Page 77 - index
P. 77


                    70                  MUNICIPAL LAW,
                        Npitlicr will such iiyrceiiiunt pifjudiciully  cfli-ct  tlit- riuhts (if  ji tclf-
                    plione foinpiiiiy, with respect to thi- use of such stivfts, whicii existed on
                    the 27th (hiy of May, lH[}'i; and all by-laws passed givinj; sucii exclusive
                    piivileffes for a period not exceediuff ten years, are valid and bindin^^'.

    i m                       ADMrXISTKATlON OK        -irsTICK.

                        It54. Ex-Officio Justices.  The head of eveiy  Council,  all  nieni-
                    liiM's of a county council, and  the  reeve of every town, township and
                    villafje shall, after taking the oath of otHoe, be e.r-oj)irto justiees of the
                    peace for the whole county; and aldermen in  cities shall be justices of
                    the peace for such cities.
                        II'm. Judicial Jurisdiction of Mayors.  'I'lie Mayor of a city or town
                    where there  is no police magistrate may, in ad<lition to his other jiowers,
                    try all prosecutions for offences against the by-la\v.s of the municipality,
                    and penalties for refusing to acce])t otlice or  t<) make the declarations of
                    otiiee and ()ualitieations.
                        mm. Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace for a county extends to
                    all ari.sing under any by-law of any nuinici[iality in the county for
                    which there is no police magistrate.
                        A Justice is not disqualified to act in a case of a prosecution for an
                    offence against a by-law, because of his being a member of that ('ouncil.
                    Even where, in case of a conviction, the tine would go to the miinieipality
                    of whicli h(f was a ratepayer, he is not dis(|naliHed from trying the case.
                        1151. Fines and Penalties awarded by a .Justice of the Peace, and in
                    default of payment the offender maybe committed  to gaol for a period not
                    e.xcecding thirty day.s, with or without bard labor.  In case of an offence
                    against the bv-law connnitment could not be longer than th<' time fixed in
                    tile bv-iaw.
                        IM>8. Witnesses.  A person making the complaint  is a competent
                     witness.  The defendant  is also a competent witness,  .so  is the wife or
                     husband of <lefendant, and may be compelled to give evidence.
                        ;{5J>. Executions against Municipalities  Any writ of execution
                    against a municipality may be endorsed, with a direction to the sheriff to
                     levy the amount thereof by rate, as follows
                        1. The Sherif!' shall deliver a copy of the writ to the treasurer with a
                     statement of claim, costs and sheriff's fee.
                        2. In case the amount, witli interest from the day mentioned in the
                     statement, is not paid within one month after the service, the sheriff" shall
                     from the As.sessment Roll strike a rate in the dollar sufficient to cover the
                     claim, fees and the collectoi-'s percentage.
                        3. The Sheriff* shall issue a precept, under his hand and seal, to each
                     collector of the corporation, with the roll of such rate, and command them
                     to levy such rate at the time and in the manner required for the general
                     annual rates.
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