Page 176 - index
P. 176


                                        .Mr.SlCII'AI, I.ANV.
  icc  tl 10        iiK'titioiicil,  witli  11  cliiiii'iniiii  n\\i\  sciM'i'tiiiy  ii|)|Miiiiti'(|  jim Irmiion  .  aiiil
                    tlii'ii tl) ri'l'rr tlif siiljjcct  ol'  11 pi'i'iimiifnt oinuni/.ntinii mnl  tli(.> Hflcclinii of
                    (•iiii(liiliitt,'s lor till' I't-'spcetivi- oHiccs to a I'oiiunilli'c, iijion wIkwo rcpoi't  tin'
                    iiici'tiiij,' then profiH'ds to  iii';;fuii/c  itscIT  coiil'oriiiiilily tluTcto, or in  >ncli
                    utlici' iimiiiicr as it tliiiiks pro|M'r,
                       111  tilt' cvi'iit ol' iiicinlicrs to  tilt' com t'litiou  Ih'Iii;;' ilt'lf;^att.'s olei'tfil as
                    ill cast'  ol" political coiivfiitioiis, hy tin- various diMtrirls, or in case ol' tdlu'r
                    conventions,  liy various  lt)ilj;t's or unions, fucli  ilt'lfj^'ulc  slioiilil  lia\f  his
                    certiliciitf of fleet ittii iluly  si;,;iietl  tt)  ;;t) hefore the  ( 'oininitlee  tin Creileii-
                    tiiils to entitle liiin to a voice  in the  proceeiliiijfs t)f the convention.  The
                    iiltcntaliH or snhslifiitrs electeil to atteiitl sliouM alst) have their cretleiitials
                    in proper form for jireseiitatioii.
                       In  all (lelilierative  asseiiililies, the  iiieiiilteis of which are cluiseii or
                    uppointetl to roproHent others, it is necessary, hol'urc proceeding;; to laisincss,
                    to ascertain who are iluly electeil antl returned us  nieiiiljers, in order not
                    only that no person may he admitted to participate in the proceediii<,'s who
                    is not ret^ularly authori/.etl to tlo so, but also that a list  t»f the  iiieiiihers
                    may he mailc for the use of the assemhly and its otticers.
                       The proper time for  this  iiivestii,'atioii  is after the temporary  iiiiil
                    before the piu'iiiaiu'iit organization  ; or, when the assembly is permanently
                    or^^jani/.eil, in the first instance, before it jiroceetls to the transaction of any
                    other business  ; and the most convenient iiiotle of coinluctin;,'  it  is by  the
                    appointment of a ctniimittee tt) receisf ami  ropt)rt upt)ii the cretlentials t)f
                    the meiiibers.  The same ctimmittee may also be ehar^ietl with the investi-
                    jfatitm of rival claims, where any such are preseiitetl.
                       When a t|Ut.'stioii arises, involving;' the ri^dit  tjf a  iiieiiiber to his scat.
                    such menibcr is entitled to be lieanl  tai the ((Uestion,  aiitl he  is then to
                    withtlraw from the assembly until it is ticcidetl  ; but if, by the  inilul<;iiicc
                    t)f the as.wembly, ho remains in his ])lace  tluriii;^ the  tli.scussion, he ou^ht
                    neither to take any further part in  it,  iitir to vote when  th''  t|Uestit)ii  is
                       Tlu! foliowinif form of motion in appointinij the committee wt)uM be
                       I iiiove "Thatfnamo three  t)r  live members) be appointoil a  .select
                    committee to examine ami report, as st)on as possible, on the cretlentials t)f
                    delt'ifates  to this  ctjiiventioii."  Such  mt)tioii  is tlebatable, ami may  b.'
                    amentletl by atltliiiij; thereto or substitutintf other names.
                       When this committee has been cht)seii. it shtiuhl ])it)ceetl at once tt) the
                    tlischart^e  t)f  its thities.  Durin;^' the interval, while  it  is cxiiminini;  the
                    cretlentials  t)f  tlt'lenjates, the assembly may be  atljoiinietl  for a  iletinite
                    time, or at the call of the chair, t)r the time may lie occuiiietl by the Chair-
                    man's aililress, ^vhich woultl likely be a review of the (|Uestions of the <liiy,
                    if a political ctinveiitioii: or  i)\' tlu^ tiuostioiis atreetinji the meeting', if somf
                    other ct)iivciition.
                       After the report of the committee has been dis])oseil of ami thi^ meeting;
                    properly constitutetl. if it is a political  et)ii\i'iitit)ii, the chairman will  call
                    for the nt)mination of a camlitlate.  When a cantliilate has been iit)iiiiiititeil
                    antl secomlotl the chairman will propose the motion, and at the .same time
                    ask if there are further nominations.  If thei'e are no other names proposeil,

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