Page 173 - index
P. 173


                        170                MINKIPAL LAW

                               PARLlAMKNTAItV      \iV\jKH OF ORDER
                                           AM)    DKHATi:.

                           Tlici'c  lias i^rowii up eoiiti'inpDiMiunm.sly  witli  IJritisli coUHtitiitiouiil
                        goveriiiiioiit Jiiid  t'l'ocfloin of  Hpi'uc!li, a piirliauii'iitaiy law— ,i co ic of rules
                        ami usaiTcs — ^fovei'uiui'' tlit- la'oeci'diiitrs of all  (It'iil)L'i'ativt', li'"'i.slati\i', ami
                        public ho:li('H iu  tin; iviiliu, which has Ihmmi adoptcil with  sli<,'ht UKtiHHca-
                        tion hy all tlu; iMii^lish-speakinii' uatious.
                           The  t'(jll(>wiiin'  suiiuiiiiiy  of  tiiis  connuou  la \\  of  I'ai'lianient  as
                        inoilificd, ailapto(|, and cstahHslu'd by  usa;f>' iu the Domiuiou of Canada,
                        will serve  for  all our  deliberative  assemblies and  lejrislative  bodies,
                        fraternal associations,  lod;^(!s, conventions, and  political  lufctiuf^s which
                        liave no constitutional or statutory provision made  for their guidance in
                        the discussion of ([uestions and conduct of their business.
                           JiiO. Meaning of Terms.  Mi'rlinn means  the  interval  of time
                        between the us.sendtlin;; ami closing Ity ailjournmrnt  f(U' the time or day.
                        Session or Sifti n;/ means the duration of the meetings from day to day or
                        week to week, as the case may be, until the proceedings come to a close
                        by prorogation or otherwise.
                           151. The Presiding  Officer.  Every  assend)ly  or  body  of men
                        organized for the di.scu.ssion of any cpie.stion or tran.saction of any business
               have a presiding otficer.  Such  officer may be called the Siwtikcr, or
                        J'residftiif, or Mmleriitor, or C'liiiirtini n, etc., but the functions of the ottice
                        are much the same in every case.
                           In the respective municipal councils the presiding oHicer  is called
                        Mayor, Wardni or licct-e.
                           Jn the various fraternal and benevolent associations special and dis-
                        tinctive names  are usually given  the ])residing olhcer as well as other
                           The ])i'esiding otHcei' is figni'atively denoniiufitetl the Chan:
                           In addi'essing tlujse officers it is in good form  to call them liy their
                        .special  title— as, Mr. Speaker, Mr.  Presi<lent, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Moder-
                        ator, etc.
                           In most cases provision  is made to have one or more vice-presidents,
                        or a deputy speaker, etc., to take the place of the presiding officer dining
                        his ab.sence.
                           liVi. Duties of President are chiefly
                           To prom])tly open the meeting  oi' session by taking tlie cliair at the
                        appointed time, or when a quorinn  i.s present, as the case may be, aucl call
                        the mendjers to order.
                           To maintain order and decorum in tlio as.s(!mbly.
                           To follow the rules of order rigidly in the conduct of the proceedings,
                        e.xce))t where legally changed.
                           To rect'ive and submit to the member.sall proper motions and propo-i-
                        tions presented by the member.s.
                           To read  all  moticais before  .submitting them  to  the  member.s for
                        discussion or vote.
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