Police  Ma^fistrate, or in his alwence, or where there  is no police
                  magistrate, the .\hiy(jr shall attend daily at such otfice, or at such times as
                  may be neces.sary for the dischaij^e of the business i)rou<^ht before him as
                  a  .lustice  of  the  Peace.  Any justice having juri.sdiction may, at  the
                  reijuast of the Mayor, act in his stea<l.
                      :U>|. Clerk of Police Office shall be the Clerk of the Council,  or
                  such other person as the Coinicil appoints, and such clerk shall perform
                  the same duties and receive the .same emoluments as clerks of Ju.stice of
                  the Peace.  If  hi;  is paid  liy .salary, the fees are to  lie paid over to the
                      lUi'i. Board of Commissioners of Police.  In  cities the Board  of
                  ("ommi.ssioners of  Police  is com])o.sed  of the mayor, the ,iudge  of  the
                  county court and the police majfistrate.
                      In towns havinj; a jxtlice mai^isti-ate the Council may constitute a like
                   Board.  If  tlie otfice of county  .iud«;'e  oi' police ma<j;istrate  is vacant the
                  Council fjf a '(/// ^Imll, and the Council of a to'cn ihoji, appoint one or two
                  persons, as the may ie(|uire, who are  resiih iit thei'ciu, to supply such
                   vacancy durin<^ its continuance.
                      The Comicil of a /«?(.';( may dissolve such Board, and thereafter exer-
                  cise all th<' powers and duties pr(!viously performed l)y the Board.
                      The (Vnuicil of a city of one hundre(l thou.sand may pay any or all of
                  the police connnissioners.
                      IMW. Powers of Commissioners  The counnissi(mers have power to
                   summon and examine witne.s,ses on oath, to force  tlieir attendanct! an<l
                  compel them  to yive evidence.  A notice to attend before the Boanl  is
                  sufficient, if it is signed by the .chairnum or any member of the Board.
                      A witn(!ss cannot be compelled to answer any (juestion that would
                   render him liable to a criminal prosecution.
                      JIH4. Chairman and Quorum.  The commissione'-s shall annually, at
                   their first meeting aftei- the Mayor has taken his oath of  office, elect a
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