Page 178 - index
P. 178
the cast' iiiJiy be, anil liaii'l tlie same loldcd to tlie Clerk, who wouM initial
the same and place it in a liox prepared I'or the occasion. The vote i)ein<;'
polled, the secretaiy would in the ])resence of two scrutineers, appointed by
tlie chair, <jpen the box and count tin- votes ami announces tlie result.
When the V(.te is by ballot the chairman may vote' the same us a deputy
returnintf olHcer at nnniicipal elections, and as a matter of courtesy would
be allowed to vote tirst : but when the vote is by yeas an<l nays he would
not vote, except in case of a tie.
When the conv<'ntion haj^naile its choice of a candidate who is pi'esent,
he sliouM foi-mally thaid< the nii'inliers for their confidence an<l the honin*
conferred upon him. Other addresses are then in order.
JiiO The Rights and Duties of Members are based upon the prin-
ciple of theii' absolute etiuality amoiii,' themselves. Kvery member is there-
f(jre,witli every other mend)er, bourn 1 to attend the service of the or the
a.ssemV)ly, unless leave of ab.sence is obtaineil from the House. On account
of urgent lousiness, or his own, or the illness or death of a near
relative, oi' other suHieient cause, leave of absence may be ^nven by the
House to such member. Durin^f th( continuance of such leave of absence
the member's li'yal rights are not af-ected, but he is simply excused from
attendance in the House or serving; on conunittees. Every member has the
same rii^bt with every other member to suljmit his pro])ositions to the
assrmbly, to rxplain and I'econnnend them in discussion, and have them
carried to a prijper termination. I
It is the positive duty of escry member .so to conduct him.self, both in
dehate and in his i;ent;ral deportment in tin.' assembly as not to obstruct
any other member in the enjoyment of his similar and eipial i-i<fhts.
These duties will be considered under the headings of "Debate" and
' Deconnn.
Jt"»l. A Quorum. All our legislative bodies have the mnnber of
members required fi)r the transaction of business tixed by statute or their
own by-laws, in the absence, however, of such constitutional provision or
regulation, tlu' conmion law makes a ninjorilji of "// the nicndiersa (|Uoruni
for the transaction of l)usines,s. In committees of the whole, or any sju'cial
or standing conunittee, wIkmh* the appointing boily does not name the
nundjer of mend/ers re(|uired for a quoitnn, the same law j)revails.
No mt'efing shall be opened until a i|Uorum is pivsent, or continueil
after it is want ing.
If after the meeting is in progivss and the attention of the presiding
officer is called to the fact of the want of a ijuorum, the meeting shall lie
.i'ljourned until a (|Uoi'iun is present. In I'ai'lii'.ment, in such ease, the
Spc.iker would cniiiiiienei' to eount the members while the bells are being
rang, and tlic memliei's eountcd as tln'V enter. If ai|Uoiuin i'ails to appeal',
the Speaker adjourns the ilonst' and tin,' (,'lerl< reeonls the names of those
]ii'es('nt. in the .loiu'iial, at the time of tlu' adjourmm'nt.
Any ijUestion before the meeting ;it the time of adjoiu'nment for want V \
of a ijUorum, ili-ops from the paper, l)ut may be revived after notice ami
proceeded with from the stage where the interruption occurred.